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Hello Students! Notes of weeks 23 -24 (2/26/24-3/8/24) PLEASE STUDY (READ, SUMMARIZE, MAKE DIAGRAMS, PRACTICE)
G6 Notes:

G7 Notes:

G8 Notes:

1. Mitosis-simple cell division (2n → 2n) IMAGE:
-Prophase- Duplicated chromosomes are scattered and spindles begin to
form. Microtubules are assembled and move one of the two pairs of
centrioles to the opposite end of the cell.
-Metaphase- Sister chromatids align at the equator (the center of the fully
formed spindle).
-Anaphase- Sister chromatids separate at the centromere. The chromosomes
migrate towards opposite poles.
-Telophase- A nuclear envelopes begin to form. Each cell has the same
number of chromosomes as parent cell. Two daughter cells are formed.

2.Meiosis: Completed in 2 stages (2n → n) IMAGE:
Meiosis I:
-Prophase I- Spindle fibers appear, nucleolus disappears, chromosomes
have replicated and crossing-over may occur (exchange of genetic material)
-Metaphase I- Homologous pairs align at the equator of the spindle.
-Anaphase I- Homologous pairs separate and migrate towards opposite
poles, unlike mitosis where pairs separate at centromere. Here the
chromosomes are still composed of two chromatids.
-Telophase I- The cell divides into two daughter cells.
Meiosis II:
-Prophase II-NO replication of chromosomes. Spindle fibers form.
-Metaphase II- Sister chromatids line up at the equator.
-Anaphase II-Similar to mitosis, chromatids separate at the centromere and
the chromosomes move towards opposite poles.
-Telophase II- Each cell formed in meiosis I divides into two daughter cells.
This results in a total of 4 daughter cells; each containing half the number of
chromosomes of the parent cell.

The main difference between animal and plant cells in mitosis or meiosis II:
- Plants have a cell plate that forms during telophase, instead of a IMAGE:
cleavage furrow, which leads to the division of the cytoplasm and
creation of new daughter cells.
- Plant cells have centrosomes which form spindles instead of
centrioles and asters.
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Regards; Team

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