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In the Color
sinn uhren

Last night I went to see “, a secret musical” off broadway.
It was interesting.
When you walk in it’s set up like a garden party, and you’re handed a name tag with a code name on it and instructed to “tell no one your real name”, which I thought was great. (I was Katherine Hepburn).
Almost immediately the garden setup is whipped away to reveal a bunker where we (redheads) are meeting in secret to advance our agenda.
Part of me felt like my dad (a former ginger), would have really liked it, the rest of me felt like he didn’t need to see it after all. As much at the play was a meta-commentary on politics and prejudice in all its forms, my guess is he doesn’t need reminding of the specific mean taunts you hear for having red hair, which they listed exhaustively.
Without giving too much away, there were some good laughs, a pretty great twist ending, but my favorite part was a song that I believe was called “I’m on your side” (there was no song list in the playbill). It’s purported to be a lullaby from a mother to her child, and that stuff always gets me, especially when it catches me off guard in the middle of a slapstick comedy.
You could tell the actors were having a lot of fun, and while I wouldn’t necessarily see it again, I’m glad I saw it.
And I shall continue in my quest to see all the shows.

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