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Apple Watch Ban: What You Need to Know and How to Avoid It.

I’ve been following the news about a potential ban on certain Apple Watch models closely. As an avid Apple Watch user myself, I wanted to provide a comprehensive guide to this Apple Watch import ban, what it means for consumers, and how to avoid it.
Table of Contents Understanding the Apple Watch Import Ban.
How Apple’s Legal Battle with Masimo Unfolded.
Which Apple Watch Models Are Affected?
When Will the Apple Watch Ban Take Effect?
Can the Ban Be Prevented or Overturned?
How Consumers Can Avoid the Apple Watch Ban.
My Personal Take as an Apple Watch User.
Expert Opinions on the Apple Watch Ruling.
Answering Common Questions About the Ban.
The Outlook for Apple Watch Users.
Understanding the Apple Watch Import Ban. In October 2022, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) ruled that certain Apple Watch models infringe on a patent held by medical device maker Masimo. This ruling would ban the import and sale of these Apple Watch models in the U.S.
Specifically, the ban applies to Apple Watch models that contain certain health tracking features like ECG and blood oxygen monitoring. These features were found to violate Masimo’s patents related to non-invasive patient monitoring technology.
For Apple Watch users like myself who rely on these health functions, this import ban raises a lot of questions about which models are affected and what it could mean for the future of Apple’s wearables.
How Apple’s Legal Battle with Masimo Unfolded This import ban stems from a legal battle between Apple and Masimo that’s been going on since 2020.
Masimo first sued Apple alleging trade secret theft related to health tracking in Apple Watch. Masimo claimed Apple stole confidential information by hiring away key employees.
The lawsuit expanded in 2021 when Masimo accused certain Apple Watch models of patent infringement related to pulse oximetry. This technology measures oxygen levels in the blood.
A federal jury failed to reach a verdict in the trade secret claims earlier in 2022. However, the ITC sided with Masimo on the patent infringement complaints, leading to the looming import ban.
Apple maintains it did not steal secrets or infringe patents. But the ITC’s ruling indicates Apple may have leveraged Masimo’s IP, whether intentionally or not.
Which Apple Watch Models Are Affected? Based on the health features involved, it seems the ban will apply to:
Apple Watch Series 6Apple Watch Series 7Apple Watch Series 8 These models contain ECG sensors and blood oxygen apps which were cited in Masimo’s patent infringement claims.
The Apple Watch SE and older Series 3/4 models lack these specific health tracking features, so they are unlikely to be affected by the import ban.
It’s unclear how the newest Apple Watch Series 9 released in September 2022 could be impacted. It depends on whether Apple modified the sensors and health algorithms enough to avoid Masimo’s patents. We’ll have to wait and see.
When Will the Apple Watch Ban Take Effect? The ITC ruling goes into force on December 26, 2022 unless overturned or postponed.
This gives Apple and Masimo a 60 day window to reach a settlement that potentially avoids the ban. But if no agreement is reached, Apple Watch imports would halt the day after Christmas.
Any Apple Watch models covered by the ban could no longer be imported or sold in the U.S. after December 26. That’s just weeks away, so time is running out for a resolution.
Can the Ban Be Prevented or Overturned? A few possibilities could prevent or overturn the looming Apple Watch import ban:
Settlement: Apple and Masimo could still reach a licensing deal allowing Apple to keep using the patented technology. This would invalidate the ITC ban before December 26.Appeal: Apple may appeal the ITC ruling in federal court, though this likely wouldn’t delay the ban in the meantime.Presidential veto: The Biden administration has the power to veto the ITC ban, but this is relatively rare. So while there are some options, the odds seem high that the ban takes effect later this year without major intervention.
How Consumers Can Avoid the Apple Watch Ban. For consumers like myself who love our Apple Watches, here are some tips to avoid the impacts of the import ban:
Buy sooner rather than later: Purchase an Apple Watch Series 6 or newer model before December 26 to beat the ban deadline. Supplies could become limited.Consider the SE: The more affordable Apple Watch SE lacks the ECG and blood oxygen sensors tied to the ban. So it will likely remain available.Trade-in your old watch: Apple and third parties like Decluttr offer trade-in programs to turn in your obsolete Apple Watch for credit toward a new SE or other wearable.Hold out for a settlement: There’s an outside chance Apple reaches a deal in time to prevent disruption, so you may want to wait a bit before acting. No matter what, I don’t recommend buying a banned Apple Watch model from unofficial third-party resellers after December 26, since that would violate the ITC order.
My Personal Take as an Apple Watch User. I’ve been using various Apple Watch models since the first version came out in 2015. I mainly rely on my Apple Watch for notifications, activity tracking, Apple Pay, and music controls.
But I also use the ECG app to monitor my heart health and the blood oxygen sensor provides peace of mind. So losing access to those features would be a shame.
I’m hoping Apple either settles with Masimo soon or perhaps releases a software update to modify the heart tracking capabilities enough to avoid the ban. But those possibilities seem uncertain for now.
While not ideal, switching to the more affordable Apple Watch SE would allow me to keep enjoying the essential Apple Watch functions I’ve come to love. I’ll be following this saga closely over the coming weeks!
Expert Opinions on the Apple Watch Ruling. I’ve been curious to hear what legal and industry experts make of this Apple Watch import ban. Here are some key opinions:
“This will be a major disruption for Apple unless they reach a settlement with Masimo.” — Patent attorney Neil Wilkof.
“Apple will likely face a shortage of key models heading into 2023 if this import ban holds up.” — Tech analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.
“This could open the door for competitors like Samsung unless Apple finds a workaround.” — ABI Research director Stephanie Lawrence.
“I’d be shocked if the Biden administration steps in to overturn an ITC ruling like this.” — George Washington University professor F. Scott Kieff.
The consensus seems to be that this import ban will pose challenges for Apple and limit availability of popular Apple Watch models without significant action in the coming weeks.
Answering Common Questions About the Ban. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions I’ve seen about the Apple Watch import ban:
What models are banned exactly? Apple Watch Series 6, 7, 8 likely affected due to ECG/oxygen apps. Unclear if Series 9 included.
When will the ban start? December 26, 2022 unless overturned, delayed, or a settlement is reached.
Can I keep using my Apple Watch after the ban date? Yes, but Apple cannot import or sell newly manufactured units in the U.S.
Does the ban affect other Apple products? No, it only applies to specific Apple Watch models as described by the ITC.
How long will the ban last if enacted? The ITC ruling would ban imports through August 2028 based on the patent terms.
Will Apple release a software update to address the ban? Uncertain. Apple could try to modify features to work around the patents but no guarantees.
Let me know if you have any other Apple Watch questions! I’d be happy to share my perspective.
The Outlook for Apple Watch Users. This looming Apple Watch import ban has certainly thrown a wrench into the outlook for Apple’s wearables. It threatens to limit availability and raise prices for some of Apple’s most popular smartwatch models.
However, I’m hopeful Apple will take action either through a settlement, software updates, or continuing legal maneuvers to minimize disruption to customers.
At the end of the day, I believe Apple still makes the best smartwatches on the market. And I don’t think this import ban will change that over the long run, even if it causes some hiccups in the short term.
The best move for consumers is to stay informed on the latest developments as the ban deadline approaches. I’ll be monitoring closely and can provide updates here as we learn more!

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