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Identifying IxD Concerns
uhr rolex

I have recently came across a huge problem in my life as a college student. I live on campus and pay for my room and board and would think if I am paying an arm and a leg for my living situation I would get what I paid for. One day after coming home from class I opened my room door and put my keys down on my night stand. I then proceeded to head to the kitchen where my friend was cooking something for himself to eat. I then went to close my bedroom door so the food smell would not get in. I walked away from the door forgetting that I left my phone in the room. I turned the knob and was locked outside my room because like I stated before I placed my keys on my nightstand. I began to go crazy because I did not understand how the door lock if I didn’t lock it myself. My school charges a $25 fee to open doors. After my door was opened I then went to investiagte. I came to find out that there was two problems why my door locked and neither technically had anything to do with me.
THE KNOB DESIGNTHE CONCAVE DOOR STOP EITHER DESIGN OR NOT CENTERED TO KNOB This is a HUGE fail on the design and if not for my persisstence with my school I would have had to pay $25 for signing for a room that would try to scam me. If the door was a twist to lock like many other doors this would not be a problem. One excuse I was given was to put something behind the door so that doesn't happen again, as if it was my fault in the first place. If I have to go out my way when if done the right way the first time I would not be going through this everything would be easier and simplier.
Now a digital fail that I have noticed is exercise fitness trackers on phones or even our digital watch.
There was a study done where a man placed 10 fitness trackers on all at once. The excat result you can find here:
The results displayed that these trakers at best can only give you an estimate of how many steps you took rather than an exact number. it wasn’t a complete fail but knowing that you are paying hundreds of dollars on some of these devices you would think there would be some more work put into perfecting them.

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