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Hit Shows Recreated For The 90’s
kopie rolex

As a high-flying 90’s network exec, I “care” about creativity. When I’m not telling minorities how to correctly act like minorities, I’m busy making great shows into four-quadrant, prime-time, network hits.
And I’m here to turn the new golden age of television into profit.
I just want to say, before we do this, that everything about the golden age of television is awesome. Truly awesome. And I also want to say, I am fundamentally against every aspect of the new golden age of television.
Series? What? Now I have to watch every episode to know what’s going on? Streaming? On a computer, like a nerd? No thanks. And AMC doesn’t make shows, it’s American Movie Classics — they do nothing and we all like it.
What happened to television as background noise? A thing you have on at dinner time so you can avoid talking about your daughter’s unwanted pregnancy.
That’s what television’s all about.
The most you should ever have to think about in a television show is who’s hookin’ up, what’s George Costanza gotten himself into now, and who’s hookin’ up.
So, let’s stop jerkin’ around and make some network TV, 90’s style.
Breaking Bad Let me start off by saying, this show is freakin’ amazing. Great show. Fantastic show. Mind blown. Absolutely love it.
Now let me follow that up by saying it’s never going to work, and it’s garbage.
So, let’s start with the main character. Seems to me that he’s a bad guy, so how are we, the viewing audience, going to like him? Where’s his “Save the Cat” moment here?
But I’ve got the solution for you. He’s going to save a cat. Specifically, a wise-cracking, magical, talking cat. Are you with me so far?
By saving a cat, he’s a good guy. And also take out all the lying and murder. Instead of having bad guys die, keep them around so they can form an evil team to take down Walt later on.
For example, instead of killing Krazy-8 with the bike lock, let’s have Walt let Krazy-8 go, since Walt’s such a good guy now. Then, Krazy-8, inspired by Walt’s kindness and some words of wisdom from the talking cat, decides to voluntarily go…

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