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first event:
narrator; Mathilde, a graceful and captivating lady, was blessed with the birthright of a lineage from a family of dedicated professionals in the clerical field. Mathilde chose to unite her life with a humble clerk from the Ministry of Public Instruction, embracing love and companionship in their relationship, despite all of this Mathilde often felt a lingering dissatisfaction with her station in life, yearning for more richness and material things, Mathilde saw herself that she was born to live a luxurious life.

second event:
Monsieur Loisel: Mathilde, my love I have something wonderful to share to you
Mathilde: Oh, and what could that be...hmm?
(hands her the letter)
(husband sees Mathilde unhappy)
Monsieur Loisel: Are you not delighted on this news? We have been invited to the most respectable party, yet you do not look, please...
Mathilde: I am delighted in fact I'm over joyed but I have nothing to wear as my current options are rather shabby and unsuitable for the party.
(Mathildes husband contemplates an idea while gazing upon her.)
Monsieur Loisel: There is no need for concern; I shall indeed proceed to sell my firearm, in order for you to acquire a new gown.
Mathilde: Are you certain to sell your gun on my behalf? Your sacrifice is truly heartwarming, I am most grateful for your resolve. However, I find myself lacking an appropriate jewelry for my dress.
Monsieur Loisel: Why don't you ask your friend, Madame Forestier, if she would be so gracious to let you use one's own jewelry.

Third event:
(Mathilde proceeds to Madame Forestier's house, where she graciously obtains a selection of jewelry.)
(Madame Forestier hands her a box of jewelry but none of it interest her)
Mathilde: none of this interest me
Madame Forestier: how about this? (Upon opening the exquisite box presented by Madame Forestier, Mathilde beheld an astonishing sight, which she deemed the most beautiful she had ever encountered.)
Mathilde: this is the most exquisite necklace I have ever seen
Madame Forestier: very well then you can wear it to the party if you are interested
Mathilde: I am deeply appreciative of your kindness and generosity.
Madame Forestier: your most welcome

4th event:
(Mathilde and her husband arrive at the said party Mathilde and Monsieur Loisel graced the event, drawing admiration from the attendees.)
(The remarkable beauty of Mathilde was the subject of numerous compliments from the guests.)
Woman: Oh my~... what a beautiful necklace you have, it suit you so well. look, how it shines and dazzles from your neck. You look astonishing
Mathilde: I am truly grateful for your kind words and compliment.
(the music starts to play and the people dance)
Mathilde: perhaps engaging in a dance could potentially elevate the quality of our night
Monsieur Loisel: then by all means, lead the way
(the two of them dance along with other guest, they indeed enjoyed the night)

5th event:
(it's 4:00 am in the morning and the couple decided to go home)
(Monsieur Loisel help Mathilde to put on her coat. and she said)
Mathilde: let us hurry, for I do not wish anyone to see me in this shabby coat.
Monsieur Loisel: of course
(And they departed from the party)
(Upon arriving home, Mathilde removed her coat with the intention of inspecting the necklace once more. However, upon doing so, she discovered that the necklace was no longer adorning her neck. In a moment of realization, she exclaimed aloud.)
Mathilde: ahh!! no no! it can not be!
Monsieur Loisel: what's with the sudden scream?
Mathilde: The necklace it disappeared, it is gone!
Monsieur Loisel: how come?
Mathilde: I have no idea, I'm completely unaware.. (panicking)
Monsieur Loisel: Please remain calm, we shall go search for it.
(the couple search and search but did not find the necklace, Mathilde was devastated)
(her husband thought of a great idea)
Monsieur Loisel: Please proceed to correspond with your friend, informing her that the necklace has incurred damage. Assure her that we are actively seeking solutions for its repair, allowing us a sufficient time to think of a plan.
Mathilde: well that might work.
(Mathilde and her spouse embarked on a quest to acquire a replica for the necklace, and indeed, they succeeded in locating one. However, it cost a fortune which they don't have, exceeding their current financial capacity. Consequently, they resolved to seek financial assistance from friends and other trusted individuals to facilitate the purchase of the necklace)

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