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I Made Over $3,600 In July From Writing
uhr damen

I Accomplished More As a Writer in the First Half Of 2018 Than I Did all of 2017Here’s how/why:
I put over $3,600 into my bank account last month.
A far cry from the 10k a lot of the online writers I follow make a month, but considering that I barely made $1000 this January… I was thrilled to see my progress.
I don’t think I’ve ever made this much money in one month. I remember being an intern as a college student and barely scraping $800 a month from internships combined with my on campus office job and babysitting.
And now I’ve made what could be an ok monthly wage in some parts of the United States… I live in New York City. It used to be a more livable city about a decade ago (screw you gentrification/over development/displacement)… but I’m on my way to making a better wage. If this keeps up, I’ll meet my goal of moving out by the end of 2018.
Here’s What I Learned After 2 Months As An EditorAll the tea and all the learning curve…
Here’s where the money came from:
I’m the managing editor of a local publication called Bushwick Daily. We cover 3 neighborhoods along the North Brooklyn/South Queens area– Ridgewood (yay!), Bushwick and East Williamsburg. It’s a part-time gig and doesn’t pay a lot, but it’s a steady paycheck.I began my part-time social media internship at the legendary Democracy Now! in July. It’s also a steady paycheck and considering the upheaval the media industry continues to go through, I need to diversify my skills for some potential financial security in the future.To fill in the gaps of what I make, I do some random content writing that tends to pay around $40 to $60 an hour. It’s not super steady, but it has increased my income whenever I’m able to do it regularly. It’s encouraged me to consider sending out queries during September in order to increase my monthly income even more.Though I don’t have as much time as I used to, I still pitch essays and reported pieces for events outside of the Bushwick Daily coverage area. I can’t tackle super long investigative stuff, but I try to contribute or pitch at least three extra posts. It keeps my freelance portfolio growing and I get a break from writing about hyper-local news.You Won’t Get Into High Paying Publications If You Don’t Pitch Them IdeasThe case for taking more action
It’s not easy to tackle all of these gigs at the same time, but I’m doing my best to build a foundation for myself. I chose an industry that isn’t always stable and is currently transitioning. In order to make a living, I have to be creative. I have to diversify my skills, and make sure to engage with people on platforms like Medium, Instagram and Twitter.
Writing about my progress and holding myself accountable for quarter or monthly goals has helped me keep track of what’s important. It also motivates me that despite all of the long weeks, and job rejection this year… I can still have some sort of income until I find a better paying job (with healthcare, and dental, a kitchen full of snacks and a vacation package).
This shows me that my writing system is working so far, and that despite having a rough start to the year, I can’t just give up. I need to keep pushing forward to save money and move out (and one day go on a quick weekend vacation).
I aim to reach over $4,250 for September. It’s going to take working smarter and not just harder… but it’ll be worth it. I can’t wait to share my progress.
Thank you for reading! Share this with someone who just started freelancing and feels as if they aren’t making enough money.
It takes time to come up with a system that works for each writer– but it is doable. So don’t give up. Good luck!
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