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Greetings, My name is ??? and welcome to my BAT [Basic Awareness Training].

The training will cover 3 sections: FACES, FORMATIONS and GRAMMAR.

You may ONLY call me "???", and my co-host "???".

From now PTS [Permission to speak] is active. You can not chat unless allowed to. If you want to say anything simply ask for PTS.

First of all, this BAT will run on 2 strikes system. The second strike will result in your dismissal from this BAT.

You can receive a strike by breaking PTS, speaking in team chat, asking irrelevant questions, showing signs of incompetence, not adressing properly to the people hosting this BAT.

Any signs of toxicity, trolling or harassment [even via whispers] won't be tolerated and will get you instantly dismissed.

If you wish to go AFK, silently hug the nearest wall. Being AFK for more than 5 minutes will get you dismissed.

If you have to leave the server, ask for PTLS [Permission To Leave The Server].

Once you're dismissed from the BAT, you have to wait 45 minutes in order to attend another one.

Also, there are 3 sections: FACES, FORMATIONS and GRAMMAR.

Is that clear? {"Yes, FA." or "No, FA."}
The first thing we will cover are FACES.
Simply face the direction I will say.
It's okay if you make a mistake, you are new.
But first, let me showcase the faces.
Do not follow my commands while I am doing this showcase.
Left, face. [90° to your left.]

Right, face. [90° to your right.]

Left, incline. [45° to your left.]

Right, incline. [45° to your right.]

About, face. [180° from your current face.]

Control, face. [Continuously face the Personnel who said the Face.]

Center, face. [Revert to standard facing position, that's the only command that can override control face.]
We will now do a warm-up round.
The format is: Direction, face.
Starting, now.
Good, now up to the elimination.
The double space trick will not be used, however - look carefully at all letters, if the spelling is incorrect don't follow the command.

Don't try to fix yourself during elimination, just take a step back if you did the face wrong.
Cheating during this round will get you dismissed.
The format is: Direction, face. AND; DIRECTION, FACE!
Starting, now.
Alright, the next section are FORMATIONS.
Let me go through each formation first.

STS [Shoulder To Shoulder], make a straight line. Note that you have to almost touch someone's else shoulder.

Wedge [also called V formation], is a formation making a triangular form, face the same direction as me, and form two wings behind me.

SFL [Signle File Line], make a straight collumn one by one behind me, face the same direction as me.

DCL [Double Collumn Line], form two symmetrical SFL's behind me. If the amount of people is uneven, one person is to go behind the back of formation.

VIP Diamond, make a square around me. One person per one direction, until there are no people left. You want to look away from the VIP.

Prisioner Diamond, same as the previous one, however, you should be looking at the prisioner.

You will do formations on my co-host.
No running, sniffing, and pushing.
Onto the last section, GRAMMAR.
I want every single one of you to write 1 sentence with at least 10 words in it.
With full grammar, punctuation, spelling and correct word order.
You have 3 minutes to whisper me. [/w (my name)]
Starting now.
Do you have any military experience?
Make sure to read AEGIS Rules & Guidelines.
Any questions?
Wedge on me.
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Regards; Team

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