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Yassir seemed happy today. He was laughing and smiling throughout the session. He needed partial prompting for motor imitation and toleration of denied access and transitions. He did well using his PECs book in order to mand for help, more, and being picked up. He needed redirection and reinforcement prior to task SDs in order to gain his attention. RBT used primary reinforcers such as tickles and physical play before prompting transition in order to prevent head banging. Maladaptive headbanging occurred when Yassir was receiving reinforcements and preferred activities, hypothesized function of sensory stimulation

Jaconiah was very active today, she was requesting physical play games and did not want to remain seated at the table, even during reinforcing activities. New task work was presented in baseline format, RBT followed supervisor baseline data taking procedure. She attended to task work for the duration of the work period without needing redirection, no prompting was needed for listener responding tasks that involved motor imitation, prompting was needed less than 25% of the time with identification tasks of feature function class, no prompting was needed for community helper identification. When presented with a direction he attention needed to be redirected until the task was complete, such as when cleaning up and when waiting for peer play. Jaconiah had one bathroom accident while involved in a highly reinforcing game with peers. Maladaptive mouthing occurred with her quickly and easily redirecting to her chewy instead. Hypothized Function of sensory.

Jaxson appeared to be tired today, observed by him wanting less physical play, engaging less in sensory behaviors, crying often, and wanting to remain seated to play even when offered high reinforcers. He needed prompting nearly every instance of manding programs, he needed partial prompting for listener responding motor tasks, baseline data for tacting items of food was taken with him getting every answer correct. Maladaptive throwing objects occurred when denied access to something or given a safety direction if stopping. Hypothesized functions of gaining access and escaping demand.
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