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Lord of Grapes
Plot: You're bored. The realization hits you like a wave of bricks, causing you to lean your head back and let out a loud groan. You're in Elysium, the eternal paradise, yet you are bored out of your mind. How the hell was eternal paradise boring. You'd been a caretaker of Elysium's Gardens of Forbidden Fruit for...well you weren't exactly sure. Long enough you had completely forgotten your past life. You drop down next to the grape vine you had been pruning and let out another groan, this one longer than the first. You angrily begin to rant to yourself about how you wish you could be in the mortal realm, partying, or mountain climbing or using the bathroom, like mortals got to. Without fully realizing what you're doing you snatch a grape from the vine and toss it into your mouth. You immediately recoil from the overwhelming sweetness but as you continue to chew you realize it was quite tasty. For the next hour you rant to yourself outload while eating the grapes from the plant you're learning against. You begrudgingly stand to your feet preparing to get back to work before you realize you've eaten every grape from a forbidden plant. As an abyss like panic sets it, you feel something drop from the sky with such force that a cloud of dirt is kicked up. You look up to see the disappointed face of Michael the Archangel looking down at you. Before you can say a word he insist you come with him. Minutes later you find yourself in a court of Seraphs , angels that commune directly with The Creator of All Things. They speak angrily yet you can hear the panic in there voices. Suddenly they turn to you and announce that because you have devoured grapes forbidden from being consumed by The Creator, you are angel no longer. They offer you no room to defend yourself and state that soon the grapes will cause you to become something that is neither human, angel, or demon. The power that you have gained will cause those who seek it to come after you in hopes of gaining it. Or perhaps your transgression against the creator will cause Angels that currently knew you as a friend to pursue you in hopes of administering there on brand of justice. The council states that you will be exiled to the realm of mortals and that should you die there you will fade from existence as neither heaven nor hell would host your tainted soul. You beg for forgiveness but in a blink you are transported to an alley in the middle of a mortal city. If forces of Elysium and Hell would be coming for you then you will have to be ready. You stand and walk out of the ally and into the realm of mortals.

Ability: Vermillion Lord- The Grapes you consumed have changed your body, causing vine-like tattoos to appear on you, marking you as neither angel, mortal or demon. These grapes grant you the ability to produce and control what is known as the vermillion growth. This growth manifest as grapevines of various sizes. The vines can be small enough to hold like ropes or large enough to crush trees. The Vermillion Growth is capable of infecting living organisms, causing vine growth to occur inside and outside of there bodies. Once infected, removal of Vermillion Growth from an organism will quickly cause them to die. Organisms infected by the growth can be stripped of there free will becoming completely subservient to you. Allowing these growths to continue infecting a living organism will cause them to mutate into monstrosities you've nicknamed Grape Golems, hulking creatures of flesh and vine that are extremely hard to kill, regenerating after being damaged. You've been able to alter how Vermillion growth is spread, even learning how to spread it through airborne spores. Once an organism has been infected with vermillion growth you can cause them to rapidly mutate into Grape Golems or even subtly coil a vine around there heart, crushing it if you desire. Vermillion Growth can also be crafted into weapons such as bows and arrows or blades.

Sub Skill: Grapes of Wrath- Once a living organism has been infected by Vermillion Growth you can cause three types of grapes to begin to grow on there bodies, using there life force as sustenance.

Red Grapes- Red grapes strip organisms of there abilities, powers or unique traits, and store them inside the grape itself. Once an organism has had something stolen from it, it can never again be used or learned by said organism. Should you consume the grape the absorbed a trait, power or ability, you will instantly gain access and full mastery of it.

Green Grapes- Green Grapes absorb life force directly from organisms and channel it into a normal looking green grape. Anyone that consumes this grape will be instantly healed from any injury even a fatal one. You also have the option to make it so that anyone that consumes the grape will be fatally poisoned, dying within seconds.

Purple Grapes- Purple Grapes drain lifeforms of there essence, growing larger and larger until nothing remains but a shallow husk. Once a lifeform has been completely drained, a purple skinned clone of the organism will be born from the enlarged grape. The clone will be completely subservient to you, have complete resistance from mental control or persuasion from attempts made to corrupt the clones mind. The clone will be an exact replica of the lifeform it was grown from and will possess all its previous knowledge.

Sub Skill: Dionysian Wine- You are able to produce a limitless supply of a sweet smelling red liquid. Anyone that smells the liquid will be instantly stricken with an uncontrollable desire to consume it. Should the liquid be consumed it will trap the individual in an inescapable state of psychosis. Until you will it otherwise the individual will be trapped in a mindscape made of there greatest love and fears constantly being forced to destroy what they love most while being hunted by what they fear most.
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