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Fucosylated Lactose of more acid stable 4,6-O-silylidene protected glucosamine units was crucial for the efficiency of this strategy because harsh reaction conditions were needed in the glycosylations to avoid the formation of orthoester side products. Fluorescence polarization experiments demonstrated the strong interactions between the synthesized hexamer, and midkine and FGF-2. In addition, we have developed an alternative assay to analyse these molecular recognition events. The prepared oligosaccharide was non-covalently attached to a fluorous-functionalized microplate and the direct binding of the protein to the sugar-immobilized surface was measured, affording the corresponding KD,surf Conflict of interest statement The authors declare no conflict of interest.The structure of the O-glycosidic oligosaccharide chains of the major Zajdela hepatoma ascites-cell-membrane glycoprotein.Glycoprotein MII2, the major cell surface glycoprotein (molecular mass 1 kDa) of Zajdela hepatoma ascites cells, contains about 25 O-glycosidic oligosaccharide chains per molecule.

They were released as oligosaccharide-alditols by alkaline borohydride treatment of MII2, and purified by gel filtration on Bio-Gel P-6 followed by high-voltage paper electrophoresis. Four oligosaccharide-alditol fractions (A-D) were obtained in relative yields of 8633. The structure of the components of fractions A-C was determined by 0-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy in combination with sugar composition analysis, to be as follows. (A) NeuAc alpha(2----3)Gal beta(1----3)[NeuAc alpha(2----3)Gal beta(1----4)GlcNAc beta(1----6)]GalNAc-ol; (B1) NeuAc alpha(2----3)Gal beta(1----3)[Gal beta(1----4)GlcNAc beta(1----6)]GalNAc-ol; (B2) Gal beta(1----3)[NeuAc alpha(2----3)Gal beta(1----4)GlcNAc beta(1----6)]GalNAc-ol; composition and characteristics on Bio-Gel P-6 filtration, paper electrophoresis and thin-layer chromatography, the structure of the carbohydrate component of fraction D is proposed to be as follows. (D) NeuAc alpha(2----3)Gal beta(1----3)[NeuAc alpha(2----6)]GalNAc-olDOI 111j432-33986.t9868.xMetabolic cytometry monitoring oligosaccharide biosynthesis in single cells by Characterization of the 6-O-acetylated lipoglucuronomannogalactan a novel Cryptococcus neoformans cell wall polysaccharide.

Previato JO(1), Vinogradov E(2), Silva MAE(1), Oliveira PAV(1), Fonseca LM(1), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 21942-2, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 21942-2, Brazil. Glucuronoxylomannogalactans (GXMGals) are characteristic capsular polysaccharides produced by the opportunistic fungus C. neoformans, which are implicated in cryptococcal virulence, via impairment of the host immune response. We determined for the first time the structure of a lipoglucuronomannogalactan (LGMGal), isolated from the surface of a mutant C. neoformans carrying a deletion in the UDP-GlcA decarboxylase gene. Monosaccharide composition and methylation analyses, as well as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were employed in discerning the structure.

Our results show that the polysaccharide structure of the LGMGal differs from GXMGal by the absence of xylose and 2-O-acetylated mannose residues. LGMGal consists of a galactan main chain -[-6-α-Gal-]-, where every second Gal residue is substituted at O-3 with an oligosaccharide α-Man6OAc-3-α-Man-4-(β-GlcA-3)-β-Gal-; components in italic being non-stoichiometric. The substitution rate of β-Galp units by GlcpA is 35%. Additionally, Seebio Lactose-N-neotetraose determined that the glycolipid anchor of the LGMGal is based on an myo-inositol phosphoceramide composed of C18-phytosphingosine and monohydroxylated lignoceric acid (2OHC24 fatty acid).Convergent synthesis of a beta-(1--3)-mannohexaose.An as yet unknown beta-(1--3)-mannohexaose has been synthesized by a block route involving the coupling of two trisaccharides. Comparison of three closely related attempted mannohexaose syntheses reinforces the influence of subtle matching andor mismatching interactions on the outcome of convergent A novel pentasaccharide from immunostimulant oligosaccharide fraction of buffalo A processed oligosaccharide mixture of buffalo milk induced significant stimulation of antibody, delayed-type hypersensitivity response to sheep red blood cells in BALBc mice.

This also stimulated non-specific immune response of the animals measured in terms of macrophage migration index. A novel pentasaccharide has been isolated from the oligosaccharide containing fraction having immunostimulant activity of buffalo milk.
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