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The Wisdom of an Oak
uhren herren

Inspired by the letters of Marcus Aurelius
On (saving) Time
1. The passing of time is no different for you as it is for me, we are all bound from one moment to the next. However, it’s how we spend our time that makes us what we are. Some have suggested that you focus your time on one goal, and I find this to be foolish. As one of the largest oaks in the forest, I have learned that to be strong, to be persistent is to put my energy into several competing strategies that together keep me prosperous.
If I were to focus only on growing as tall as possible, I would soon find myself tumbled by the smallest breeze. If instead I dug in deep and never dared for great heights, I would suffocate beneath a dense canopy of competitors. There are many ways to spend your time, to whittle it away. Finding those ways that clearly help you achieve your goals is about tuning into your constraints.
I pay close heed to the constraints on my life, constantly and nearly effortlessly aware of them from moment to moment. I’m not distracted by the butterfly that lands on my leaves, nor the children who play on my branches. I let them pass over me, through me, without much thought. Instead I have developed systems to work everyday towards my goals of gathering the sun, drinking up the water, keeping myself in the position to achieve these goals.
I urge you to find your sun, that which gives you inspiration, light, and energy. I also urge you to find your roots. That which provides stability, access to others, and the nutrients needed for your growth. If you work on these together, you can remain strong indeed.
2. Lay hold of today’s task, do not let time pass without mindful attention. Did I tell you about the man who thought he was a tree? He imagined himself not rooted in place, but one who could live a 1000 years. For someone who thinks such a thing, a year is but a moment, and a lifetime a short holiday. He spent decades considering his own life, gazing amazed at the world, yet not acting within it. For as a tree, he would have many lifetimes to act. Yet that is not how a tree behaves. We begin taking action from the moment we bid farewell to our mother. Armored and prepared, we seeds set out to find our lot in life. The moment we strike good earth, and sunny days we begin our daily work that does not end till well after we fall. We find the rhythm within our life early on, set out lives to it. This man, forgot he was a man, and did not follow a mans rhythm. He died, never having set himself towards his goals, or finding his rhythm.
Set your goals now, and follow them with persistence. At times these can change, as the world changes around us, but don’t let time dictate your actions.
3. Time, you would think, is a commodity trees have in abundance. Yet we take our risks, and use it as best we can. Us older trees with deeper roots, wait longer to roll out our leaves in the spring — missing those harsh early storms. We also release our leaves sooner than the young, not wanting to risk our limbs on an early snow for such small gains. The young take more risk, and often gain in the bargain.
4. While I expect myself to live for 300 years, my impact on the forest around me will last for a 1000 years or more. My time spent growing myself is not wasted on just myself. I have developed over the years many contacts, many relationships that benefit from my living, and they will benefit even as I perish. The nutrients I have will be dispersed, and help those around me thrive. The space I leave open will no doubt be contested, yet go to one of the young who have long lived under my guidance. Keep in mind as you spend time that your accumulations can benefit those around you, and the time you spend towards these efforts will be felt for many times longer than you yourself are able to contribute.
5. What is the result of all this freely given advice from a tree? It is this: I do not regard humans as lacking time, but without clear goals, clear daily effort, and established networks it all seems a waste. Please don’t let your time bounce from one subject to the next, but instead focus on growing both your energy and your depth.

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