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To show both sides:

- Although...
- (Thesis)..; however...
- If you introduce the name of the author at the beginning of the sentence, the only thing you would have to put in the parentheses at the end of the sentence, is the page number
- MLA format (use generator)

Essay 2

- quote a claim in the beginning with the writer, then the quote with the page number at the end, from the article
- Give background after the claim of the article
- Use ethos (credibility of the author and the fact that they know what they are talking about, etc)
- AFter the ethos or whatever is used, throw in why "this" is an important issue (context) about 2-3 sentences
- After the issue, end with the thesis statement that is ARGUEABLE (despite.. although.. however.. etc)
- After the first paragraph, go into YOUR OWN experience, or you can use it in the last paragraph
- AFter your own experience, the next paragraph should be the contrary argument, and you can add your own experience again
- AFter the contary, the next paragraph you should defend your position (can use another source).. (in opposition, opposing my view, one may argue...) Show credibility of the writer of that source
- After this, don't let the the opposing view stand, end with your own argument and thesis
- After this, your works cited, should be on another page
- Don't assume that the reader knows anything about the author

Due Friday Essay 2
- Writing about him to show the unjust incarceration
- How he got onto death row
- Rebecca Solnit quoes the (eastern Philopspher) Vitadem ".....
- Next paagraph: Talking about howw the typical prisoner on deaath row wouod react

- Do a paragraph on how many people are wronfully incarcerated and how often it happens and those who have not been given a fair trial... can talk about a specific person... bring in statistics

- Use the central park 5 to do opposing view
- Supporting that people should not be wringly incarcerated and provide examples of why, opposing view rising above it, Buddism
- Even if yu are imprisoned physically, your mind doesn't have to be
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