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The readings introduced several research strategies, namely defining information needs, choosing source types based on the definition of the needs, understanding peer review, and making a distinction between popular and scholarly periodicals as well as primary and secondary sources. A successful strategy for me has been defining my information need before starting the research. This approach helped me focus my search and choose the most appropriate sources, saving time and improving the quality of the information I found.

The most important thing I learned was that with the help of broad, background sources like encyclopedias, it's possible to gain a foundational understanding before you get into more specific sources like scholarly articles for in-depth information. This narrowed the topic down to a more manageable issue by identifying particular aspects that were interesting and had enough research available. For example, it presents gaps in the current research and the evolution of this topic over time according to scholarly discourse.

One major obstacle encountered was the large volume of information available, making it difficult to assess what was the most important. To overcome this, I am going to use more targeted database search strategies like using specific keywords and applying filters for publication date and source type. Besides, knowing the hierarchy of information from general to specific is useful in guiding my research process. Advice needed includes tips on efficient sifting of large data volumes and how to organize research.

References to published articles emphasize that research questions have to be clear, focused, and researchable. They also highlight the need for preliminary research to ensure that the questions are original and meaningful within the field. Currently, my research questions revolve around finding out specific trends within the topic and understanding their implication on a greater field.

I have read general information from encyclopedias, in-depth research from scholarly articles, and some popular magazines for recent perspectives. Further down the road, I would like to read more primary sources such as original research studies and government publications for official statistics and policies. These sources provide first-hand information and authoritative data, which can make my research more interesting and knowledgeable with diverse perspectives and solid evidence.

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