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Choosing a Fireplace Wall Mount

A fireplace wall mount can be a good option if you want to add a focal point that is that is centered around the fire to your living space without having to clean up the ashes. These types of mounts can be installed into the wall or simply put up.

wall mounted fireplaces electric feature stunning flame effects and realistic ember beds, and many have heat settings to warm rooms as large as 400 square feet. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing the best model for your home.

Contemporary Design

Modern fireplace wall mounts are an excellent way to upgrade your home. There are many electric wall-mounted models that will look fantastic in any room and are available in a variety of finishes, from sleek black to contemporary stainless steel. Some models even feature stunning mirrored glass. Pick a frame color that matches your existing wall color to create a seamless look. You can also add a flat-screen TV to complete the contemporary design.

Think about a wood burning wall to bring rustic charm to your modern-day design. Its shiplap mantle is beautiful way to display photos or other decorative items as well as DVDs and CDs. It has a built-in speakers so you can enjoy your favorite music while you relax. It can be used to mount your flat-screen television for a fun movie night.

Another great option for your modern design is a natural stone fireplace wall mount. This wall mount for fireplaces can add a luxurious touch to your living area or bedroom. It is available in a variety of finishes that range from neutral to rich shades. Its sleek design will sit well under a flat-screen television and can be placed alongside a wood mantel for a unified design.

A fireplace wall mount is an excellent way to modernize your home without spending money on major renovations. It can also be installed in a new construction which allows you to benefit from the latest technology in home design and energy efficiency. If you're on a budget, you can choose gas wall-mounted units with ventless burners as an inexpensive but effective alternative to traditional heating systems.

The wall-mounted fire place can be recessed or flush according to your preference and the space available in your house. A fireplace that is recessed may require an additional electrical installation and an opening cut into the ceiling. A flush-mounted fireplace will be flush against your wall, and doesn't require any extra space or electrical work. It's not the ideal choice for every home, as it's not as efficient as an recessed fireplace.

Energy Efficiency

A fireplace wall mount is a great option for a house that requires warmth but doesn't wish to be concerned about chimney installation and cleaning. It's also an ideal addition to a commercial space, such as an restaurant or office. No matter where you place it, it will bring a beautiful aesthetic to your space.

If you're considering installing a fireplace wall mount there are a few points you must keep in mind before making your purchase. Make sure to verify the reputation of the manufacturer before you purchase. You don't want a fireplace that doesn't function properly or appears to be cheap. You should also choose a company with many warranty options in case your purchase has any issues.

As well as ensuring that the fireplace you pick is of high-quality, you'll want to be aware of its energy efficiency. Electric fireplaces are extremely efficient as they convert electricity to heat without generating any waste gasses or smoke. Electric fireplaces are a great option for homes and businesses who wish to reduce their carbon footprint.

Ethanol fireplaces are another great alternative for energy efficiency. They are available in a range of sizes ranging from the smaller Senti model with one burner, to the larger Maximum model that has six burners. They can be used in existing masonry or prefabricated fireplace openings and require very minimal construction or actual installation. They can also be mounted on a wall that is flat using brackets to raise the fireplace from the ground and create an attractive frame around it.

You'll need to follow the guidelines that are provided by the manufacturer for your specific model when installing a wall-mounted fireplace that is ethanol-based. This will probably consist of a step-by-step procedure including locating the studs in your wall prior to using the single bracket to secure the fireplace. After you've completed this then you'll have to join the front glass to complete the installation.


A fireplace wall mount is more than an attractive feature. It should also be functional that is, it must be able to heat the room efficiently. There are many models available that can do both. However, selecting the best one can be a challenge especially given the number of different models to pick from.

To narrow your options, it is helpful to think about the style of your home. Make sure that the fireplace fits seamlessly with your decor. A black fireplace is a great choice for a contemporary or modern home while an acoustic or stone model is better in a rustic, traditional or rustic space.

Another aspect to consider is the method of installation. Some units can be mounted to the wall, whereas others need to be integrated into the wall. The latter option requires more time and effort because it requires cutting into the wall. It's a good idea in the event that you're not a construction expert, to hire a professional.

You can also choose a fireplace wall mount that includes an accessory stand that can be used as a tabletop heater. This dual installation method allows you to make space for your home and also gives you more design options. Dimplex IgniteXL provides a good example. This electric fireplace is sleek and contemporary. It can be mounted on the surface, or recessed into an existing wall with a 2x4. It comes with a range of colors for flames driftwood, logs and driftwood as ember bed media.

Ambiance CLX 2 is a versatile option for those who want to have more options. This wall-mounted electric fireplace can be positioned directly on the wall or recessed into new construction or existing walls. It features a beautiful firebox which can be trimmed according to the size of your interior. It also comes with an adjustable remote that can be set to multiple settings and customizable LED lighting.

Another alternative is the Electatic LED electric fireplace. This wall-mounted, thin fireplace is simple to install and can be placed wherever you'd like in your home. It features a slim design and a built-in heating element. The remote allows you to alter the brightness and temperature of the fire, as well as turn the lights off and on. The digital display shows your current settings.


In modern homes, fireplaces are becoming a common decor element. A popular choice is a wall-mounted electric fireplace that gives the feel of traditional masonry fireplaces without the expense or hassle. MagikFlame offers a range of these wall-mounted electric fireplaces. They can be hung on the wall directly or recessed into the wall to meet your needs. They also include a decorative mantel that makes it easy for contractors and DIYers to install a contemporary wall mount electric fireplace during an upgrade or new construction project.

Another alternative is to have an ethanol fireplace that can be hung on the wall like artwork. They are a fantastic focal point for any room, and they also provide warmth and real flames. They can be used in lieu of gas or wood-burning fireplaces and are a great option for homes with children. The ethanol fireplaces are available in a variety of sizes. From the compact Senti to the larger Maximum, they are all available.

Ambiance CLX 2 is a wall-mounted electric fireplace with distinctive design. This model can be positioned directly on the wall or integrated into the wall. This allows homeowners to select the best location for the fireplace. The homeowners can select from five different surround options that can improve the look of their home, such as stainless black stainless, flat white metal, and matte black metal. The AL45CLX2-G has an elegant linear design that makes it the ideal accessory to any space when coupled with a flat-screen television or positioned over a sofa or dresser.

If you are looking for a wall mount ethanol fireplace you can select from several options in the Ignis collection. The Royal Electric Fireplace Series comes with customizable options, including either a white or black frame, logs, glass or pebbles, and a remote that allows you to control the flame and heat. You can also control your room's ambiance with different lighting settings.

The installation process for a wall-mount ethanol fireplace is very simple and quick. You will need to make holes in your wall and follow the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure that the size of the opening is suitable for the fireplace you are using. If you need to add depth you can either construct frames of lumber to "bump-out" the space where you'll install the fireplace, or you can use drywall with a flame-rated backing.

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