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What is Python?
Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and highlevel programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum during 1985-
1990. Like Perl, Python source code is also available under the GNU General
Public License (GPL). This module gives enough understanding on Python
programming language.
Python is a cross-platform programming language, which means that it can run on
multiple platforms like Windows, macOS, Linux, and has even been landed to the
Java and .NET virtual machines. It is free and open-source.

Python's features include −
 Easy-to-learn − Python has few keywords, simple structure, and a clearly defined
syntax. This allows the student to pick up the language quickly.
 Easy-to-read − Python code is more clearly defined and visible to the eyes.
 Easy-to-maintain − Python's source code is fairly easy-to-maintain.
 A broad standard library − Python's bulk of the library is very portable and crossplatform compatible on UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh.
 Interactive Mode − Python has support for an interactive mode which allows
interactive testing and debugging of snippets of code.
 Portable − Python can run on a wide variety of hardware platforms and has the
same interface on all platforms.
 Extendable − You can add low-level modules to the Python interpreter. These
modules enable programmers to add to or customize their tools to be more
 Databases − Python provides interfaces to all major commercial databases.
 GUI Programming − Python supports GUI applications that can be created and
ported to many system calls, libraries and windows systems, such as Windows
MFC, Macintosh, and the X Window system of Unix.
 Scalable − Python provides a better structure and support for large programs
than shell scripting.
Python is Interpreted − Python is processed at runtime by the interpreter. You do
not need to compile your program before executing it. This is similar to PERL and
 Python is Interactive − You can actually sit at a Python prompt and interact with
the interpreter directly to write your programs.
 Python is Object-Oriented − Python supports Object-Oriented style or technique
of programming that encapsulates code within objects.
 Python is a Beginner's Language − Python is a great language for the beginnerlevel programmers and supports the development of a wide range of applications
from simple text processing to WWW browsers to games.

OOP concepts (Programiz, n.d)
Python is a multi-paradigm programming language. It supports different programming
One of the popular approaches to solve a programming problem is by creating objects.
This is known as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
The concept of OOP in Python focuses on creating reusable code. This concept is also
known as DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) )(Programiz, n.d)

A class is a blueprint for the object. It is a collection of objects. Class is a virtual entity that
has some specific attributes and methods. It can be seen as a model of an object. The
class came into existence when it instantiated. For example: if you have an employee
class then it should contain an attribute and method, i.e. an email id, name, age, salary,

An object is simply a collection of data (variables) and methods (functions) that act on
those data. Similarly, a class is a blueprint for that object. An object is also called an
instance of a class and the process of creating this object is called instantiation
Python as an object oriented programming language is different from a procedure oriented
programming. In Python, the main emphasis is on functions, object oriented programming
stresses on objects.
We can think of class as a sketch (prototype) of a house. It contains all the details about
the floors, doors, windows etc. Based on these descriptions we build the house. House
is the object.
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