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Barriers for you to Local weather Tragedy chance Supervision regarding General public Wellbeing: Training from a Initial Questionnaire associated with Country wide Public Wellbeing Reps.
Two rare lice species were identified D. (Dennyus) hirundinis (Linnaeus, 1761) and Dennyus sp. (Phthiraptera Amblycera Menoponidae) infesting the common swift Apusapus (Linnaeus, 1758) and African palm swift Cypsiurusparvus (Lichtenstein, 1823), respectively. The described chewing lice species are considered as new country records. They will be added to the Saudi Arabia parasitic fauna. Taxonomical and ecological remarks were provided for the identified chewing lice through this work, along with notes on swift/chewing lice interaction.
During taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of fungi on pteridophytes in Thailand,
sp. nov. was collected from the frond stalks of a tree fern (
, Cyatheaceae). The new species is introduced, based on evidence from morphology and phylogenetic analyses of a concatenated dataset of LSU, ITS, SSU and RPB2 sequences.

differs from extant species of
in having darker conidiophores with fewer septae (1-4-septate).
forms a distinct clade, basal from other species of
in Australiascaceae. A detailed description and illustrations of the new species are provided. We also provided a synopsis of accepted species of
Monilochaetes pteridophytophila differs from extant species of Monilochaetes in having darker conidiophores with fewer septae (1-4-septate). Monilochaetes pteridophytophila forms a distinct clade, basal from other species of Monilochaetes in Australiascaceae. A detailed description and illustrations of the new species are provided. We also provided a synopsis of accepted species of Monilochaetes.
The InBIO Barcoding Initiative (IBI) Hemiptera 01 dataset contains records of 131 specimens of Hemiptera. Most specimens have been morphologically identified to species or subspecies level and represent 88 species in total. The species of this dataset correspond to about 7.3% of continental Portuguese hemipteran species diversity. read more All specimens were collected in continental Portugal. Sampling took place from 2015 to 2019 and specimens are deposited in the IBI collection at CIBIO, Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources.

This dataset increases the knowledge on the DNA barcodes and distribution of 88 species of Hemiptera from Portugal. Six species, from five different families, were new additions to the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD), with another twenty five species barcodes' added from under-represented taxa in BOLD. All specimens have their DNA barcodes publicly accessible through BOLD online database and the distribution data can be accessed through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).
are recorded for the first time for Portugal and
, an invasive species, previously reported from the Portuguese Azores archipelago, is recorded for the first time for continental Portugal.
This dataset increases the knowledge on the DNA barcodes and distribution of 88 species of Hemiptera from Portugal. Six species, from five different families, were new additions to the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD), with another twenty five species barcodes' added from under-represented taxa in BOLD. All specimens have their DNA barcodes publicly accessible through BOLD online database and the distribution data can be accessed through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Eutettix variabilis and Fieberiella florii are recorded for the first time for Portugal and Siphanta acuta, an invasive species, previously reported from the Portuguese Azores archipelago, is recorded for the first time for continental Portugal.
Miller, 1940 was previously described, based on a single male specimen. However, there are no records of the species since then. The females and nymphs were not described and knowledge about their habitat is insufficient.

This is the first record of the assassin bug
Miller, 1940 from Japan and Indonesia. Here, this species has been re-described and, for the first time, the female has been described. The species was collected from the surfaces of dried Poaceae grasslands using the "Gasa-Gasa collecting method".
This is the first record of the assassin bug Pygolampisstriata Miller, 1940 from Japan and Indonesia. Here, this species has been re-described and, for the first time, the female has been described. The species was collected from the surfaces of dried Poaceae grasslands using the "Gasa-Gasa collecting method".
The Hummingbird (Family Trochilidae) Collection of the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP) is one of the oldest collections of this family harboured in European museums. Almost 2,000 specimens, that encompass most of the taxonomic diversity of this family, were collected in the late 19
Century. The collection is relevant due its antiquity and because all specimens were bought from the same provider, mainly as mounted specimens, for a Portuguese private collection of Neotropical fauna. In the early 20
Century, it was donated to the Museum that is now the MHNC-UP.

The information about the majority of these specimens is now available for consultation on the GBIF platform after curation of all specimens and digital cleaning of the associated metadata. In the process, hundreds of non-catalogued specimens were found and taxonomic and spatial information was updated for many of the specimens.
The information about the majority of these specimens is now available for consultation on the GBIF platform after curation of all specimens and digital cleaning of the associated metadata. In the process, hundreds of non-catalogued specimens were found and taxonomic and spatial information was updated for many of the specimens.Recent molecular phylogenetic studies have indicated that Aconitella is embedded in Consolida, which in turn is embedded in Delphinium. We choose not to split the genus Delphinium (c. 300 species), as it is horticulturally and pharmaceutically important, by conserving a broad Delphinium by transferring the names from Consolida and Aconitella to Delphinium, and more precisely in the resurrected D.subg.Consolida. Including 58 species of Aconitella and Consolida within Delphinium causes fewer nomenclatural overall changes than do alternative schemes because most of the species of Aconitella and Consolida were once named under the name Delphinium. We present here the list of synonyms for the species once named under Consolida or Aconitella and gather the information relative to the types of these names. Two new combinations are provided, and 21 lectotypes are designated here.Cyphostemmacalcarium Rabarij & L.M.Lu, sp. nov., is herein described as a new species found on limestone outcrops in northern Madagascar. Its diagnostic morphological characteristics were compared to the species occurring in the Ankarana Special Reserve. We present detailed descriptions, illustrations, distribution map, and a preliminary conservation assessment of the species. An identification key to all known species of Cyphostemma from the Ankarana Special Reserve is also provided.The new series ElatostemasectionWeddellia series Xingyiensia L.D. Duan & D.H. Yin (Urticaceae) is described. In addition, its new species Elatostemaxingyiense L.D. Duan & D.H. Yin, endemic to Guizhou Province, is also described and illustrated with photographs. The new series is morphologically similar to series Melanocarpa W.T. Wang and series Sublinearia W.T. Wang. The new species is most similar to E.melanocarpum, E.sublineare, E.obscurinerve, E.langicuspe and E.youyangense in morphology, but can be visibly distinguished by a combination of characters, including leaf vein, male inflorescences, female inflorescences and persistent tepals.Parainvolucrella R.J. Wang, a new monotypic genus for P.scabra (Wall. ex Kurz) M.D.Yuan & R.J.Wang, new combination, is segregated from the Hedyotis-Oldenlandia complex, based on morphological and molecular evidence. Phylogenetically, the new genus is sister to Scleromitrion, from which it differs by a combination of morphological characters herbaceous habit, terminal inflorescence with subtended leaves, heterostylous flowers, indehiscent fruits and pollen with double microreticulate tectum. A key to the genera of the Hedyotis-Oldenlandia complex in China is provided for further identification.This paper is an investigation into how the anatomy changes within a leaflet and between the leaflets of a single leaf blade of Butia. Four species of Butia were studied Butiaparaguayensis, B.eriospatha, B.yatay and B.odorata. Changes in the anatomical characters are important because some have been used in keys to help separate the species. Recently, anatomical mid-rib characters were used in a key to separate species of Butia. We found that characters, such as abaxially projected or rounded mid-rib fibrous ring or number and arrangement of accessory bundles, do change within a single leaflet or between the leaflets of a single leaf blade. Growing conditions and leaf developmental maturity are also important factors that influence leaflet anatomy and may cause one to be misled in an identification key based on anatomical characters. We re-emphasize the importance of always sampling from the same part of the leaf, to have a broader sampling, be attentive to the environmental condition and health of the plant from which you are sampling and to consider population differences.The first ever liverwort and hornwort checklist is provided for the Kepulauan Sunda Kecil (Lesser Sunda Islands) of Indonesia and Timor-Leste (East Timor). We report 129 accepted taxa, 12 doubtful taxa and three rejected taxa previously reported for the Lesser Sunda Islands. The list is based on over 130 literature references, including monographs, regional studies, and molecular investigations. It is clear that bryophytes from this region have been overlooked historically, and under collected, compared to seed plants, birds, and other organisms, forming a remarkable gap in the flora of Indonesia. Publications dealing with liverworts of Lesser Sunda Islands are few and scattered. We predict that further fieldwork, in addition to collections unveiled from regional herbaria, will uncover a number of new records that remain to be reported, especially considering that regionally widespread species have been recorded elsewhere.Mohniakurilana Dall, 1913 was described more than 100 years ago from deep waters off the Kuril Islands and remains exceedingly rare in museum collections. Originally placed in the carnivorous neogastropod family Buccinidae, fragmentary soft parts from the type lot and from several specimens belonging to allied species collected in the Aleutian Islands in the 1990s have allowed anatomical investigations for the first time. These have revealed the presence of a paucispiral operculum with an eccentric nucleus, foot with a deep propodial pedal gland and metapodial pedal gland, taenioglossate radula, short acrembolic proboscis, well-developed mid-esophageal gland, glandular prostate, and the absence of a penis; the nervous system is epiathroid with a long supra-esophageal connective and numerous statoconia in the statocysts. Analysis of the gut contents revealed abundant halichondriid sponge spicules. This evidence indicates a placement in the Triphoroidea, a diverse superfamily of specialized spongivores. Mohniakurilana is transferred to the Newtoniellidae and placed in the new genus Pseudomohnia gen.
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