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A new Multilevel Analysis involving Area Socioeconomic Effect on Preterm Births within Atlanta, U . s ..
Four of these OTUs already accounted for a cumulative abundance of 60%. This core community was dominated by Rhodobacteraceae (30.5%), Alteromonadaceae (27.7%), and Oceanospirillales (18.5%) which was qualitatively and quantitatively most similar to its conspecific original. These findings reject a lottery assembly model of bacterial colonization and suggest selective microhabitat filtering. This is likely due to diatom host traits such as surface properties and different levels of specialization resulting in reciprocal stable-state associations.In addition to abiotic triggers, biotic factors such as microbial symbionts can alter development of multicellular organisms. Symbiont-mediated morphogenesis is well-investigated in plants and marine invertebrates but rarely in insects despite the enormous diversity of insect-microbe symbioses. The bean bug Riptortus pedestris is associated with Burkholderia insecticola which are acquired from the environmental soil and housed in midgut crypts. To sort symbionts from soil microbiota, the bean bug develops a specific organ called the "constricted region" (CR), a narrow and symbiont-selective channel, located in the midgut immediately upstream of the crypt-bearing region. In this study, inoculation of fluorescent protein-labeled symbionts followed by spatiotemporal microscopic observations revealed that after the initial passage of symbionts through the CR, it closes within 12-18 h, blocking any potential subsequent infection events. The "midgut closure" developmental response was irreversible, even after symbiont removal from the crypts by antibiotics. It never occurred in aposymbiotic insects, nor in insects infected with nonsymbiotic bacteria or B. insecticola mutants unable to cross the CR. However, species of the genus Burkholderia and its outgroup Pandoraea that can pass the CR and partially colonize the midgut crypts induce the morphological alteration, suggesting that the molecular trigger signaling the midgut closure is conserved in this bacterial lineage. We propose that this drastic and quick alteration of the midgut morphology in response to symbiont infection is a mechanism for stabilizing the insect-microbe gut symbiosis and contributes to host-symbiont specificity in a symbiosis without vertical transmission.The gut microbiome can vary across differences in host lifestyle, geography, and host species. By comparing closely related host species across varying lifestyles and geography, we can evaluate the relative contributions of these factors in structuring the composition and functions of the microbiome. Here we show that the gut microbial taxa, microbial gene family composition, and resistomes of great apes and humans are more related by host lifestyle than geography. We show that captive chimpanzees and gorillas are enriched for microbial genera commonly found in non-Westernized humans. Captive ape microbiomes also had up to ~34-fold higher abundance and up to ~5-fold higher richness of all antibiotic resistance genes compared with wild apes. Through functional metagenomics, we identified a number of novel antibiotic resistance genes, including a gene conferring resistance to colistin, an antibiotic of last resort. Finally, by comparing our study cohorts to human and ape gut microbiomes from a diverse range of environments and lifestyles, we find that the influence of host lifestyle is robust to various geographic locations.Marine sponges host diverse communities of microbial symbionts that expand the metabolic capabilities of their host, but the abundance and structure of these communities is highly variable across sponge species. Specificity in these interactions may fuel host niche partitioning on crowded coral reefs by allowing individual sponge species to exploit unique sources of carbon and nitrogen, but this hypothesis is yet to be tested. Given the presence of high sponge biomass and the coexistence of diverse sponge species, the Caribbean Sea provides a unique system in which to investigate this hypothesis. To test for ecological divergence among sympatric Caribbean sponges and investigate whether these trends are mediated by microbial symbionts, we measured stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) ratios and characterized the microbial community structure of sponge species at sites within four regions spanning a 1700 km latitudinal gradient. There was a low (median of 8.2 %) overlap in the isotopic niches of sympatric species; in addition, host identity accounted for over 75% of the dissimilarity in both δ13C and δ15N values and microbiome community structure among individual samples within a site. There was also a strong phylogenetic signal in both δ15N values and microbial community diversity across host phylogeny, as well as a correlation between microbial community structure and variation in δ13C and δ15N values across samples. Together, this evidence supports a hypothesis of strong evolutionary selection for ecological divergence across sponge lineages and suggests that this divergence is at least partially mediated by associations with microbial symbionts.Microbially induced calcification is an ancient, community-driven mineralisation process that produces different types of microbialites. selleck compound Symbiolites are photosynthesis-induced microbialites, formed by calcifying co-cultures of dinoflagellates from the family Symbiodiniaceae and bacteria. Symbiolites encase the calcifying community as endolithic cells, pointing at an autoendolithic niche of symbiotic dinoflagellates, and provide a rare opportunity to study the role of bacteria in bacterial-algal calcification, as symbiodiniacean cultures display either distinct symbiolite-producing (SP) or non-symbiolite-producing (NP) phenotypes. Using Illumina sequencing, we found that the bacterial communities of SP and NP cultures differed significantly in the relative abundance of 23 genera, 14 families, and 2 phyla. SP cultures were rich in biofilm digesters from the phylum Planctomycetes and their predicted metagenomes were enriched in orthologs related to biofilm formation. In contrast, NP cultures were dominated by biofilm digesters from the Bacteroidetes, and were inferred as enriched in proteases and nucleases. Functional assays confirmed the potential of co-cultures and bacterial isolates to produce biofilms and point at acidic polysaccharides as key stimulators for mineral precipitation. Hence, bacteria appear to influence symbiolite formation primarily through their biofilm-producing and modifying activity and we anticipate that symbiolite formation, as a low-complexity in vitro model, will significantly advance our understanding of photosynthesis-induced microbial calcification processes.Sediment-hosted CO2-rich aquifers deep below the Colorado Plateau (USA) contain a remarkable diversity of uncultivated microorganisms, including Candidate Phyla Radiation (CPR) bacteria that are putative symbionts unable to synthesize membrane lipids. The origin of organic carbon in these ecosystems is unknown and the source of CPR membrane lipids remains elusive. link2 We collected cells from deep groundwater brought to the surface by eruptions of Crystal Geyser, sequenced the community, and analyzed the whole community lipidome over time. Characteristic stable carbon isotopic compositions of microbial lipids suggest that bacterial and archaeal CO2 fixation ongoing in the deep subsurface provides organic carbon for the complex communities that reside there. Coupled lipidomic-metagenomic analysis indicates that CPR bacteria lack complete lipid biosynthesis pathways but still possess regular lipid membranes. These lipids may therefore originate from other community members, which also adapt to high in situ pressure by increasing fatty acid unsaturation. An unusually high abundance of lysolipids attributed to CPR bacteria may represent an adaptation to membrane curvature stress induced by their small cell sizes. Our findings provide new insights into the carbon cycle in the deep subsurface and suggest the redistribution of lipids into putative symbionts within this community.Microbial activity increases after rewetting dry soil, resulting in a pulse of carbon mineralization and nutrient availability. The biogeochemical responses to wet-up are reasonably well understood and known to be microbially mediated. Yet, the population level dynamics, and the resulting changes in microbial community patterns, are not well understood as ecological phenomena. Here, we used sequencing of 16S rRNA genes coupled with heavy water (H218O) DNA quantitative stable isotope probing to estimate population-specific rates of growth and mortality in response to a simulated wet-up event in a California annual grassland soil. Bacterial growth and mortality responded rapidly to wet-up, within 3 h, and continued throughout the 168 h incubation, with patterns of sequential growth observed at the phylum level. Of the 37 phyla detected in the prewet community, growth was found in 18 phyla while mortality was measured in 26 phyla. Rapid growth and mortality rates were measurable within 3 h of wet-up but had contrasting characteristics; growth at 3 h was dominated by select taxa within the Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, whereas mortality was taxonomically widespread. Furthermore, across the community, mortality exhibited density-independence, consistent with the indiscriminate shock resulting from dry-down and wet-up, whereas growth was density-dependent, consistent with control by competition or predation. Total aggregated growth across the community was highly correlated with total soil CO2 production. Together, these results illustrate how previously "invisible" population responses can translate quantitatively to emergent observations of ecosystem-scale biogeochemistry.Interspecies hydrogen transfer in anoxic ecosystems is essential for the complete microbial breakdown of organic matter to methane. Acetogenic bacteria are key players in anaerobic food webs and have been considered as prime candidates for hydrogen cycling. We have tested this hypothesis by mutational analysis of the hydrogenase in the model acetogen Acetobacterium woodii. Hydrogenase-deletion mutants no longer grew on H2 + CO2 or organic substrates such as fructose, lactate, or ethanol. Heterotrophic growth could be restored by addition of molecular hydrogen to the culture, indicating that hydrogen is an intermediate in heterotrophic growth. Indeed, hydrogen production from fructose was detected in a stirred-tank reactor. The mutant grew well on organic substrates plus caffeate, an alternative electron acceptor that does not require molecular hydrogen but NADH as reductant. link3 These data are consistent with the notion that molecular hydrogen is produced from organic substrates and then used as reductant for CO2 reduction. Surprisingly, hydrogen cycling in A. woodii is different from the known modes of interspecies or intraspecies hydrogen cycling. Our data are consistent with a novel type of hydrogen cycling that connects an oxidative and reductive metabolic module in one bacterial cell, "intracellular syntrophy."BACKGROUND G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) are well-characterized regulators of a plethora of physiological functions among them the modulation of adipogenesis and adipocyte function. The class of Adhesion GPCR (aGPCR) and their role in adipose tissue, however, is poorly studied. With respect to the demand for novel targets in obesity treatment, we present a comprehensive study on the expression and function of this enigmatic GPCR class during adipogenesis and in mature adipocytes. METHODS The expression of all aGPCR representatives was determined by reanalyzing RNA-Seq data and by performing qPCR in different mouse and human adipose tissues under low- and high-fat conditions. The impact of aGPCR expression on adipocyte differentiation and lipid accumulation was studied by siRNA-mediated knockdown of all expressed members of this receptor class. The biological characteristics and function of mature adipocytes lacking selected aGPCR were analyzed by mass spectrometry and biochemical methods (lipolysis, glucose uptake, adiponectin secretion).
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