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Wrestling and also Gift wrapping: A new Point of view about SUMO Proteins within Schwann Tissue.
CONCLUSIONS Our data suggest that the prevalence of MEN 2A index cases that present with PHPT as their first manifestation is very low. The majority of index cases presenting with PHPT as first manifestation, have synchronous MTC, often node-positive. Thus, our observations suggest that not performing RET mutation analysis in patients with apparently sporadic PHPT would result in an extremely low false negative rate, if no other MEN 2A component, specifically MTC, are found during work up or resection of PHPT.Objective T2-signal intensity and somatostatin (SST) receptor expression are recognized predictors of therapy response in acromegaly. We investigated the relationship between these predictors and the hormonal and tumoral responses to long-acting pasireotide (PAS-LAR) therapy, which were also compared with responsiveness to first-generation somatostatin receptor ligands (SRLs). Design The PAPE study is a cohort study. Methods We included 45 acromegaly patients initially receiving SRLs, followed by combination therapy with pegvisomant, and finally PAS-LAR. We assessed tumor volume reduction (≥25% from baseline), IGF-1 levels (expressed as the upper limit of normal), and T2-weighted MRI signal and SST receptor expression of the adenoma. Results Patients with significant tumor shrinkage during PAS-LAR showed higher IGF-1 levels during PAS-LAR (mean (S.D.) 1.36 (0.53) vs 0.93 (0.43), P = 0.020), less IGF-1 reduction after first-generation SRLs (mean (S.D.) 0.55 (0.71) vs 1.25 (1.07), P = 0.028), and lower SST2 receptor expression (median (IQR) 2.0 (1.0-6.0) vs 12.0 (7.5-12.0), P = 0.040). Overall, T2-signal intensity ratio was increased compared with baseline (mean (S.D.) 1.39 (0.56) vs 1.25 (0.52), P = 0.017) and a higher T2-signal was associated with lower IGF-1 levels during PAS-LAR (β -0.29, 95% CI -0.56 to -0.01, P = 0.045). A subset of PAS-LAR treated patients with increased T2-signal intensity achieved greater reduction of IGF-1 (mean (S.D.) 0.80 (0.60) vs 0.45 (0.39), P = 0.016). Conclusions Patients unresponsive to SRLs with a lower SST2 receptor expression are more prone to achieve tumor shrinkage during PAS-LAR. Surprisingly, tumor shrinkage is not accompanied by a biochemical response, which is accompanied with a higher T2-signal English, French, RÉSUMÉ Contexte Rares sont les études qui examinent le rôle des cliniciens dans l'expérience de l'avortement au Ghana. Il peut être utile d'examiner comment les cliniciens comprennent l'objection de conscience à l'avortement — c.-à-d. le droit de refuser la prestation d'un avortement légal sur la base de croyances morales ou personnelles —, afin de mieux gérer la pratique. Méthodes Huit entretiens en profondeur et quatre discussions de groupe ont été menés avec 14 médecins et 20 sages-femmes de structures sanitaires des régions Orientale et de la Volta au Ghana, en mai 2018. Les guides de ces entretiens semistructurés couvraient des questions telles que la compréhension du concept d'objection de conscience par les cliniciens, sa pratique et ses conséquences pour les prestataires et les patientes. Les données ont été analysées par analyse thématique. Résultats La plupart des cliniciens ne comprenaient pas l'expression « objection de conscience »; les sages-femmes étaient mieux informées surmiter l'abus du droit d'objection des cliniciens et à améliorer les soins de santé reproductive des femmes au English, French, RÉSUMÉ Contexte Dans une grande partie de l'Afrique subsaharienne et de l'Amérique latine, l'avortement est limité par la loi et ses prestataires sont en proie à la stigmatisation et au péril judiciaire. Comme l'indiquent les études, l'intervention du groupe Providers Share Workshop réduit cette stigmatisation aux États-Unis; elle n'a cependant pas été évaluée dans d'autres contextes. Méthodes En 2014–2015, l'atelier Providers Share Workshop a été adapté et piloté auprès de 59 membres du personnel de soins de l'avortement de trois pays d'Afrique subsaharienne et 93 soignants de sept pays d'Amérique latine. Les données d'enquête collectées avant, directement après et six mois après chaque atelier ont mesuré la stigmatisation, les attitudes et l'engagement de sécurité et de défense juridique sur la base des questions originales et d'échelles adaptées. Les changements de résultats au fil du temps, et entre les caractéristiques démographiques et les résultats, ont été mesurés par analyses univue (–1,5). Conclusions L'atelier Providers Share Workshop est une intervention prometteuse de soutien du personnel de soins de l'avortement en Afrique subsaharienne et en Amérique English, French, RÉSUMÉ Contexte L'infertilité perçue — le fait de croire, pour une personne, qu'elle ne peut pas concevoir ou causer une grossesse — peut conduire, entre autres préoccupations, à l'absence de contraception et à la grossesse non planifiée, sans toutefois avoir été largement étudiée dans les contextes à faible revenu. Méthodes Une mesure de l'infertilité perçue utilisée précédemment aux États-Unis a été incluse dans une enquête menée en 2015 auprès de jeunes adultes de Balaka (Malawi). La prévalence d'une éventuelle infertilité perçue (c'est-à-dire croire qu'il est légèrement ou fortement probable qu'on soit infertile, ou qu'on aurait des difficultés à concevoir ou à causer la grossesse d'une partenaire; IPP) a été estimée dans l‘échantillon analytique de l‘étude, composé de 1 064 femmes et de 527 hommes âgés de 21 à 29 ans. Les variables associées à l'IPP ont été identifiées par régression logistique multivariable. Les raisons d'IPP données par les répondants et leurs estimations de la probles connaissances sur les probabilités de grossesse et le retour à la fertilité après l'arrêt de la contraception peuvent réduire les préoccupations concernant l'infertilité perçue.Insect pollinators are becoming visible to societies. Many peer-reviewed papers evidence biophysical and ecological aspects of managed and non-managed insect pollinators. Evidence on stressors of declines yield peer-reviewed calls for action. Yet, insect pollinator declines are inherently a human issue, driven by a history of land-use trends, changes in technologies, and socio-cultural perceptions that unwittingly cause and perpetuate declines. Conservation requires integrating social and ecological understandings to reconfigure human behaviors across societies' sectors. We review recent literature on the social and cultural dimensions of insect pollinators. People now like bees. We discuss the social challenges and opportunities that accompany this newfound public enthusiasm. These include the generalization of honey bees as representative of bee diversity and pollinator conservation issues, the changing perceptions of pollinators, the paucity of policy research, and how any call to 'save the bees' must be a call to stabilize agriculture. We call for greater coordination among biological and socio-cultural researchers to advance insect pollinator conservation practices and policies fit for the Anthropocene. Chemical methods used to predict the bioaccessibility of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) still need further development and improvement. In this work, magnetic solid-phase extraction (MSPE) based on poly(β-cyclodextrin)-coated magnetic polydopamine (Fe3O4@PDA@PCD) was first introduced to assess the bioaccessibility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils. Due to its good hydrophilicity and submicrometer scale, Fe3O4@PDA@PCD displayed a higher extraction rate for PAHs in an aqueous solution (equilibrium time less then 5 min) than Tenax resin, which had an equilibrium time longer than 30 min. The merits of Fe3O4@PDA@PCD are beneficial to accelerate the desorption of PAHs from soil, especially for high molecular weight PAHs, in which the amounts extracted by Fe3O4@PDA@PCD were 1.2-2.8 times higher than those extracted by Tenax resin. The desorption kinetics data were well fitted with a two- or three-fraction model. The fitting results indicated that the MSPE method can be used to predict the bioaccessible fractions of PAHs. By comparing the prediction results obtained from the MSPE method with bioassays using earthworms, a significant linear correlation (R2 = 0.98) with a slope statistically close to 1 was obtained. These results suggested that the MSPE method can act as a simple and efficient method to measure the bioaccessibility of PAHs in soil. A large number of plastic products potentially become smaller particles, including nanoplastics, under multiple actions in the environment. The interactions between nanoplastic particles and constituents in the environment, such as minerals, would greatly affect the transport, fate and toxic effects of nanoplastics. BLZ945 ic50 In this study, the interactions of polystyrene nanoplastic (PSNP) with four typical minerals, including goethite, magnetite, kaolinite and montmorillonite, in aqueous phase were investigated. The stability of PSNP colloidal suspension decreased in the presence of the positively charged goethite or magnetite, while it was not affected by the negatively charged montmorillonite and kaolinite, suggesting that there was a strong electrostatic attraction between PSNP and the two iron oxides. Incubation of PSNP with other three metal oxides with different surface charges, MnO2, Al2O3 and SiO2, confirmed the importance of electrostatic interaction in the stability of PSNP suspension. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis and batch adsorption experiments indicated that PSNP was effectively adsorbed on goethite or magnetite due to the strong electrostatic attraction between them. The Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2D-COS) analyses indicated that there was strong hydrogen bonding between the -OH (γ-FeOOH) of goethite and PSNP, contributing to the higher adsorption of PSNP on goethite than magnetite. These findings shed light on the interactions of PSNP with mineral surfaces, and potential fate of PSNP under natural conditions in the water environment. Anion exchange resin (AER) adsorption is an established technology for water treatment and groundwater remediation. Two contaminants amenable to AER treatment are natural organic matter (NOM) and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), specifically anionic perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) such as perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). NOM is ubiquitous in natural waters and is often targeted for removal. PFAS occurrence in water resources is a human health concern. Accordingly, the goal of this research was to provide new insights on the use of AER for water treatment considering separate and combined removal of NOM and PFAAs. Batch experiments were conducted comparing polystyrene and polyacrylic AER in both chloride- and sulfate-forms using natural groundwater spiked with Suwannee River natural organic matter (SRNOM) and/or six PFAAs. The polymer composition of the AER had a significant impact on contaminant removal with polystyrene resin more effective for PFAA removal and polyacrylic resin more effective for SRNOM removal.
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