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Predictive Worth of Lymphocyte-to-monocyte Ratio throughout People using Contrast-induced Nephropathy Following Percutaneous Heart Input for Intense Coronary Affliction.
Japanese species of the genus Diplazon Nees, 1819 are reviewed. Nine species are identified from Japan and one of them, D. pallicoxa Manukyan, 1987 is newly recorded. The distribution records of D. orientalis (Cameron, 1905) and D. tibiatorius (Thunberg 1822) are removed from the Japanese fauna. A key to Japanese species of this genus is provided.In the present study, we used integrative taxonomy to describe a population of Diploechiniscus oihonnae (Richters, 1903) from the neotype locality in Merok (Norway). We found no differences in the chaetotaxy formula between the life stages and sex of Dpl. oihonnae. The presence of filaments at Bd in some specimens of Dpl. oihonnae appears to be random and most likely represents the morphological variability of this species. We also obtained DNA sequences of 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, ITS-2, and COI of Dpl. oihonnae from the neotype locality for comparison with the sequences available in GenBank, which showed low genetic differences between the neotypic population and specimens from other localities. Therefore, we decided to establish our specimens from Merok as neotype and neoparatypes of Dpl. oihonnae. Additionally, based on morphological characters, Dpl. horningi (Schuster Grigarick, 1971) was synonymised with Dpl. oihonnae.Here we examine the species of the Selenops isopodus species group S. isopodus Mello-Leitão, 1941, S. arikok Crews, 2011, and S. curazao Alayón, 2001. We describe the female and male of S. bullerengue sp. nov. from Colombia and synonymize S. marilus Corronca, 1998a with S. isopodus, providing diagnoses and complete descriptions of both sexes of S. isopodus. Detailed images and a key to species in the group are provided. The distribution of all selenopid species in Colombia is reviewed using published records, museum specimens, and citizen science data from study constitutes the most comprehensive effort ever done to assess the faunal diversity of the Macrobrachium genus within two ecoregions that encompass part of the northeastern Brazil the Northeastern Caatinga Coastal Drainages, and the São Francisco (Lower-middle and Lower portions). Through sampling in several of their hydrographic basins, bibliographic research, and consulting scientific collections, our results reveal the occurrence of five species along these ecoregions Macrobrachium acanthurus, M. amazonicum, M. carcinus, M. jelskii and M. olfersii. We also provide the first record of these species for several river basins in both ecoregions. Additionally, we confirm the occurrence of M. carcinus from Rio Grande do Norte State and provide updated distribution maps for each species in the studied area. This carcinofauna survey may form the basis for future evaluations of eventual anthropic impacts on biological diversity resulting from projects being implemented in these regions, which involve the São Francisco interbasin water transfer.A new species of clypeasterid sea biscuit, Clypeaster brigitteae n. sp., is described from material collected in the Philippines at depths between 100 and 200 m. The new taxon increases the number of Clypeaster species recorded from the Philippines to nine, representing nearly a quarter of the world's diversity of the genus. Other Philippine species include C. annandalei Koehler, 1922; C. fervens Koehler, 1922; C. humilis (Leske, 1778); C. japonicus Döderlein, 1885; C. latissimus (Lamarck, 1816); C. pateriformis Mortensen, 1948; C. reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758); and C. virescens Döderlein, 1885. Using type material where available, each of these species is compared and contrasted with C. brigitteae n. sp. in tables consisting of new data derived from general test shape and size, petal structure, food grooves, plate architecture, internal structure, and morphology of spines, pedicellariae, and tube feet.The family Oonopidae Simon, 1890 is composed of tiny spiders between 0.5 and 4mm (Baehr et al. 2012) that are distributed all over the world (Platnick et al. 2020; World Spider Catalog 2021). They occupy diverse habitats, mainly in tropical and subtropical regions (Platnick et al. 2020), generally associated with the soil and litter fauna (Ranasinghe Benjamin 2018). Oonopidae is among the eight most diverse spider families with 114 genera and 1872 species (World Spider Catalog 2021). Most of this diversity was discovered after 2006, as a result of the Planetary Biodiversity Inventory (PBI) project Goblin Spider (Platnick et al. 2012). Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses recovered Oonopidae as monophyletic (Wheeler et al. 2017), hypothesis supported by the presence of a synapomorphic pair of completely fused testicles (Burger Michalik 2010). Brazil has a great diversity of Oonopidae (e.g., Brescovit et al. 2012a; Platnick et al. 2013; Feitosa et al. 2017), including the genus Predatoroonops Brescovit, Rheims Ott 2012, endemic to the Atlantic Forest, that includes 17 species (World Spider Catalog 2021). The genus can be recognized by the male chelicerae frontally modified, with one or two pairs of distally sclerotized, and sometimes branched, apophyses, and by the pars cephalica dorsally squared (Brescovit et al. 2012b). In this paper, we describe a new species of the genus, based on a male specimen from the State of Minas Gerais Predatoroonops stani sp. nov.. Also, we give new records for Predatoroonops yautja Brescovit, Rheims Santos, 2012 from the same state and a distribution map with all the records of Predatoroonops along the Atlantic Forest.Gibboryctes Endrödi, 1974 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Dynastinae Oryctini) is an uncommon Neotropical genus comprising five valid species (Gasca-Álvarez Ratcliffe 2011; Dupuis 2019). Endrödi (1974) established the genus based on Gibboryctes szelenyii Endrödi, 1974 and defined it by the absence of sexual dimorphism; short, triangular, and pointed clypeus; bidentate mandibles projected beyond the anterior clypeal margin; and protibiae quadridentate. After that, Gibboryctes waldenfelsi (Endrödi, 1977) and Gibboryctes gracilicornis (Prell, 1912) were assigned to Gibboryctes, from Strategus Kirby, 1828 and Heterogomphus Burmeister, 1847, respectively (Ratcliffe Dechambre 1983; Dupuis Dechambre 2008). Gibboryctes bollei Dechambre, 2006 and Gibboryctes impunctatus Dupuis, 2019 were subsequently described.Wrase and Schmidt (2006) established the genus Sinometrius Wrase Schmidt, 2006 to include the new species S. turnai Wrase Schmidt, 2006 from Hubei province, central China. They placed the new genus in the Paussine tribe Metriini, and compared it to the Nearctic genus Metrius Eschscholtz, 1829. Deuve (2020) described a second species S. jaroslavi Deuve, 2020 from Chongqing province.The subgenus Tetramelus Motschulsky, 1869 with its currently 109 palaearctic species, is the largest Palaearctic subgenus of the largest world scydmaenine genus Euconnus Thomson, 1859. DX600 molecular weight The nomenclatural validity of the subgenus-name has been recently supported by a detailed morphological study (Jałoszyński 2015). Euconnus (Tetramelus) kraussi was described by Edmund Reitter (1881a), with the type locality indicated as Caucasus, Martkopi. This was the second species of the subgenus Tetramelus known to occur in the entire Caucasus region, after Euconnus (Tetramelus) reitteri Saulcy, 1878, the latter with unknown type locality. The former was treated as a junior synonym of the latter by Croissandeau (1898), and as a subspecies by Karaman (1973). A modern redescription and illustration of the aedeagus was given by Vít Hlaváč (1998), together with a key to all species of Tetramelus known at that time from the Caucasus. Castellini (2006 102) placed Euconnus (Tetramelus) kraussi as a junior synonym of Euconnus (Tetrsi, and their synonymy is formally established here. We are also providing new records for this species, which is so far endemic to eastern Georgia, well delimited by the Meskheti-Likhi range. The material treated in this study is deposited in the following collections MNHN - Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; NMW - Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria; PCAP - private collection of Andreas Pütz, Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany; PCHM - private collection of Heinrich Meybohm, Großhansdorf, Germany; PCMS - private collection of Michael Schülke, Berlin, Germany; PCPH - private collection of Peter Hlaváč, Prague, Czech Republic. The distributional map was created using Encarta software.In the present work was carried out in the intertidal zone of Las Baulas de Guanacaste National Marine Park (PNMB) located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The main objective was to contribute to knowledge about the invertebrate diversity of the park, one of the richest bioregions on the planet, about which little is known. This study assesses the Order Polycladida Lang, 1884, a cornerstone of this ecosystem and one of the most cosmopolitan and plastic invertebrate taxa in the animal kingdom. In total, 57 individuals were collected in the rocky intertidal zone of Carbón and Langosta beaches. Nine different species were identified, of which four are new for Costa Rica Semonia bauliensis n. sp.; Cryptostylochus sesei n. sp.; Paraplanocera angeli n. sp., Prostheceraeus fitae n. sp.; and five new records Paraplanocera oligoglena (Schmarda, 1859); Marcusia ernesti Hyman, 1953; Enchiridium magec Cuadrado, Moro Noreña, 2017; Pseudobiceros bajae (Hyman, 1953); and the genus Boninia spp.The genus Concavetettix Deng, gen. nov. (type species Concavetettix yunnanensis Deng, sp. nov.) is described from Daweishan, Pingbian County, Yunnan Province, China. The genus Macromotettix Günther, 1939 is reviewed. Three new species of the genus, M. microptera Deng, sp. nov., M. zhengi Deng, sp. nov. and M. brachyptera Deng, sp. nov. are described with detailed illustrations of external morphology. One new name is proposed Macromotettix napoensis Deng, nom. nov.. Additionally, an updated key to species of the genus Macromotettix is given.Because of the problematical identity and status of the type of the xeniid soft coral genus Cespitularia Milne-Edwards Haime, 1850, the species C. stolonifera Gohar, 1938 is revised. Examination of the type colonies has led to the establishment of the new genus Unomia gen. n. which is described and depicted. This genus features a stalk, commonly divided into branches featuring a diffuse polypiferous part consisting of distal clustered polyps and proximal individual ones on the stalk or the basal membranous part of the colonies. The sclerites are ellipsoid platelets composed of dendritic calcite rods whose tips are distinct on the surface of the platelets. Freshly collected material from Venezuelan reefs where the species is invasive was subjected to molecular phylogenetic analysis, the results of which substantiate the taxonomic assignment of the new genus under U. stolonifera comb. n. A new species, U. complanatis, from Japan and Green Island (Taiwan) is described and further illustrates the extent of the interspecific morphological variation within the genus. The results reveal that the biogeographic distribution of Unomia gen. n. includes Pacific Ocean reefs in addition to the previously reported invaded Caribbean reefs.Eleven species of Methocha Latreille from Taiwan are revised. Methocha cirrhocrus Narita Mita, sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The previously unknown male of M. maai Lin, 1966 is described. Methocha taoi Lin, 1966 is newly synonymized under Methocha areolata Lin, 1966. The genus Karlissa Krombein, 1979 is newly recorded from Taiwan, and a new combination is proposed for Methoca (sic!) tricha Strand, 1913, which is transferred to the genus Karlissa Krombein. A key to the species based on males and females is given.
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