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Unilateral diplopia along with ptosis inside a kid using COVID-19 unveiling third cranial lack of feeling palsy.
as a prototype to address further universality issues in the realm of nonequilibrium systems.We analyze a one-dimensional XXZ spin chain in a disordered magnetic field. As the main probes of the system's behavior, we use the sensitivity of eigenstates to adiabatic transformations, as expressed through the fidelity susceptibility, in conjunction with the low-frequency asymptotes of the spectral function. We identify a region of maximal chaos-with exponentially enhanced susceptibility-which separates the many-body localized phase from the diffusive ergodic phase. This regime is characterized by slow transport, and we argue that the presence of such slow dynamics highly constrains any possible localization transition in the thermodynamic limit. Rather, the results are more consistent with absence of the localized phase.In general we are interested in dynamical systems coupled to complex hysteresis. Therefore as a first step we investigated recently the dynamics of a periodically driven damped harmonic oscillator coupled to independent Ising spins in a random field. Although such a system does not produce hysteresis, we showed how to characterize the dynamics of such a piecewise-smooth system, especially in the case of a large number of spins [Zech, Otto, and Radons, Phys. Rev. E 101, 042217 (2020)2470-004510.1103/PhysRevE.101.042217]. In this paper we extend our model to spin dimers, thus pairwise interacting spins. We show in which cases two interacting spins can show elementary hysteresis, and we give a connection to the Preisach model, which allows us to consider an infinite number of spin pairs. This thermodynamic limit leads us to a dynamical system with an additional hysteretic force in the form of a generalized play operator. By using methods from general chaos theory, piecewise-smooth system theory, and statistics we investigate the chaotic behavior of the dynamical system for a few spins and also in the case of a larger number of spins by calculating bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponents, fractal dimensions, and self-averaging properties. We find that the fractal dimensions and the magnetization are in general not self-averaging quantities. We show how the dynamical properties of the piecewise-smooth system for a large number of spins differs from the system in its thermodynamic limit.Many-body interactions between dynamical agents have caught particular attention in recent works that found wide applications in physics, neuroscience, and sociology. In this paper we investigate such higher order (nonadditive) interactions on collective dynamics in a system of globally coupled heterogeneous phase oscillators. We show that the three-body interactions encoded microscopically in nonlinear couplings give rise to added dynamic phenomena occurring beyond the pairwise interactions. The system in general displays an abrupt desynchronization transition characterized by irreversible explosive synchronization via an infinite hysteresis loop. More importantly, we give a mathematical argument that such an abrupt dynamic pattern is a universally expected effect. Furthermore, the origin of this abrupt transition is uncovered by performing a rigorous stability analysis of the equilibrium states, as well as by providing a detailed description of the spectrum structure of linearization around the steady states. Our work reveals a self-organized phenomenon that is responsible for the rapid switching to synchronization in diverse complex systems exhibiting critical transitions with nonpairwise interactions.An analysis of the direct correlation functions c_ij(r) of binary additive hard-sphere mixtures of diameters σ_s and σ_b (where the subscripts s and b refer to the "small" and "big" spheres, respectively), as obtained with the rational-function approximation method and the WM scheme introduced in previous work [S. Pieprzyk et al., Phys. Rev. E 101, 012117 (2020)2470-004510.1103/PhysRevE.101.012117], is performed. The results indicate that the functions c_ss(r less then σ_s) and c_bb(r less then σ_b) in both approaches are monotonic and can be well represented by a low-order polynomial, while the function c_sb(r less then 1/2(σ_b+σ_s)) is not monotonic and exhibits a well-defined minimum near r=1/2(σ_b-σ_s), whose properties are studied in detail. selleck Additionally, we show that the second derivative c_sb^''(r) presents a jump discontinuity at r=1/2(σ_b-σ_s) whose magnitude satisfies the same relationship with the contact values of the radial distribution function as in the Percus-Yevick theory.We systematically study linear and nonlinear wave propagation in a chain composed of piecewise-linear bistable springs. Such bistable systems are ideal test beds for supporting nonlinear wave dynamical features including transition and (supersonic) solitary waves. We show that bistable chains can support the propagation of subsonic wave packets which in turn can be trapped by a low-energy phase to induce energy localization. The spatial distribution of these energy foci strongly affects the propagation of linear waves, typically causing scattering, but, in special cases, leading to a reflectionless mode analogous to the Ramsauer-Townsend effect. Furthermore, we show that the propagation of nonlinear waves can spontaneously generate or remove additional foci, which act as effective "impurities." This behavior serves as a new mechanism for reversibly programming the dynamic response of bistable chains.The symmetry breaking that is induced by initial imperfection (e.g., geometry or material inhomogeneity and out-of-plane disturbance) is a necessary condition for film buckling. However, the effect of initial imperfection on the buckling behavior is still not clear cut. Herein, given an elastic substrate-free circular film subjected to in-plane compressive stress and arbitrary initial imperfection, evolution of the deflection morphology is numerically studied and theoretically analyzed. Specifically, a two-dimensional spatial spectrum analysis is adopted to acquire the deflection morphology's dominant wavelength, which is combined with the maximum absolute deflection to characterize the deflection patterns. Before the so-called critical instability, the film under compression is found to go through a transition stage. Overall, the deflection increment in this stage is negligible except approaching the critical state. However, the dominant wavelength is found to be continuously growing (or decreasing) rather than suddenly appears upon reaching the so-called critical state, and, interestingly, such growth is found to be independent of the intensity and pattern of the initial imperfection if the same initial dominant wavelength is guaranteed. In the discussion, for both the transition and buckling stages, evolution laws of the deflection amplitude and wavelength are established analytically and found to agree well with the numerical results. This research clearly presents the actual evolution process of wrinkling morphology from linear in-plane deformation with small stable deflection to out-of-plane instability with large deflection, which deepens the cognition of instability behavior of films and provides a basis for related applications such as high-precision mechanical characterization.The non-Markovian dynamics of a charged particle confined in the harmonic oscillator and linearly coupled to a neutral bosonic heat bath is investigated in the external uniform magnetic field. The analytical expressions are derived for the time-dependent and asymptotic orbital angular momenta. The transition from non-Markovian dynamics to Markovian dynamics and the transition from a confined charge particle to a free charge particle are considered. The orbital diamagnetism of graphene in a dissipative environment and an external uniform magnetic field is studied and compared with existing experimental data. The results are presented for the electric conductivity and resonance behavior of the mass magnetization in graphene.We consider a harmonic oscillator under periodic driving and coupled to two harmonic-oscillator heat baths at different temperatures. We use the thermofield transformation with chain mapping for this setup, which allows us to study the unitary evolution of the system and the baths up to a time when the periodic steady state emerges in the system. We characterize this periodic steady state, and we show that, by tuning the system and the bath parameters, one can turn this system from an engine to an accelerator or even to a heater. The possibility to study the unitary evolution of the system and baths also allows us to evaluate the steady correlations that build between the system and the baths, and correlations that grow between the baths.In disordered materials under mechanical stress, the induced deformation can deviate from the affine one, even in the elastic regime. The nonaffine contribution was observed and characterized in numerical simulations for various systems and reported experimentally in colloidal gels. However, low amplitude of nonaffinity and its local character makes the experimental study challenging. We present a method based on the phase compensation of the wave scattered from a thermally dilated amorphous material using fine wavelength tuning of the optical probe beam. Using a glass frit as a sample, we ensure complete reversibility of the material deformation, while experimental observations enable us to confirm the occurrence of nonaffinity in the elastic regime. We develop a model for the coupled effect of the thermal expansion or contraction of the material and the dilatation of the incident wavelength, which allows us to estimate the magnitude of the nonaffine displacement and the spatial extent of its correlation domain.Understanding time-dependent diffusion processes in multiphase media is of great importance in physics, chemistry, materials science, petroleum engineering, and biology. Consider the time-dependent problem of mass transfer of a solute between two phases and assume that the solute is initially distributed in one phase (phase 2) and absent from the other (phase 1). We desire the fraction of total solute present in phase 1 as a function of time, S(t), which we call the spreadability, since it is a measure of the spreadability of diffusion information as a function of time. We derive exact direct-space formulas for S(t) in any Euclidean space dimension d in terms of the autocovariance function as well as corresponding Fourier representations of S(t) in terms of the spectral density, which are especially useful when scattering information is available experimentally or theoretically. These are singular results because they are rare examples of mass transport problems where exact solutions are possible. We derive c namely, microstructures with "fast" spreadabilities are also those that can be derived from efficient "coverings" of space. We also identify heretofore unnoticed, to our best knowledge, remarkable links between the spreadability S(t) and NMR pulsed field gradient spin-echo amplitude as well as diffusion MRI measurements. This investigation reveals that the time-dependent spreadability is a powerful, dynamic-based figure of merit to probe and classify the spectrum of possible microstructures of two-phase media across length scales.
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