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Making a Radiomics Signature for Supratentorial Extra-Ventricular Ependymoma Making use of Multimodal MR Image.
Motivated by the inadequacy of conducting atomistic simulations of crack propagation using static boundary conditions that do not reflect the movement of the crack tip, we extend Sinclair's flexible boundary condition algorithm [J. E. Sinclair, Philos. Mag. 31, 647 (1975)PHMAA40031-808610.1080/14786437508226544] and propose a numerical-continuation-enhanced flexible boundary scheme, enabling full solution paths for cracks to be computed with pseudo-arclength continuation, and present a method for incorporating more detailed far-field information into the model for next to no additional computational cost. The algorithms are ideally suited to study details of lattice trapping barriers to brittle fracture and can be incorporated into density functional theory and multiscale quantum and classical quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics calculations. Momelotinib price We demonstrate our approach for mode-III fracture with a 2D toy model and employ it to conduct a 3D study of mode-I fracture of silicon using realistic interatomic potentials, highlighting the superiority of the approach over employing a corresponding static boundary condition. In particular, the inclusion of numerical continuation enables converged results to be obtained with realistic model systems containing a few thousand atoms, with very few iterations required to compute each new solution. We also introduce a method to estimate the lattice trapping range of admissible stress intensity factors K_- less then K less then K_+ very cheaply and demonstrate its utility on both the toy and realistic model systems.The previous approach of the nonequilibrium Ising model was based on the local temperature in which each site or part of the system has its own specific temperature. We introduce an approach of the two-temperature Ising model as a prototype of the superstatistic critical phenomena. The model is described by two temperatures (T_1,T_2) in a zero magnetic field. To predict the phase diagram and numerically estimate the exponents, we develop the Metropolis and Swendsen-Wang Monte Carlo method. We observe that there is a nontrivial critical line, separating ordered and disordered phases. We propose an analytic equation for the critical line in the phase diagram. Our numerical estimation of the critical exponents illustrates that all points on the critical line belong to the ordinary Ising universality class.In this paper, we develop a field-theoretic description for run and tumble chemotaxis, based on a density-functional description of crystalline materials modified to capture orientational ordering. We show that this framework, with its in-built multiparticle interactions, soft-core repulsion, and elasticity, is ideal for describing continuum collective phases with particle resolution, but on diffusive timescales. We show that our model exhibits particle aggregation in an externally imposed constant attractant field, as is observed for phototactic or thermotactic agents. We also show that this model captures particle aggregation through self-chemotaxis, an important mechanism that aids quorum-dependent cellular interactions.In a recent paper by B. G. da Costa et al. [Phys. Rev. E 102, 062105 (2020)2470-004510.1103/PhysRevE.102.062105], the phenomenological Langevin equation and the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation for an inhomogeneous medium with a position-dependent particle mass and position-dependent damping coefficient have been studied. The aim of this comment is to present a microscopic derivation of the Langevin equation for such a system. It is not equivalent to that in the commented paper.Although lattice gases composed of particles preventing up to their kth nearest neighbors from being occupied (the kNN models) have been widely investigated in the literature, the location and the universality class of the fluid-columnar transition in the 2NN model on the square lattice are still a topic of debate. Here, we present grand-canonical solutions of this model on Husimi lattices built with diagonal square lattices, with 2L(L+1) sites, for L⩽7. The systematic sequence of mean-field solutions confirms the existence of a continuous transition in this system, and extrapolations of the critical chemical potential μ_2,c(L) and particle density ρ_2,c(L) to L→∞ yield estimates of these quantities in close agreement with previous results for the 2NN model on the square lattice. To confirm the reliability of this approach, we employ it also for the 1NN model, where very accurate estimates for the critical parameters μ_1,c and ρ_1,c-for the fluid-solid transition in this model on the square lattice-are found from extrapolations of data for L⩽6. The nonclassical critical exponents for these transitions are investigated through the coherent anomaly method (CAM), which in the 1NN case yields β and ν differing by at most 6% from the expected Ising exponents. For the 2NN model, the CAM analysis is somewhat inconclusive, because the exponents sensibly depend on the value of μ_2,c used to calculate them. Notwithstanding, our results suggest that β and ν are considerably larger than the Ashkin-Teller exponents reported in numerical studies of the 2NN system.In this paper, we analyze the dynamics of the Coulomb glass lattice model in three dimensions near a local equilibrium state by using mean-field approximations. We specifically focus on understanding the role of localization length (ξ) and the temperature (T) in the regime where the system is not far from equilibrium. We use the eigenvalue distribution of the dynamical matrix to characterize relaxation laws as a function of localization length at low temperatures. The variation of the minimum eigenvalue of the dynamical matrix with temperature and localization length is discussed numerically and analytically. Our results demonstrate the dominant role played by the localization length on the relaxation laws. For very small localization lengths, we find a crossover from exponential relaxation at long times to a logarithmic decay at intermediate times. No logarithmic decay at the intermediate times is observed for large localization lengths.We study random processes with nonlocal memory and obtain solutions of the Mori-Zwanzig equation describing non-Markovian systems. We analyze the system dynamics depending on the amplitudes ν and μ_0 of the local and nonlocal memory and pay attention to the line in the (ν, μ_0) plane separating the regions with asymptotically stationary and nonstationary behavior. We obtain general equations for such boundaries and consider them for three examples of nonlocal memory functions. We show that there exist two types of boundaries with fundamentally different system dynamics. On the boundaries of the first type, diffusion with memory takes place, whereas on borderlines of the second type the phenomenon of noise-induced resonance can be observed. A distinctive feature of noise-induced resonance in the systems under consideration is that it occurs in the absence of an external regular periodic force. It takes place due to the presence of frequencies in the noise spectrum, which are close to the self-frequency of the system. We analyze also the variance of the process and compare its behavior for regions of asymptotic stationarity and nonstationarity, as well as for diffusive and noise-induced-resonance borderlines between them.The irreversible thermodynamics of a multicomponent fluid is reviewed. This includes a discussion of the role of individual component fluxes. It is argued that their differences vanish on the same time scale as that which establishes local thermodynamic equilibrium and thus do not play an independent role in fluid dynamics, but only arise in response to gradients in conserved thermodynamic variables. The contributions to the energy flux are examined and it is argued that there should be explicit contributions associated with the various component fluxes, which are not mentioned in standard kinetic theory presentations. Three different thermodynamic perspectives are discussed as to their form, with the respective equations for the entropy flux and production described and contrasted. The Onsager reciprocal relations are considered to be a consequence of the single-valuedness of the entropy production with the chemical potential gradients as the driving forces for diffusion. These are specialized to ideal gas mixtures using the component density gradients associated with Fick's laws and to using the mole fraction gradients that are standardly used in gas kinetic theory. The ideal gas Onsager relations are identical to those deduced from the Boltzmann equation. Irving and Kirkwood's statistical mechanics treatment of the evolution equations of a one-component fluid [J. Chem. Phys. 18, 817 (1950)JCPSA60021-960610.1063/1.1747782] is generalized to multicomponent fluids and agrees with the thermodynamic perspective that treats the energy transfers as reversible.We investigate experimentally a Fermi golden rule in two-edge and five-edge microwave networks with preserved time reversal invariance. A Fermi golden rule gives rates of decay of states obtained by perturbing embedded eigenvalues of graphs and networks. We show that the embedded eigenvalues are connected with the topological resonances of the analyzed systems and we find the trajectories of the topological resonances on the complex plane.The thermodynamic uncertainty relation, originally derived for classical Markov-jump processes, provides a tradeoff relation between precision and dissipation, deepening our understanding of the performance of quantum thermal machines. Here, we examine the interplay of quantum system coherences and heat current fluctuations on the validity of the thermodynamics uncertainty relation in the quantum regime. To achieve the current statistics, we perform a full counting statistics simulation of the Redfield quantum master equation. We focus on steady-state quantum absorption refrigerators where nonzero coherence between eigenstates can either suppress or enhance the cooling power, compared with the incoherent limit. In either scenario, we find enhanced relative noise of the cooling power (standard deviation of the power over the mean) in the presence of system coherence, thereby corroborating the thermodynamic uncertainty relation. Our results indicate that fluctuations necessitate consideration when assessing the performance of quantum coherent thermal machines.We present the results of a study providing numerical evidence for the absence of critical behavior of the nonequilibrium athermal random-field Ising model in adiabatic regime on the hexagonal two-dimensional lattice. The results are obtained on the systems containing up to 32768×32768 spins and are the averages of up to 1700 runs with different random-field configurations per each value of disorder. We analyzed regular systems as well as the systems with different preset conditions to capture behavior in thermodynamic limit. The superficial insight to the avalanche propagation in this type of lattice is given as a stimulus for further research on the topic of avalanche evolution. With obtained data we may conclude that there is no critical behavior of random-field Ising model on hexagonal lattice which is a result that differs from the ones found for the square and for the triangular lattices supporting the recent conjecture that the number of nearest neighbors affects the model criticality.
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