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Lengthy noncoding RNA CASC2 protect ROS-induced oxidative strain in myocardial infarction simply by miR-18a/SIRT2.
The cytoplasmic ATPase SecA and the membrane-embedded SecYEG channel assemble to form the Sec translocase. How this interaction primes and catalytically activates the translocase remains unclear. We show that priming exploits a nexus of intrinsic dynamics in SecA. Using atomistic simulations, smFRET, and HDX-MS, we reveal multiple dynamic islands that cross-talk with domain and quaternary motions. These dynamic elements are functionally important and conserved. Central to the nexus is a slender stem through which rotation of the preprotein clamp of SecA is biased by ATPase domain motions between open and closed clamping states. An H-bonded framework covering most of SecA enables multi-tier dynamics and conformational alterations with minimal energy input. As a result, cognate ligands select preexisting conformations and alter local dynamics to regulate catalytic activity and clamp motions. These events prime the translocase for high-affinity reception of non-folded preprotein clients. Dynamics nexuses are likely universal and essential in multi-liganded proteins.The ability to adjust one's behavioral strategy in complex environments is at the core of cognition. Doing so efficiently requires monitoring the reliability of the ongoing strategy and, when appropriate, switching away from it to evaluate alternatives. Studies in humans and non-human primates have uncovered signals in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) that reflect the pressure to switch away from the ongoing strategy, whereas other ACC signals relate to the pursuit of alternatives. However, whether these signals underlie computations that actually underpin strategy switching or merely reflect tracking of related variables remains unclear. Here we provide causal evidence that the rodent ACC actively arbitrates between persisting with the ongoing behavioral strategy and temporarily switching away to re-evaluate alternatives. Furthermore, by individually perturbing distinct output pathways, we establish that the two associated computations-determining whether to switch strategy and committing to the pursuit of a specific alternative-are segregated in the ACC microcircuitry.Telomere length control is critical for cellular lifespan and tumor suppression. Telomerase is transiently activated in the inner cell mass of the developing blastocyst to reset telomere reserves. Its silencing upon differentiation leads to gradual telomere shortening in somatic cells. Here, we report that transcriptional regulation through cis-regulatory elements only partially accounts for telomerase activation in pluripotent cells. Instead, developmental control of telomerase is primarily driven by an alternative splicing event, centered around hTERT exon 2. Skipping of exon 2 triggers hTERT mRNA decay in differentiated cells, and conversely, its retention promotes telomerase accumulation in pluripotent cells. We identify SON as a regulator of exon 2 alternative splicing and report a patient carrying a SON mutation and suffering from insufficient telomerase and short telomeres. In summary, our study highlights a critical role for hTERT alternative splicing in the developmental regulation of telomerase and implicates defective splicing in telomere biology disorders.Small RNA pathways defend the germlines of animals against selfish genetic elements, yet pathway activities need to be contained to prevent silencing of self genes. Here, we reveal a proteolytic mechanism that controls endogenous small interfering (22G) RNA activity in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline to protect genome integrity and maintain fertility. We find that DPF-3, a P-granule-localized N-terminal dipeptidase orthologous to mammalian dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP) 8/9, processes the unusually proline-rich N termini of WAGO-1 and WAGO-3 Argonaute (Ago) proteins. Without DPF-3 activity, these WAGO proteins lose their proper complement of 22G RNAs. Desilencing of repeat-containing and transposon-derived transcripts, DNA damage, and acute sterility ensue. These phenotypes are recapitulated when WAGO-1 and WAGO-3 are rendered resistant to DPF-3-mediated processing, identifying them as critical substrates of DPF-3. We conclude that N-terminal processing of Ago proteins regulates their activity and promotes silencing of selfish genetic elements by ensuring Ago association with appropriate small RNAs.Oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and glycolysis are the two major pathways for ATP production. The reliance on each varies across tissues and cell states, and can influence susceptibility to disease. At present, the full set of molecular mechanisms governing the relative expression and balance of these two pathways is unknown. Here, we focus on genes whose loss leads to an increase in OXPHOS activity. Unexpectedly, this class of genes is enriched for components of the pre-mRNA splicing machinery, in particular for subunits of the U1 snRNP. Among them, we show that LUC7L2 represses OXPHOS and promotes glycolysis by multiple mechanisms, including (1) splicing of the glycolytic enzyme PFKM to suppress glycogen synthesis, (2) splicing of the cystine/glutamate antiporter SLC7A11 (xCT) to suppress glutamate oxidation, and (3) secondary repression of mitochondrial respiratory supercomplex formation. Our results connect LUC7L2 expression and, more generally, the U1 snRNP to cellular energy metabolism.The activation of cap-dependent translation in eukaryotes requires multisite, hierarchical phosphorylation of 4E-BP by the 1 MDa kinase mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). To resolve the mechanism of this hierarchical phosphorylation at the atomic level, we monitored by NMR spectroscopy the interaction of intrinsically disordered 4E binding protein isoform 1 (4E-BP1) with the mTORC1 subunit regulatory-associated protein of mTOR (Raptor). The N-terminal RAIP motif and the C-terminal TOR signaling (TOS) motif of 4E-BP1 bind separate sites in Raptor, resulting in avidity-based tethering of 4E-BP1. This tethering orients the flexible central region of 4E-BP1 toward the mTORC1 kinase site for phosphorylation. The structural constraints imposed by the two tethering interactions, combined with phosphorylation-induced conformational switching of 4E-BP1, explain the hierarchy of 4E-BP1 phosphorylation by mTORC1. Furthermore, we demonstrate that mTORC1 recognizes both free and eIF4E-bound 4E-BP1, allowing rapid phosphorylation of the entire 4E-BP1 pool and efficient activation of translation. Finally, our findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the differential rapamycin sensitivity of the 4E-BP1 phosphorylation sites.Cell fate commitment is controlled by cis-regulatory elements often located in remote regions of the genome. To examine the role of long-range DNA interactions in early development, we generated a high-resolution contact map of active enhancers in avian neural crest cells. This analysis uncovered a diverse repertoire of enhancers that are part of the gene regulatory network underlying specification. We found that neural crest identity is largely regulated by cis-regulatory elements that propagate signaling inputs to network components. These genomic sensors display a combination of optimal and suboptimal TCF/LEF-binding sites, which allow cells to respond to Wnt signaling in a position-dependent manner. We propose that, rather than acting as upstream activators, signaling systems feed into regulatory circuits in a hub-and-spoke architecture. These results shed light on the tridimensional organization of the neural crest genome and define how signaling systems provide progenitors with spatial cues that transform their molecular identity.
Disorders of substance and behavioral addiction are believed to be associated with a myopic bias towards the incentive salience of addiction-related cues away from general rewards in the environment. In non-treatment seeking gambling disorder patients, neural activity to anticipation of monetary rewards is enhanced relative to erotic rewards. Here we focus on the balance between anticipation of reward types in active treatment gamblers relative to healthy volunteers.

Fifty-three (25 gambling disorder males, 28 age-matched male healthy volunteers) were scanned with fMRI performing a Monetary Incentive Delay task with monetary and erotic outcomes.

During reward anticipation, gambling disorder was associated with greater left orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatal activity to erotic relative to monetary reward anticipation compared to healthy volunteers. selleck inhibitor Lower impulsivity correlated with greater activity in the dorsal striatum and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex to erotic anticipation in gambling disoratment status, gambling abstinence or cognitive behavioral therapy on increasing the salience of general rewards beyond that of gambling-related cues. These findings support a potential therapeutic role for targeting the salience of non-gambling related rewards and potential biomarkers for treatment efficacy.
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is one of the common nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD), characterized by frequently occurring REM sleep without muscle atonia. Our aim was to explore dynamic network connection changes in PD patients with RBD.

On the basis of RBD screening questionnaire (RBDSQ), 126 PD patients were classified into those with probable RBD symptoms (PD-pRBD) and without probable RBD (PD-npRBD). We applied independent component analysis, sliding window approach and k-means clustering methods to clarify dynamic functional connectivity alterations.

In contrast to PD-npRBD, PD-pRBD patients were liable to engage in a brain pattern mainly marked by weaker positive couplings between visual network (VIS) and default mode network (DMN), DMN and basal ganglia network (BG), and within DMN (State IV). In addition, we discovered that both PD patients with or without pRBD had shorter dwell time and fewer occurrences in State III, characterized by positive correlations between VIS and DMN, BG and DMN, and positive within-network coupling of sensorimotor network (SMN), relative to healthy controls.

Our study suggested that the weaker positive couplings between VIS and DMN, DMN and BG, and within DMN in State IV could be involved in the pathogenesis of PD patients with probable RBD on an overall level.
Our study suggested that the weaker positive couplings between VIS and DMN, DMN and BG, and within DMN in State IV could be involved in the pathogenesis of PD patients with probable RBD on an overall level.Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) is a global health problem where 20-80% patients display cognitive problems and central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction. Early diagnosis and treatment of lupus remains a clinical challenge. Exercise improves experimental lupus nephritis. However, the effects of exercise in CNS lupus remains unknown. This study investigates the effects of controlled exercise (CE) that consisted of treadmill walking (5 m/min for 10 min everyday) on experimental CNS lupus using the well-established mouse model, MRL/lpr mice. The MRL/lpr mice were subjected to CE from 8 weeks (preclinical) to 16 weeks (disease). Multiplex gene expression analysis revealed significant upregulation of genes involved in neurite growth, proliferation and synaptic plasticity, and a decrease in inflammatory genes including complement proteins, NFkB, chemokines and cytokines in exercised mice compared to the unmanipulated, age-matched controls. The loss of blood-brain barrier integrity, astrogliosis and edema seen in MRL/lpr mice were reduced with exercise.
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