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In the direction of aspirin-inspired self-immolating molecules which usually pinpoint the cyclooxygenases.
Furthermore, p53, upon activation by the genotoxic agent doxorubicin, induces DEPTOR expression, leading to cancer cell resistance to doxorubicin. Together, DEPTOR is a direct p53 downstream target and contributes to p53-mediated inhibition of cell proliferation, survival, and chemosensitivity.With the implementation of China's top-down CO2 emissions reduction strategy, the regional differences should be considered. As the most basic governmental unit in China, counties could better capture the regional heterogeneity than provinces and prefecture-level city, and county-level CO2 emissions could be used for the development of strategic policies tailored to local conditions. However, most of the previous accounts of CO2 emissions in China have only focused on the national, provincial, or city levels, owing to limited methods and smaller-scale data. In this study, a particle swarm optimization-back propagation (PSO-BP) algorithm was employed to unify the scale of DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS satellite imagery and estimate the CO2 emissions in 2,735 Chinese counties during 1997-2017. Moreover, as vegetation has a significant ability to sequester and reduce CO2 emissions, we calculated the county-level carbon sequestration value of terrestrial vegetation. The results presented here can contribute to existing data gaps and enable the development of strategies to reduce CO2 emissions in China.Chemical-genetic interaction profiling in model organisms has proven powerful in providing insights into compound mechanism of action and gene function. However, identifying chemical-genetic interactions in mammalian systems has been limited to low-throughput or computational methods. Here, we develop Quantitative and Multiplexed Analysis of Phenotype by Sequencing (QMAP-Seq), which leverages next-generation sequencing for pooled high-throughput chemical-genetic profiling. We apply QMAP-Seq to investigate how cellular stress response factors affect therapeutic response in cancer. Using minimal automation, we treat pools of 60 cell types-comprising 12 genetic perturbations in five cell lines-with 1440 compound-dose combinations, generating 86,400 chemical-genetic measurements. QMAP-Seq produces precise and accurate quantitative measures of acute drug response comparable to gold standard assays, but with increased throughput at lower cost. Moreover, QMAP-Seq reveals clinically actionable drug vulnerabilities and functional relationships involving these stress response factors, many of which are activated in cancer. Thus, QMAP-Seq provides a broadly accessible and scalable strategy for chemical-genetic profiling in mammalian cells.Protein domains without the usual distribution of amino acids, called low complexity (LC) domains, can be prone to self-assembly into amyloid-like fibrils. Self-assembly of LC domains that are nearly devoid of hydrophobic residues, such as the 214-residue LC domain of the RNA-binding protein FUS, is particularly intriguing from the biophysical perspective and is biomedically relevant due to its occurrence within neurons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, frontotemporal dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. We report a high-resolution molecular structural model for fibrils formed by the C-terminal half of the FUS LC domain (FUS-LC-C, residues 111-214), based on a density map with 2.62 Å resolution from cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). In the FUS-LC-C fibril core, residues 112-150 adopt U-shaped conformations and form two subunits with in-register, parallel cross-β structures, arranged with quasi-21 symmetry. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations indicate that the FUS-LC-C fibril core is stabilized by a plethora of hydrogen bonds involving sidechains of Gln, Asn, Ser, and Tyr residues, both along and transverse to the fibril growth direction, including diverse sidechain-to-backbone, sidechain-to-sidechain, and sidechain-to-water interactions. Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements additionally show that portions of disordered residues 151-214 remain highly dynamic in FUS-LC-C fibrils and that fibrils formed by the N-terminal half of the FUS LC domain (FUS-LC-N, residues 2-108) have the same core structure as fibrils formed by the full-length LC domain. These results contribute to our understanding of the molecular structural basis for amyloid formation by FUS and by LC domains in general.Deep neural networks (DNNs) excel at visual recognition tasks and are increasingly used as a modeling framework for neural computations in the primate brain. Just like individual brains, each DNN has a unique connectivity and representational profile. Here, we investigate individual differences among DNN instances that arise from varying only the random initialization of the network weights. Using tools typically employed in systems neuroscience, we show that this minimal change in initial conditions prior to training leads to substantial differences in intermediate and higher-level network representations despite similar network-level classification performance. We locate the origins of the effects in an under-constrained alignment of category exemplars, rather than misaligned category centroids. These results call into question the common practice of using single networks to derive insights into neural information processing and rather suggest that computational neuroscientists working with DNNs may need to base their inferences on groups of multiple network instances.Human skin is a self-healing mechanosensory system that detects various mechanical contact forces efficiently through three-dimensional innervations. Here, we propose a biomimetic artificially innervated foam by embedding three-dimensional electrodes within a new low-modulus self-healing foam material. The foam material is synthesized from a one-step self-foaming process. By tuning the concentration of conductive metal particles in the foam at near-percolation, we demonstrate that it can operate as a piezo-impedance sensor in both piezoresistive and piezocapacitive sensing modes without the need for an encapsulation layer. The sensor is sensitive to an object's contact force directions as well as to human proximity. Moreover, the foam material self-heals autonomously with immediate function restoration despite mechanical damage. It further recovers from mechanical bifurcations with gentle heating (70 °C). We anticipate that this material will be useful as damage robust human-machine interfaces.The world is combating an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with health-care systems, society and economies impacted in an unprecedented way. It is unclear how many people have contracted the causative coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) unknowingly and are asymptomatic. Therefore, reported COVID-19 cases do not reflect the true scale of outbreak. Here we present the prevalence and distribution of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in a healthy adult population of the Netherlands, which is a highly affected country, using a high-performance immunoassay. Our results indicate that one month into the outbreak (i) the seroprevalence in the Netherlands was 2.7% with substantial regional variation, (ii) the hardest-hit areas showed a seroprevalence of up to 9.5%, (iii) the seroprevalence was sex-independent throughout age groups (18-72 years), and (iv) antibodies were significantly more often present in younger people (18-30 years). Our study provides vital information on the extent of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in a country where social distancing is in place.The optical and electronic performance of quantum dots (QDs) are affected by their size distribution and structural quality. Although the synthetic strategies for size control are well established and widely applicable to various QD systems, the structural characteristics of QDs, such as morphology and crystallinity, are tuned mostly by trial and error in a material-specific manner. Here, we show that reaction temperature and precursor reactivity, the two parameters governing the surface-reaction kinetics during growth, govern the structural quality of QDs. For conventional precursors, their reactivity is determined by their chemical structure. Therefore, a variation of precursor reactivity requires the synthesis of different precursor molecules. As a result, existing precursor selections often have significant gaps in reactivity or require synthesis of precursor libraries comprising a large number of variants. We designed a sulfur precursor employing a boron-sulfur bond, which enables controllable modulation of their reactivity using commercially available Lewis bases. This precursor chemistry allows systematic optimization of the reaction temperature and precursor reactivity using a single precursor and grows high-quality QDs from cores of various sizes and materials. This work provides critical insights into the nanoparticle growth process and precursor designs, enabling the systematic preparation of high-quality QD of any sizes and materials.Conventional atomic force microscopy (AFM) tips have remained largely unchanged in nanomachining processes, constituent materials, and microstructural constructions for decades, which limits the measurement performance based on force-sensing feedbacks. In order to save the scanning images from distortions due to excessive mechanical interactions in the intermittent shear-mode contact between scanning tips and sample, we propose the application of controlled microstructural architectured material to construct AFM tips by exploiting material-related energy-absorbing behavior in response to the tip-sample impact, leading to visual promotions of imaging quality. Evidenced by numerical analysis of compressive responses and practical scanning tests on various samples, the essential scanning functionality and the unique contribution of the cellular buffer layer to imaging optimization are strongly proved. This approach opens new avenues towards the specific applications of cellular solids in the energy-absorption field and sheds light on novel AFM studies based on 3D-printed tips possessing exotic properties.Understanding dynamic human mobility changes and spatial interaction patterns at different geographic scales is crucial for assessing the impacts of non-pharmaceutical interventions (such as stay-at-home orders) during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this data descriptor, we introduce a regularly-updated multiscale dynamic human mobility flow dataset across the United States, with data starting from March 1st, 2020. By analysing millions of anonymous mobile phone users' visits to various places provided by SafeGraph, the daily and weekly dynamic origin-to-destination (O-D) population flows are computed, aggregated, and inferred at three geographic scales census tract, county, and state. There is high correlation between our mobility flow dataset and openly available data sources, which shows the reliability of the produced data. Such a high spatiotemporal resolution human mobility flow dataset at different geographic scales over time may help monitor epidemic spreading dynamics, inform public health policy, and deepen our understanding of human behaviour changes under the unprecedented public health crisis. This up-to-date O-D flow open data can support many other social sensing and transportation applications.
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