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Transposon mutagenesis determines cooperating anatomical owners throughout keratinocyte change for better as well as cutaneous squamous cellular carcinoma advancement.
HF-DFT, the practice of evaluating approximate density functionals on Hartree-Fock densities, has long been used in testing density functional approximations. click here Density-corrected DFT (DC-DFT) is a general theoretical framework for identifying failures of density functional approximations by separating errors in a functional from errors in its self-consistent (SC) density. Most modern DFT calculations yield highly accurate densities, but important characteristic classes of calculation have large density-driven errors, including reaction barrier heights, electron affinities, radicals and anions in solution, dissociation of heterodimers, and even some torsional barriers. Here, the HF density (if not spin-contaminated) usually yields more accurate and consistent energies than those of the SC density. We use the term DC(HF)-DFT to indicate DC-DFT using HF densities only in such cases. A recent comprehensive study (J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 1368-1379) of HF-DFT led to many unfavorable conclusions. A reanalysis using DC-DFT shows that DC(HF)-DFT substantially improves DFT results precisely when SC densities are flawed.In nature, nonequilibrium systems reflect environmental changes, and these changes are often "recorded" in their solid body as they develop. Periodic precipitation patterns, aka Liesegang patterns (LPs), are visual sums of complex events in nonequilibrium reaction-diffusion processes. Here we aim to achieve an artificial system that "records" the temperature changes in the environment with the concurrent LP formation. We first illustrate the differences in 1-D LPs developing at different temperatures in terms of band spacings, which can demonstrate the time, ramp steepness, and extent of a temperature change. These results are discussed and augmented by a mathematical model. Using scanning electron microscopy, we show that the average size of the CuCrO4 precipitate also reflects the temperature changes. Finally, we show that these changes can also be "recorded" in the 2-D and 3-D LPs, which can have applications in long-term temperature tracking and complex soft material design.In this work, we investigate the change of contact angle (CA) of a water droplet during evaporation on a Teflon AF1600 surface in the temperature range between 20 and 80 °C under standard laboratory conditions. An almost constant initial CA and a significant increase of the stabilized CA have been observed. The results reveal a temperature-dependent CA change, mainly due to water adsorption on the solid surface. Soaking experiments indicate that besides adsorption, a temperature-independent friction-like force contributes to the pinning of triple-line and therefore to the CA change. We propose an adsorption coverage parameter and a friction-like force to describe the CA change. Furthermore, we describe a reproducible process to produce smooth and homogeneous Teflon AF1600 thin films, minimizing the influence of roughness and local heterogeneity on the CA.Despite the emerging interest in research and development of Ti3CN MXene nanosheet (NS)-based optoelectronic devices, there is still a lack of in-depth studies of the underlying photophysical processes, like carrier relaxation dynamics and nonlinear photon absorption, operating in such devices, hindering their further and precise design. In this paper, we attempt to remedy the situation by fabricating few-layer Ti3CN NSs via combining selective etching and molecular intercalation and by investigating the carrier relaxation possesses and broadband nonlinear optical responses via transient absorption and Z-scan techniques. These results are complemented by first-principle theoretical analyses of the optical properties. Both saturable absorption and reverse saturable absorption phenomena are observed due to multiphoton absorption effects. The analysis of these results adds to the understanding of the basic photophysical processes, which is anticipated to be beneficial for the further design of MXene-based devices.A visible-light-mediated late-stage sulfonylation of anilines with sulfonamides under simple reaction conditions is presented. Various primary or secondary sulfonamides including several pharmaceuticals were incorporated successfully via N-S bond activation and C-H bond sulfonylation. The synthetic utility of this strategy is highlighted by the construction of complex anilines bearing diverse bioactive groups.The strong Coulomb interaction in monolayer semiconductors represents a unique opportunity for the realization of Wigner crystals without external magnetic fields. In this work, we predict that the formation of monolayer Wigner crystals can be detected by their terahertz response spectrum, which exhibits a characteristic sequence of internal optical transitions. We apply the density matrix formalism to derive the internal quantum structure and the optical conductivity of the Wigner crystal and to microscopically analyze the multipeak shape of the obtained terahertz spectrum. Moreover, we predict a characteristic shift of the peak position as a function of charge density for different atomically thin materials and show how our results can be generalized to an arbitrary two-dimensional system.Long noncoding RNAs are vital to a variety of biological and physiological processes through multiple modes of functional interaction with DNA, RNA, and proteins. In chickens, numerous lncRNAs were discovered to be important to growth or disease progression. However, the detailed molecular function and role of lncRNAs remain less explored. Here, we performed lncRNA sequencing on abdominal adipose tissues from broiler lines divergently selected for abdominal fat content, and significantly differentially expressed lncRNAs were found, including lncPRDM16, a divergently transcribed and conserved lncRNA near PRDM16. Full lengths of two transcripts of lncPRDM16 were obtained, and their genomic structures were compared. Expression dynamics of lncPRDM16 in different tissues and during preadipocyte proliferation and differentiation were profiled. Moreover, a 250-nucleotide sequence at 5'-end was found to be inevitable to the function of lncPRDM16 in inhibiting preadipocyte proliferation and regulating the promoter activities of both lncPRDM16 and PRDM16. Taken together, we identified the 5'-end functional elements of lncPRDM16 and their potential importance in inhibiting preadipocyte proliferation. Our findings provide the foundation for further exploration of lncPRDM16 function and potential improvement of chicken muscle quality.With its high stability and well-tuned binding strength for adsorbates, platinum is an excellent catalyst for a wide range of reactions. In applications like car exhaust purification, the oxidation of hydrocarbons, and fuel cells, platinum is exposed to highly oxidizing conditions, which often leads to the formation of surface oxides. To reveal the structure of these surface oxides, the oxidation of Pt in O2 has been widely studied. However, in most applications, H2O is also an important or even dominant part of the reaction mixture. Here, we investigate the interaction of H2O with Pt surface oxides using near-ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. We find that reversible hydroxylation readily occurs in H2O/O2 mixtures. Using time-resolved measurements, we show that O-OH exchange occurs on a time scale of seconds.Type-I photodynamic therapy (PDT) with less oxygen consumption shows great potential for overcoming the vicious hypoxia typically observed in solid tumors. However, the development of type-I PDT is hindered by insufficient radical generation and the ambiguous design strategy of type-I photosensitizers (PSs). Therefore, developing highly efficient type-I PSs and unveiling their structure-function relationship are still urgent and challenging. Herein, we develop two phenanthro[9,10-d]imidazole derivatives (AQPO and AQPI) with aggregation-induced emission (AIE) characteristics and boost their reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation efficiency by reducing singlet-triplet splitting (ΔEST). Both AQPO and AQPI show ultrasmall ΔEST values of 0.09 and 0.12 eV, respectively. By incorporating electron-rich anisole, the categories of generated ROS by AIE PSs are changed from type-II (singlet oxygen, 1O2) to type-I (superoxide anion radical, O2•- and hydroxyl radical, •OH). We demonstrate that the assembled AQPO nanoparticles (NPs) achieve a 3.2- and 2.9-fold increase in the O2•- and •OH generation efficiencies, respectively, compared to those of AQPI NPs (without anisole) in water, whereas the 1O2 generation efficiency of AQPO NPs is lower (0.4-fold) than that of AQPI NPs. The small ΔEST and anisole group endow AQPO with an excellent capacity for type-I ROS generation. In vitro and in vivo experiments show that AQPO NPs achieve an excellent hypoxia-overcoming PDT effect by efficiently eliminating tumor cells upon white light irradiation with good biosafety.The mechanism of protein-polyelectrolyte complexation on the wrong side of the isoelectric point has long puzzled researchers. Two alternative explanations have been proposed in the literature (a) the charge-patch (CP) mechanism, based on the inhomogeneous distribution of charges on the protein, and (b) the charge-regulation (CR) mechanism, based on the variable charge of weak acid and base groups, which may invert the protein charge in the presence of another highly charged object. To discern these two mechanisms, we simulated artificially constructed short peptides, containing acidic and basic residues, arranged in a blocklike or alternating sequence. Our simulations of these peptides, interacting with polyelectrolytes, showed that charge patch and charge regulation alone can both lead to adsorption on the wrong side of the pI value. Their simultaneous presence enhances adsorption, whereas their absence prevents adsorption. Our simulation results were rationalized by following the variation of the charge regulation capacity and dipole moments of these peptides with the pH. Specifically for lysozyme, we found that charge patch prevails at physiological pH, whereas charge regulation prevails near the pI, thereby explaining seemingly contradicting conclusions in the literature. By applying the same approach to other proteins, we developed a general framework for assessing the role of the CP and CR mechanisms in existing case studies and for predicting how various proteins interact with polyelectrolytes at different pH values.Near-infrared (NIR) radiation plays an important role in guided external stimulus therapies; its application in bone-related treatments is becoming more and more frequent. Therefore, metallic biomaterials that exhibit properties activated by NIR are promising for further orthopedic procedures. In this work, we present an adapted electroforming approach to attain a biomorphic nano-holed TiO2 coating on Ti6Al4V alloy. Through a precise control of the anodization conditions, structures revealed the formation of localized nano-pores arranged in a periodic assembly. This specific organization provoked higher stability against thermal oxidation and precise hydrophobic wettability behavior according to Cassie-Baxter's model; both characteristics are a prerequisite to ensure a favorable biological response in an implantable structure for guided bone regeneration. In addition, the periodically arranged sub-wavelength-sized unit cell on the metallic-dielectric structure exhibits a peculiar optical response, which results in higher NIR reflectivity.
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