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E-Cigarettes as being a Growing Risk for Children and Adolescents: Situation Statement From the Eu Academia of Paediatrics.
Our method utilized the "useless" noise photons that are enormous in quantity and easy to extract compared to the signal photons. More significantly, this method reduces the requirements of the optical images (that are used as the priori knowledge), as it can perform well even without priori knowledge.This special feature issue of Optics Express highlights contributions from authors who presented their latest research in the Optical Devices and Materials for Solar Energy and Solid-state Lighting (PVLED) topical meeting of the OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, held in Burlingame, California, from 29 July - August 1, 2019. This feature issue is comprised of nine contributed papers, expanding upon their respective conference proceedings to cover timely research topics applying optics and photonics to solar energy and solid-state lighting.The self-organised conical needles produced by plasma etching of silicon (Si), known as black silicon (b-Si), create a form-birefringent surface texture when etching of Si orientated at angles of θi less then 50 - 70° (angle between the Si surface and vertical plasma E-field). The height of the needles in the form-birefringent region following 15 min etching was d ∼ 200 nm and had a 100 μm width of the optical retardance/birefringence, characterised using polariscopy. The height of the b-Si needles corresponds closely to the skin-depth of Si ∼λ/4 for the visible spectral range. Reflection-type polariscope with a voltage-controlled liquid-crystal retarder is proposed to directly measure the retardance Δn × d/λ ≈ 0.15 of the region with tilted b-Si needles. The quantified form birefringence of Δn = -0.45 over λ = 400 - 700 nm spectral window was obtained. Such high values of Δn at visible wavelengths can only be observed in the most birefringence calcite or barium borate as well as in liquid crystals. The replication of b-Si into Ni-shim with high fidelity was also demonstrated and can be used for imprinting of the b-Si nanopattern into other materials.Femtosecond pump-probe experiments with a ∼6.4 fs time-resolution were performed to investigate the coherent phonon dynamics in a c-plane sapphire crystal before and after intense 800 nm femtosecond laser irradiation. The intense femtosecond laser induced defect/distortion and even re-crystallization of crystalline structures, which result in the appearance of new peaks and relative intensity change in coherent phonon and Raman spectra. The combination of these two spectra was found to be beneficial to evidence the variation of crystalline structure and further to differentiate the origins of new Raman peaks after irradiation. Further analysis of time-dependent differential absorbance with damped cosine function fitting and Fourier transfer calculation yields the vibrational parameters, including periods, damping times and initial phases, before and after irradiation. With these parameters, the defect-effects on damping time and the mechanism of coherent phonon generation were addressed.Recent progress in the indoor visible light communication (VLC) has shown promising signs of alleviating an increasing strain on the radio frequency spectrum and enhancing transmission capacity. Nevertheless, the indoor VLC usually suffers from inter-channel interference (ICI) due to the dense light-emitting diode (LED) deployment. check details The ICI is considered as a key factor affecting signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) and spectral efficiency. To address this challenge, an efficient multi-user scheduling framework that employs interference coordination and cooperative transmission is investigated based on the graph theory. To effectively mitigate ICI and maximize benefit of the cooperative transmission, the cell-centric (CC) and user-centric (UC) clustering are introduced for cooperative transmission. For the CC clustering, the multi-user scheduling problem under the proportional fairness criterion is formulated to maximize spectral efficiency while ensuring user fairness. Such a problem is solved by linear programming and greedy algorithms after transforming it into a maximum weighted independent set problem with the aid of a modified interference graph. For the UC clustering, the multi-user scheduling problem under the max-min criterion is formulated and solved by a proposed heuristic approach based on the bipartite graph theory. Numerical results show that the proposed graph-based scheduling is capable of providing up to 7.7 dB gain in SINR over the non-cooperative transmission. The bipartite graph scheduling offers high spectral efficiency and service fairness index. In the worst case with an occlusion probability of 1, a small SINR penalty of up to 1 dB is observed with the greedy algorithm. It is shown that the graph-based scheduling is robust to receiver rotation and occlusion in terms of spectral efficiency, SINR, and user fairness.Millimeter-wave (mmW) imaging receivers have demonstrated the ability to sense radio-frequency (RF) waves using traditional phased antenna array techniques, and, through a coherent photonic up-conversion process, image these waves using free-space optical systems. Building upon the idea of coherent up-conversion, k-space tomography extends the functionality of the millimeter-wave imaging receiver as a two-dimensional spatial processing unit to three-dimensional sensing with the addition of frequency detection. In this configuration, an arrayed waveguide grating, or temporal aperture, is implemented following the photonic up-conversion of RF signals received by the phased array. These waveguides of varying length add a spectral beam-forming network to the existing spatial beam-forming of the mmW-imaging receiver. The introduction of three-dimensional phase information to the imaging system disrupts the ability to directly image the RF signal distribution on a photo-detector array, requiring the application of tomographic algorithms to reconstruct the power distribution of the received signals. In order to receive and properly recover the spatial-spectral distribution of RF sources, the antenna array and temporal array must be sampled adequately to avoid introduction of grating artifacts into the system response. Grating lobes, an artifact of regular spacing of elements within a grating, restrict the alias-free field of regard for antenna arrays, or the free spectral range for time-delay based arrays, thus limiting the spatial-spectral monitoring of RF sources via the k-space imaging modality. To alleviate this constraint, we present a non-uniform log-periodic array sampling for the k-space tomographic time-delay based aperture, greatly increasing the free spectral range of the system while maintaining the number of existing channels.Design of the guided-mode resonance (GMR) grating filter, as one of the most important optical components, using the cultural algorithm (CA) is presented, for the first time. CA is an evolutionary algorithm (EA) which is easy-to-implement, flexible, inspired by the human cultural evolution, upon using the domain knowledge for reducing the search space as a metaheuristic optimization method. Reflection spectra of the designed GMR filter based on the CA is in good agreement with the previous simulation results. CA has both acceptable accuracy and enough high speed to optimize the complicated structures; therefore, a novel double-line asymmetrical transmitter (DLAT) is introduced and optimized as a complex grating-based optical component using the mentioned algorithm. The results show the transmittance at two different communication wavelengths (1.5039 and 1.6113 µm) using the combination of binary diffraction grating and customized photonic crystal (PhC) structure. link2 Also, the DLAT shows the characteristics of a perfect transverse magnetic (TM) polarizer. Furthermore, we demonstrated the Talbot effect at the DLAT output which is so applicable in the optical usage, especially for the integrated optics.We report and characterize sub-kHz linewidth operation of an AlGaInP-based VECSEL system suitable for addressing the narrow cooling transition of neutral strontium atoms at 689 nm. When frequency-stabilized to a standard air-spaced Fabry-Perot cavity (finesse 1000) via the Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) technique, it delivers output power >150 mW in a circularly-symmetric single transverse mode with low frequency and intensity noise. The optical field was reconstructed from the frequency noise error signal via autocorrelation and the Wiener-Khintchine theorem, leading to an estimated linewidth of (125 ± 2) Hz. Optical beat note measurements were performed against a commercial locked laser system and a second, almost identical, VECSEL system resulting in linewidths of 200 Hz and 160 Hz FWHM, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a VECSEL compatible with the narrowest of lines (few hundred Hz) used for cooling and trapping atoms and ions.In this work, we present a direct electrochemical biofunctionalization of an indium-tin-oxide-coated lossy-mode resonance optical fiber sensor. The functionalization using a biotin derivative was performed by cyclic voltammetry in a 10 mM biotin hydrazide solution. All stages of the experiment were simultaneously verified with optical and electrochemical techniques. Performed measurements indicate the presence of a poly-biotin layer on the sensor's surface. Furthermore, dual-domain detection of 0.01 and 0.1 mg/mL of avidin confirms the sensor's viability for label-free detection.We measure the spin noise spectrum (SNS) of a thermal Rubidium vapor in a pulse-modulated transverse magnetic field and develop a simple theory to describe the main structure of the SNS. link3 Notably, when the pulse area is equal to π, the SNS consists of resonances centered at half-odd-integer multiples of the modulation frequency, while revealing the spin dynamics of the system in a zero field. Our study opens a promising way of studying zero-field spin dynamics by spin noise spectrum free from any low-frequency environmental disturbances.Although holographic display technology is one of the most promising three-dimensional (3D) display technologies for virtual and augmented reality, the enormous computational effort required to produce computer-generated holograms (CGHs) to digitally record and display 3D images presents a significant roadblock to the implementation of this technology. One of the most effective methods to implement fast CGH calculations is a diffraction calculation (e.g., angular spectrum diffraction) based on the fast-Fourier transform (FFT). Unfortunately, the computational complexity increases with increasing CGH resolution, which is what determines the size of a 3D image. Therefore, enormous calculations are still required to display a reasonably sized 3D image, even for a simple 3D image. To address this issue, we propose herein a fast CGH algorithm for 3D objects comprised of line-drawn objects at layers of different depths. An aperture formed from a continuous line at a single depth can be regarded as a series of aligned point sources of light, and the wavefront converges for a sufficiently long line. Thus, a CGH of a line-drawn object can be calculated by synthesizing converged wavefronts along the line. Numerical experiments indicate that, compared with the FFT-based method, the proposed method offers a factor-56 gain in speed for calculating 16-k-resolution CGHs from 3D objects composed of twelve line-drawn objects at different depths.
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