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Chronic cerebral lipocalin Two coverage brings about hippocampal neuronal dysfunction and also cognitive problems.
Evaluation on a real world dataset shows that the presented method outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of visual quality while retaining interactive frame rates. A case study with a domain expert was performed in which the novel analysis and visualization methods are applied on standard model structures, namely skull and mandible of different rodents, to investigate and compare influence of phylogeny, diet and geography on shape. The visualizations enable for instance to distinguish (population-)normal and pathological morphology, assist in uncovering correlation to extrinsic factors and potentially support assessment of model quality.General visualization tools typically require manual specification of views analysts must select data variables and then choose which transformations and visual encodings to apply. These decisions often involve both domain and visualization design expertise, and may impose a tedious specification process that impedes exploration. In this paper, we seek to complement manual chart construction with interactive navigation of a gallery of automatically-generated visualizations. check details We contribute Voyager, a mixed-initiative system that supports faceted browsing of recommended charts chosen according to statistical and perceptual measures. We describe Voyager's architecture, motivating design principles, and methods for generating and interacting with visualization recommendations. In a study comparing Voyager to a manual visualization specification tool, we find that Voyager facilitates exploration of previously unseen data and leads to increased data variable coverage. We then distill design implications for visualization tools, in particular the need to balance rapid exploration and targeted question-answering.Finding good projections of n-dimensional datasets into a 2D visualization domain is one of the most important problems in Information Visualization. Users are interested in getting maximal insight into the data by exploring a minimal number of projections. However, if the number is too small or improper projections are used, then important data patterns might be overlooked. We propose a data-driven approach to find minimal sets of projections that uniquely show certain data patterns. For this we introduce a dissimilarity measure of data projections that discards affine transformations of projections and prevents repetitions of the same data patterns. Based on this, we provide complete data tours of at most n/2 projections. Furthermore, we propose optimal paths of projection matrices for an interactive data exploration. We illustrate our technique with a set of state-of-the-art real high-dimensional benchmark datasets.Visualization of the trajectories of moving objects leads to dense and cluttered images, which hinders exploration and understanding. It also hinders adding additional visual information, such as direction, and makes it difficult to interactively extract traffic flows, i.e., subsets of trajectories. In this paper we present our approach to visualize traffic flows and provide interaction tools to support their exploration. We show an overview of the traffic using a density map. The directions of traffic flows are visualized using a particle system on top of the density map. The user can extract traffic flows using a novel selection widget that allows for the intuitive selection of an area, and filtering on a range of directions and any additional attributes. Using simple, visual set expressions, the user can construct more complicated selections. The dynamic behaviors of selected flows may then be shown in annotation windows in which they can be interactively explored and compared. We validate our approach through use cases where we explore and analyze the temporal behavior of aircraft and vessel trajectories, e.g., landing and takeoff sequences, or the evolution of flight route density. The aircraft use cases have been developed and validated in collaboration with domain experts.We present Reactive Vega, a system architecture that provides the first robust and comprehensive treatment of declarative visual and interaction design for data visualization. Starting from a single declarative specification, Reactive Vega constructs a dataflow graph in which input data, scene graph elements, and interaction events are all treated as first-class streaming data sources. To support expressive interactive visualizations that may involve time-varying scalar, relational, or hierarchical data, Reactive Vega's dataflow graph can dynamically re-write itself at runtime by extending or pruning branches in a data-driven fashion. We discuss both compile- and run-time optimizations applied within Reactive Vega, and share the results of benchmark studies that indicate superior interactive performance to both D3 and the original, non-reactive Vega system.Datasets commonly include multi-value (set-typed) attributes that describe set memberships over elements, such as genres per movie or courses taken per student. Set-typed attributes describe rich relations across elements, sets, and the set intersections. Increasing the number of sets results in a combinatorial growth of relations and creates scalability challenges. Exploratory tasks (e.g. selection, comparison) have commonly been designed in separation for set-typed attributes, which reduces interface consistency. To improve on scalability and to support rich, contextual exploration of set-typed data, we present AggreSet. AggreSet creates aggregations for each data dimension sets, set-degrees, set-pair intersections, and other attributes. It visualizes the element count per aggregate using a matrix plot for set-pair intersections, and histograms for set lists, set-degrees and other attributes. Its non-overlapping visual design is scalable to numerous and large sets. AggreSet supports selection, filtering, and comparison as core exploratory tasks. It allows analysis of set relations inluding subsets, disjoint sets and set intersection strength, and also features perceptual set ordering for detecting patterns in set matrices. Its interaction is designed for rich and rapid data exploration. We demonstrate results on a wide range of datasets from different domains with varying characteristics, and report on expert reviews and a case study using student enrollment and degree data with assistant deans at a major public university.System schematics, such as those used for electrical or hydraulic systems, can be large and complex. Fisheye techniques can help navigate such large documents by maintaining the context around a focus region, but the distortion introduced by traditional fisheye techniques can impair the readability of the diagram. We present SchemeLens, a vector-based, topology-aware fisheye technique which aims to maintain the readability of the diagram. Vector-based scaling reduces distortion to components, but distorts layout. We present several strategies to reduce this distortion by using the structure of the topology, including orthogonality and alignment, and a model of user intention to foster smooth and predictable navigation. We evaluate this approach through two user studies Results show that (1) SchemeLens is 16-27% faster than both round and rectangular flat-top fisheye lenses at finding and identifying a targ et alng one or several paths in a network diagram; (2) augmenting SchemeLens with a model of user intentions aids in learning the network topology.Similarity measure is an important block in image registration. Most traditional intensity-based similarity measures (e.g., sum-of-squared-difference, correlation coefficient, and mutual information) assume a stationary image and pixel-by-pixel independence. These similarity measures ignore the correlation between pixel intensities; hence, perfect image registration cannot be achieved, especially in the presence of spatially varying intensity distortions. Here, we assume that spatially varying intensity distortion (such as bias field) is a low-rank matrix. Based on this assumption, we formulate the image registration problem as a nonlinear and low-rank matrix decomposition (NLLRMD). Therefore, image registration and correction of spatially varying intensity distortion are simultaneously achieved. We illustrate the uniqueness of NLLRMD, and therefore, we propose the rank of difference image as a robust similarity in the presence of spatially varying intensity distortion. Finally, by incorporating the Gaussian noise, we introduce rank-induced similarity measure based on the singular values of the difference image. This measure produces clinically acceptable registration results on both simulated and real-world problems examined in this paper, and outperforms other state-of-the-art measures such as the residual complexity approach.Context information is widely used in computer vision for tracking arbitrary objects. Most of the existing studies focus on how to distinguish the object of interest from background or how to use keypoint-based supporters as their auxiliary information to assist them in tracking. However, in most cases, how to discover and represent both the intrinsic properties inside the object and the surrounding context is still an open problem. In this paper, we propose a unified context learning framework that can effectively capture spatiotemporal relations, prior knowledge, and motion consistency to enhance tracker's performance. The proposed weighted part context tracker (WPCT) consists of an appearance model, an internal relation model, and a context relation model. The appearance model represents the appearances of the object and the parts. The internal relation model utilizes the parts inside the object to directly describe the spatiotemporal structure property, while the context relation model takes advantage of the latent intersection between the object and background regions. Then, the three models are embedded in a max-margin structured learning framework. Furthermore, prior label distribution is added, which can effectively exploit the spatial prior knowledge for learning the classifier and inferring the object state in the tracking process. Meanwhile, we define online update functions to decide when to update WPCT, as well as how to reweight the parts. Extensive experiments and comparisons with the state of the arts demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.We present a dictionary learning approach to compensate for the transformation of faces due to the changes in view point, illumination, resolution, and so on. The key idea of our approach is to force domain-invariant sparse coding, i.e., designing a consistent sparse representation of the same face in different domains. In this way, the classifiers trained on the sparse codes in the source domain consisting of frontal faces can be applied to the target domain (consisting of faces in different poses, illumination conditions, and so on) without much loss in recognition accuracy. The approach is to first learn a domain base dictionary, and then describe each domain shift (identity, pose, and illumination) using a sparse representation over the base dictionary. The dictionary adapted to each domain is expressed as the sparse linear combinations of the base dictionary. In the context of face recognition, with the proposed compositional dictionary approach, a face image can be decomposed into sparse representations for a given subject, pose, and illumination.
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