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Elements IN ENDOCRINOLOGY: Impact of singled out TSH amounts around normal variety on several tissue.
A total of 61 plasma proteins were identified as cleaved by HF3. Some of these proteins corroborate previous studies, and others are new HF3 targets, including proteins of the coagulation cascade, of the complement system, proteins acting on the modulation of inflammation, and plasma proteinase inhibitors. Overall, the data indicate that HF3 escapes inhibition and sculpts the plasma proteome by degrading key proteins and generating peptides that may act synergistically in the hemorrhagic process.The antigens for acellular pertussis vaccines are made up of protein components that are purified directly from Bordetella pertussis (B. pertussis) bacterial fermentation. As such, there are additional B. pertussis toxins that must be monitored as residuals during process optimization. mTOR kinase assay This paper describes a liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method for simultaneous analysis of residual protein toxins adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) and dermonecrotic toxin (DNT), as well as a small molecule glycopeptide, tracheal cytotoxin (TCT) in a Pertussis toxin vaccine antigen. A targeted LC-MS technique called multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) is used for quantitation of ACT and TCT, which have established limits in drug product formulations. However, DNT is currently monitored in an animal test, which does not have an established quantitative threshold. New approaches for DNT testing are discussed, including a novel standard based on concatenated quantitation sequences for ACT and DNT. Collectively, the method represents a "3-in-1" analytical simplification for monitoring process-related residuals during development of B. pertussis vaccines.This biomonitoring study was conducted to investigate the concentration levels of five Alternaria mycotoxins in urine samples from 269 healthy volunteers living in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Alternariol (AOH), alternariol monomethyl ether (AME), tenuazonic acid (TeA) and tentoxin (TEN) were detected in 38.3%, 48.7%, 63.9% and 23.4% of urine samples with the concentrations ranging from 0.057 to 45.8 ng/mL, 0.020 to 0.802 ng/mL, 0.050 to 80.6 ng/mL and 0.021 to 0.939 ng/mL, respectively. Altenuene (ALT) was not detected in any urine sample. Based on the urinary concentrations, the probable daily intake (PDI) values of Alternaria mycotoxins were calculated, and 100%, 99.2-100%, 0.372% and 1.12% of participants exceeded the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) values for AOH, AME, TeA and TEN, respectively. This study revealed high potential health risks related to the contaminations of major Alternaria mycotoxins in China and highlighted the necessity for more toxicological studies to provide better basis for further comprehensive risk assessments.In the late autumn of 2018 and 2019, some samples taken by the official monitoring systems of Cantabria and the Basque Country were found to be paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP)-positive using a mouse bioassay. To confirm the presence of PSP toxins and to obtain their profile, these samples were analyzed using an optimized version of the Official Method AOAC 2005.06 and using LC-MS/MS (HILIC). The presence of some PSP toxins (PSTs) in that geographical area (~600 km of coast) was confirmed for the first time. The estimated toxicities ranged from 170 to 983 µg STXdiHCl eq.·kg-1 for the AOAC 2005.06 method and from 150 to 1094 µg STXdiHCl eq.·kg-1 for the LC-MS/MS method, with a good correlation between both methods (r2 = 0.94). Most samples contained STX, GTX2,3, and GTX1,4, and some also had NEO and dcGTX2. All of the PSP-positive samples also contained gymnodimine A, with the concentrations of the two groups of toxins being significantly correlated. The PSP toxin profiles suggest that a species of the genus Alexandrium was likely the causative agent. The presence of gymnodimine A suggests that A. ostenfeldii could be involved, but the contribution of a mixture of Alexandrium species cannot be ruled out.Mycotoxins pose a health concern for humans. Therefore, strategies at pre- and post-harvest and maximum levels for food have been implemented, aimed to minimize the risk of dietary exposure. Yet, consumers' dietary habits and life style play a substantial role in overall exposure. The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge of mycotoxins and accordance to behavioral practices or habits that may affect the risk of mycotoxin dietary exposure at the household level or when food commodities are obtained from non-regulated trade markets. For this purpose, an online survey was applied to a university student cohort (n = 186). The survey consisted of 23 questions grouped in five categories Socio-demographic and income data, general life style and habits, knowledge about mycotoxins, compliance with the "17 golden rules to prevent mycotoxin contamination" of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), and measures towards reducing health risks. We paid particular attention to knowledge and compliancal level and the disparity in size between the control and the food movement group. This study is a starting point for evaluating and understanding the consumer perspective on mycotoxins.The fungal pathogen Fusarium culmorum causes Fusarium head blight in cereals, resulting in yield loss and contamination of the grain by type B trichothecene mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON), and its acetylated derivatives. Synthesis of trichothecenes is driven by a trichodiene synthase (TRI5) that converts farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) to trichodiene. In this work, 15 naturally occurring compounds that belong to the structural phenol and hydroxylated biphenyl classes were tested in vitro and in planta (durum wheat) to determine their inhibitory activity towards TRI5. In vitro analysis highlighted the fungicidal effect of these compounds when applied at 0.25 mM. Greenhouse assays showed a strong inhibitory activity of octyl gallate 5, honokiol 13 and the combination propyl gallate 4 + thymol 7 on trichothecene biosynthesis. Docking analyses were run on the 3D model of F. culmorum TRI5 containing the inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) or FPP. Significant ligand affinities with TRI-PPi and TRI-FPP were observed for the same sites for almost all compounds, with 1 and 2 as privileged sites. Octyl gallate 5 and honokiol 13 interacted almost exclusively with sites 1 and 2, by concurrently activating strong H-bonds with common sets of amino acids. These results open new perspectives for the targeted search of naturally occurring compounds that may find practical application in the eco-friendly control of FHB in wheat.The intestinal barrier is the main barrier against all of the substances that enter the body. Proper functioning of this barrier guarantees maintained balance in the organism. Mycotoxins are toxic, secondary fungi metabolites, that have a negative impact both on human and animal health. It was postulated that various mycotoxins may affect homeostasis by disturbing the intestinal barrier. Claudins are proteins that are involved in creating tight junctions between epithelial cells. A growing body of evidence underlines their role in molecular response to mycotoxin-induced cytotoxicity. This review summarizes the information connected with claudins, their association with an intestinal barrier, physiological conditions in general, and with gastrointestinal cancers. Moreover, this review also includes information about the changes in claudin expression upon exposition to various mycotoxins.Among other scorpion species, Colombia has two genera of the Buthidae family Centruroides and Tityus, considered to be dangerous to humans. This research shares scientific knowledge aiming to a better understanding about the pathophysiological effects of such venoms. The venom of the three species Centruroides margaritarus, Tityus pachyurus, and T. n. sp. aff. metuendus with biomedical interest were studied. An initial pre-glycemic sample was taken from ICR mice. They were later intraperitoneally inoculated with doses of 35% and 70% of LD50 of total venom. Poisoning signs were observed during a 6-h period to determine the level of scorpionism. After observation, a second glycemic sample was taken, and a histopathological evaluation of different organs was performed. This work revealed that all three venoms showed considerably notorious histopathological alterations in main organs such as heart and lungs; and inducing multiple organ failure, in relation to the glycemia values, only C. margaritatus and T. n. sp. aff. metuendus showed significant changes through manifestation of hyperglycemia. According to the Colombian scorpionism level; signs were mild to severe affecting the autonomous nervous system.Prevalence, impact on shellfish resources and interspecific, spatial, and temporal variabilities of domoic acid (DA) in bivalves from Galicia (NW Spain) have been studied based on more than 25 years of monitoring data. The maximum prevalence (samples in which DA was detected) (100%) and incidence (samples with DA levels above the regulatory limit) (97.4%) were recorded in Pecten maximus, and the minimum ones in Mytilus galloprovincialis (12.6 and 1.1%, respectively). The maximum DA concentrations were 663.9 mg kg-1 in P. maximus and 316 mg kg-1 in Venerupis corrugata. After excluding scallop P. maximusdata, DA was found (prevalence) in 13.3% of bivalve samples, with 1.3% being over the regulatory limit. In general, the prevalence of this toxin decreased towards the North but not the magnitude of its episodes. The seasonal distribution was characterized by two maxima, in spring and autumn, with the later decreasing in intensity towards the north. DA levels decreased slightly over the studied period, although this decreasing trend was not linear. A cyclic pattern was observed in the interannual variability, with cycles of 4 and 11 years. Intoxication and detoxification rates were slower than those expected from laboratory experiments, suggesting the supply of DA during these phases plays an important role.It has long been accepted that Shiga toxin (Stx) only exists in Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1. However, in recent decades, the presence of Shiga toxin genes (stx) in other Shigella spp. have been reported. We screened 366 Shigella flexneri strains from Alberta, Canada (2003 to 2016) for stx and 26 positive strains were identified. These isolates are highly related with the majority originating from the Dominican Republic and three isolates with Haiti origin. Both phylogenetic and spanning tree analysis of the 26 Alberta and 29 stx positive S. flexneri originating from the U.S., France, Canada (Quebec) and Haiti suggests that there are geographic specific distribution patterns (Haiti and Dominican Republic clades). This study provides the first comprehensive whole genome based phylogenetic analysis of stx positive S. flexneri strains as well as their global transmission, which signify the public health risks of global spreading of these strains.Multicopper oxidases (MCOs) are a diverse group of enzymes that could catalyze the oxidation of different xenobiotic compounds, with simultaneous reduction in oxygen to water. Aside from laccase, one member of the MCO superfamily has shown great potential in the biodegradation of mycotoxins; however, the mycotoxin degradation ability of other MCOs is uncertain. In this study, a novel MCO-encoding gene, StMCO, from Streptomyces thermocarboxydus, was identified, cloned, and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant StMCO exhibited the characteristic blue color and bivalent copper ion-dependent enzyme activity. It was capable of oxidizing the model substrate ABTS, phenolic compound DMP, and azo dye RB5. Notably, StMCO could directly degrade aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and zearalenone (ZEN) in the absence of mediators. Meanwhile, the presence of various lignin unit-derived natural mediators or ABTS could significantly accelerate the degradation of AFB1 and ZEN by StMCO. Furthermore, the biological toxicities of their corresponding degradation products, AFQ1 and 13-OH-ZEN-quinone, were remarkably decreased.
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