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Laboratory parenting involving child like Culicoides peregrinus Kieffer, a possible vector regarding bluetongue trojan.
Clinical parameters including plaque index, gingival index, and bleeding index were recorded before and after NSPT for the two groups.

The mean CRP levels were reduced significantly in the test group before and after administration of Orthoboon and also there were statistically significant differences in the mean CRP levels at the end of 45 days between the test group and the control group.

Administration of Orthoboon, i.e., GS, with a combination of Vitamin C and collagen was proved to be of a significant benefit in the test group than in the control group.
Administration of Orthoboon, i.e., GS, with a combination of Vitamin C and collagen was proved to be of a significant benefit in the test group than in the control group.
Dental esthetic awareness among patients led the clinicians to introduce newer materials and predictable techniques that satisfy the patients' esthetic demands.

To evaluate and compare the efficacy of subepithelial connective tissue graft (SECTG) and acellular dermal matrix (ACDM) allograft in the treatment of Millers Class I or Class II recession with the determination of gingival thickness using an impertinent method, soft tissue cone-beam computed tomography (ST-CBCT).

A split-mouth study with a total of ten patients with bilateral Millers class I or class II recession is randomly assigned by a coin toss method as Group I (SECTG) and Group II (ACDM) along with coronally advanced flap. Clinical parameters including recession height (RH), recession width (RW), probing depth, clinical attachment level (CAL), and height of keratinized tissue (HKT) were evaluated at baseline, 90
day, and 180
day for both groups. The thickness of keratinized tissue (TKT) was determined by most reliable, predictable and noninvasive method called ST-CBCT.

Statistically significant reduction in RH and RW, gain in CAL, and increase in HKT and TKT in both Group I and Group II were seen in 90
day and 180
day. However, when both Group I and Group II were compared between 0 and 180
day, the change in RH and RW, gain in CAL, and increase in HKT and TKT did not show any statistically significant change.

The present study suggested that root coverage with both SECTG and ACDM is very predictable procedure and it is stable for 6 months. ST-CBCT is a newer dimension in periodontal imaging and will certainly aid clinicians in the execution of various treatment modalities with increased predictability.
The present study suggested that root coverage with both SECTG and ACDM is very predictable procedure and it is stable for 6 months. ST-CBCT is a newer dimension in periodontal imaging and will certainly aid clinicians in the execution of various treatment modalities with increased predictability.
For any esthetic treatment planning, the shape and form of gingiva should be a prime factor of concern. The correct identification of gingival phenotype (GP) ensures a firm foundation for future health and prognosis of the treatment indicated. Hence, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the correlation between the GP in the anterior esthetic zone with different types of maloclussion and severity of crowding.

A total of 110 periodontally healthy controls were equally divided into two groups depending on the type of malocclusion. selleck inhibitor They were further divided according to the levels of dental crowding as mild, moderate, and severe. GP was measured on the anterior esthetic teeth using transgingival probing, and width of the attached gingiva (WAG) was measured using histochemical staining method.

In severe crowding group, the GP in 12 and 22 region was found to be thick (
= 0.035) while, in 32 and 42 region was thin (
= 0.042). The WAG shows a significant difference between WAG with 23 in severe crowding group with
= 0.042, whereas there was no significant relationship found between the GP with Angle's classification.

Within the limitations of the study, it can be concluded that the teeth in the maxillary and mandibular anterior esthetic region showed the thin phenotype. When the severity of crowding increases, the GP and WAG vary depending on the position of the tooth. There is no association between the Angle's classification and the mean GP of the maxillary and mandibular anterior region teeth.
Within the limitations of the study, it can be concluded that the teeth in the maxillary and mandibular anterior esthetic region showed the thin phenotype. When the severity of crowding increases, the GP and WAG vary depending on the position of the tooth. There is no association between the Angle's classification and the mean GP of the maxillary and mandibular anterior region teeth.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the levels of soluble CD163 (sCD163) in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and blood serum of individuals having periodontitis, gingivitis, and healthy periodontium. Further, the role of sCD163 as a biomarker of periodontal disease was also assessed.

A minimum of 5-μl GCF and 10 ml of venous blood was collected using a micropipette and 10-ml syringe, respectively, from the study population which was divided into three groups as healthy (Group I,
= 10), gingivitis (Group II,
= 10), and periodontitis (Group III,
= 10). sCD163 samples were assessed using a commercially available sCD163 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Clinical parameters such as oral hygiene index simplified, gingival index (GI), percentage of sites with bleeding on probing, probing depth, and clinical attachment loss were recorded.

The mean serum sCD13 levels were 743.45 ± 51.17 ng/ml, 563.25 ± 103.74 ng/ml, and 431.0 ± 31.08 ng/ml when compared to the mean GCF sCD163 levels which were 59.81 ± 7.61 ng/ml, 38.93 ± 12.42 ng/ml, and 30.49 ± 12.60 ng/ml for periodontitis, gingivitis, and healthy individuals, respectively. The sCD163 levels were higher in patients with periodontitis when compared to the periodontally healthy individuals.

Within the limitations of the present study, it can be concluded that sCD163 levels can be used as a diagnostic marker of disease as its levels are remarkably increased in GCFs of patients having periodontitis.
Within the limitations of the present study, it can be concluded that sCD163 levels can be used as a diagnostic marker of disease as its levels are remarkably increased in GCFs of patients having periodontitis.In the field of modern dentistry, ideal three-dimensional positioning of dental implant with optimal prosthetic fit offers successful long-term outcomes. To achieve such accurate implant placement, presurgical evaluation of hard and soft tissue matters the most. Their efforts can be attained using various application programs such as digital imaging, implant planning software, laboratory- or computer-assisted surgical guides, and dynamic navigation approach. link2 To overcome different opinions and choices regarding guided surgery, this article explains an evidence-based literature review to assess its various outcomes and allowing informed choices before using various guided surgical techniques based on its expectation and reality outcomes. This highlights a clinician's choice to guide his successful implant surgery without causing distress in the midway of treatment. An online search was done on PubMed/Medline database to bring in accuracy to the expertise. This review includes reference of publications from 2000 to 2019, which is related to promising outcomes using computer-assisted static or dynamic navigation system for the placement of implant. Out of these, 809 were related to the computer-guided implant placement. Relevant papers were chosen in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This review article contemplates to reflect the fact that computer-guided approach is considered to offer more predictable, safer, and faster implant placement with the predetermined final prosthetic outfit. Thus, digital planning and placing of dental implants in the correct position keep escalating to a higher achievement levels than a classical freehand approach. Nevertheless, this guided surgical approach also holds some errors and risks, which must be identified and rectified.COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented global health crisis in the last 100 years. Its economic, social and health impact continues to grow and is likely to end up as one of the worst global disasters since the 1918 pandemic and the World Wars. Mathematical models have played an important role in the ongoing crisis; they have been used to inform public policies and have been instrumental in many of the social distancing measures that were instituted worldwide. In this article, we review some of the important mathematical models used to support the ongoing planning and response efforts. These models differ in their use, their mathematical form and their scope.Globally, countries have resorted to social distancing, travel restrictions and economic lockdowns to reduce transmission of COVID-19. The socioeconomic costs of these blunt measures are expected to be high, especially in sub-Saharan Africa where many live hand-to-mouth and lack social safety nets. Social Accounting Matrix multiplier model results show that Ghana's urban lockdown, although in force for only three weeks in April 2020, has likely caused GDP to fall by 27.9% during that period, while an additional 3.8 million Ghanaians temporarily became poor. Compared to the government's revised GDP growth rate of 1.5% for 2020, the model predicts a contraction of 0.6 to 6.3% for 2020, depending on the speed of the recovery. The US$200 million budgeted for Ghana's Coronavirus Alleviation Program will close only a small part of the estimated US$ 2.3 billion GDP gap between the fast recovery scenario and government's revised GDP trajectory.This article adds a much needed microlevel perspective to the literature on interactions between civil society organizations and governments. I argue that a microlevel perspective assists in making connections between two dominant streams in the literature on government-CSO relations an empirical-analytical stream and a critical stream. It aims to better understand the interactions and relations, by analysing the institutional work done by CSOs' members. Adopting this approach puts CSO members in a more agentic position. Interactional processes are brought to the centre of analysis. The Dutch Community Sport Coach programme was used as a case to illustrate the usefulness of the approach. Through a one-year organizational ethnography, the article scrutinizes the way in which members of one CSO enact the organization's service delivery relationship with a municipality. Through a multidimensional perspective on agency, the analysis shows how individual CSO members act as embedded agents that assimilate a public logic into the dominant community logic. It further shows the CSO's members efforts and struggle to maintain their community logic. The article argues that an analysis of the microfoundations of government-civil society organization relations foregrounds the multivocality of the relationship as foundational.
Nursing quality is one of today's priorities in health care. The COVID-19 pandemic had posed particular challenges for nursing practice. There is currently only limited information available about nursing care in health care institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Therefore the aim of this study was to describe the quality of nursing care during the COVID-19 pandemic with respect to the available structural circumstances (structure), the applied interventions (process) and the perceived stress of nursing staff (outcome).

A cross-sectional study using an electronic questionnaire was carried out in different health care institutions. link3 The questionnaire includes general questions as well as questions on structure, process and outcome indicators.

2605 nurses participated in this online survey. The study showed that nurses were often provided with guidelines and trainings on protective measures. About two thirds of the nurses reported a sufficient availability of face masks, yet half of the participants wore them longer than eight hours.
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