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The high-dimensional EEG data falls under the category of '3N' biosignals-nonstationary, nonlinear, and noisy; hence, two popular classifiers, namely random forest and support vector machine, were taken for review, as they are capable of handling high-dimensional data and have a low risk of over-fitting. The main metrics used are sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy; hence, some papers reviewed were excluded due to insufficient metrics. To evaluate the overall performances of the reviewed papers, a simple mean value of all metrics was used. This review indicates that the system that used a Stockwell transform wavelet variant as a feature extractor and SVM classifiers led to a potentially better result.The aim of this longitudinal study was to evaluate the sagittal and vertical growth of the maxillo-mandibular complex in untreated children using orthogonal lateral cephalograms compressed from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Two sets of scans, on 12 males (mean 8.75 years at T1, and 11.52 years at T2) and 18 females (mean 9.09 years at T1, and 10.80 years at T2), were analyzed using Dolphin 3D imaging. The displacements of the landmarks and rotations of both jaws relative to the cranial base were measured using the cranial base, and the maxillary and mandibular core lines. From T1 to T2, relative to the cranial base, the nasion, orbitale, A-point, and B-point moved anteriorly and inferiorly. The porion moved posteriorly and inferiorly. The ANB and mandibular plane angle decreased. All but one subject had forward rotation in reference to the cranial base. The maxillary and mandibular superimpositions showed no sagittal change on the A-point and B-point. The U6 and U1 erupted at 0.94 and 1.01 mm/year (males) and 0.82 and 0.95 mm/year (females), respectively. The L6 and L1 erupted at 0.66 and 0.88 mm/year (males), and at 0.41 mm/year for both the L6 and the L1 (females), respectively.This paper presents the design results of a 100-channel integrated circuit dedicated to various biomedical experiments requiring both electrical stimulation and recording ability. The main design motivation was to develop an architecture that would comprise not only the recording and stimulation, but would also block allowing to meet different experimental requirements. Therefore, both the controllability and programmability were prime concerns, as well as the main chip parameters uniformity. The recording stage allows one to set their parameters independently from channel to channel, i.e., the frequency bandwidth can be controlled in the (0.3 Hz-1 kHz)-(20 Hz-3 kHz) (slow signal path) or (0.3 Hz-1 kHz)-4.7 kHz (fast signal path) range, while the voltage gain can be set individually either to 43.5 dB or 52 dB. Importantly, thanks to in-pixel circuitry, main system parameters may be controlled individually allowing to mitigate the circuitry components spread, i.e., lower corner frequency can be tuned in the 54 dB range with approximately 5% precision, and the upper corner frequency spread is only 4.2%, while the voltage gain spread is only 0.62%. The current stimulator may also be controlled in the broad range (69 dB) with its current setting precision being no worse than 2.6%. The recording channels' input-referred noise is equal to 8.5 µVRMS in the 10 Hz-4.7 kHz bandwidth. The single-pixel occupies 0.16 mm2 and consumes 12 µW (recording part) and 22 µW (stimulation blocks).Visual object tracking (VOT) is a vital part of various domains of computer vision applications such as surveillance, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and medical diagnostics. In recent years, substantial improvement has been made to solve various challenges of VOT techniques such as change of scale, occlusions, motion blur, and illumination variations. This paper proposes a tracking algorithm in a spatiotemporal context (STC) framework. To overcome the limitations of STC based on scale variation, a max-pooling-based scale scheme is incorporated by maximizing over posterior probability. To avert target model from drift, an efficient mechanism is proposed for occlusion handling. Occlusion is detected from average peak to correlation energy (APCE)-based mechanism of response map between consecutive frames. On successful occlusion detection, a fractional-gain Kalman filter is incorporated for handling the occlusion. An additional extension to the model includes APCE criteria to adapt the target model in motion blur and other factors. Extensive evaluation indicates that the proposed algorithm achieves significant results against various tracking methods.Gears are a vital component in many complex mechanical systems. In automotive systems, and in particular vehicle transmissions, we rely on them to function properly on different types of challenging environments and conditions. However, when a gear is manufactured with a defect, the gear's integrity can become compromised and lead to catastrophic failure. The current inspection process used by an automotive gear manufacturer in Guelph, Ontario, requires human operators to visually inspect all gear produced. Yet, due to the quantity of gears manufactured, the diverse array of defects that can arise, the time requirements for inspection, and the reliance on the operator's inspection ability, the system suffers from poor scalability, and defects can be missed during inspection. In this work, we propose a machine vision system for automating the inspection process for gears with damaged teeth defects. The implemented inspection system uses a faster R-CNN network to identify the defects, and combines domain knowledge to reduce the manual inspection of non-defective gears by 66%.With the development of imaging and space-borne satellite technology, a growing number of multipolarized SAR imageries have been implemented for object detection. However, most of the existing public SAR ship datasets are grayscale images under single polarization mode. To make full use of the polarization characteristics of multipolarized SAR, a dual-polarimetric SAR dataset specifically used for ship detection is presented in this paper (DSSDD). For construction, 50 dual-polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR images were cropped into 1236 image slices with the size of 256 × 256 pixels. The variances and covariance of both VV and VH polarization were fused into R,G,B channels of the pseudo-color image. Each ship was labeled with both a rotatable bounding box (RBox) and a horizontal bounding box (BBox). Apart from 8-bit pseudo-color images, DSSDD also provides 16-bit complex data for readers. Two prevalent object detectors R3Det and Yolo-v4 were implemented on DSSDD to establish the baselines of the detectors with the RBox and BBox respectively. Furthermore, we proposed a weakly supervised ship detection method based on anomaly detection via advanced memory-augmented autoencoder (MemAE), which can significantly remove false alarms generated by the two-parameter CFAR algorithm applied upon our dual-polarimetric dataset. The proposed advanced MemAE method has the advantages of a lower annotation workload, high efficiency, good performance even compared with supervised methods, making it a promising direction for ship detection in dual-polarimetric SAR images. The dataset is available on github.Connected vehicles (CVs) have the potential to collect and share information that, if appropriately processed, can be employed for advanced traffic control strategies, rendering infrastructure-based sensing obsolete. However, before we reach a fully connected environment, where all vehicles are CVs, we have to deal with the challenge of incomplete data. In this paper, we develop data-driven methods for the estimation of vehicles approaching a signalised intersection, based on the availability of partial information stemming from an unknown penetration rate of CVs. In particular, we build machine learning models with the aim of capturing the nonlinear relations between the inputs (CV data) and the output (number of non-connected vehicles), which are characterised by highly complex interactions and may be affected by a large number of factors. We show that, in order to train these models, we may use data that can be easily collected with modern technologies. Moreover, we demonstrate that, if the available real data is not deemed sufficient, training can be performed using synthetic data, produced via microscopic simulations calibrated with real data, without a significant loss of performance. Numerical experiments, where the estimation methods are tested using real vehicle data simulating the presence of various penetration rates of CVs, show very good performance of the estimators, making them promising candidates for applications in the near future.New technologies such as smart sensors improve rehabilitation processes and thereby increase older adults' capabilities to participate in social life, leading to direct physical and mental health benefits. Wearable smart sensors for home use have the additional advantage of monitoring day-to-day activities and thereby identifying rehabilitation progress and needs. However, identifying and selecting rehabilitation priorities is ethically challenging because physicians, therapists, and caregivers may impose their own personal values leading to paternalism. Therefore, we develop a discussion template consisting of a series of adaptable questions for the patient-physician encounter based on the capability approach. The goal is to improve geriatric rehabilitation and thereby increase participation in social life and well-being. To achieve this goal, we first analyzed what is considered important for participation on basis of the capability approach, human rights, and ethics of care. Second, we conducted an ethical analysis of each of the four identified dimensions of participation political, economic, socio-cultural, and care. To improve compliance with rehabilitation measures, health professionals must align rehabilitation measures in an open dialogue with the patient's aspiration for participation in each dimension. A discussion template based on the capability approach allows for a proactive approach in patient information and stimulates a critical assessment of treatment alternatives while reducing the risk of imposing personal values.Human activity recognition without equipment plays a vital role in smart home applications, freeing humans from the shackles of wearable devices. In this paper, by using the channel state information (CSI) of the WiFi signal, semi-supervised transfer learning with dynamic associate domain adaptation is proposed for human activity recognition. In order to improve the CSI quality and denoising of CSI, we carried out missing packet filling, burst noise removal, background estimation, feature extraction, feature enhancement, and data augmentation in the data pre-processing stage. This paper considers the problem of environment-independent human activity recognition, also known as domain adaptation. The pre-trained model is trained from the source domain by collecting a complete labeled dataset of all of the CSI of human activity patterns. Then, the pre-trained model is transferred to the target environment through the semi-supervised transfer learning stage. Therefore, when humans move to different target domains, a partial labeled dataset of the target domain is required for fine-tuning.
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