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3D produced hydrogel/PCL core/shell fiber scaffolds together with NIR-triggered medicine relieve pertaining to cancer treatments and also wound healing.
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We propose an alternative approach using GT to compute the matrix of intermicrostate MFPTs in the original Markov chain, from which a matrix of weighted intermacrostate MFPTs can be obtained. We also propose an approximation to the weighted-MFPT matrix in the strongly metastable limit. Inversion of the weighted-MFPT matrix, which is better conditioned than the matrices that must be inverted in alternative dimensionality reduction schemes, then yields the optimal reduced Markov chain. The superior numerical stability of the GT approach therefore enables us to realize optimal Markovian coarse-graining of systems with rare event dynamics.Comprehensive dynamics of coupled light wave and molecules in the terahertz wave generation process in an organic molecular crystal solid, 5,6-dichloro-2-methylbenzimidazole (DCMBI), induced by impulsive stimulated Raman scattering has been described by our previously developed multi-scale simulation, Maxwell + polarizable molecular dynamics method, where the propagation of macroscopic electromagnetic fields and microscopic molecular dynamics based on the force field model are numerically solved in the time domain. It has shown the behaviors of the excitation of Raman-active phonon modes by the irradiated pulse and terahertz radiation by molecular motions of infrared-active modes. Simulations of terahertz absorption and Raman spectroscopies of the DCMBI solid have also been performed to verify the applicability of the method to the terahertz optics. The calculated spectra are compared with the experimental measurements, showing good agreement. The detailed motions of the interacting electromagnetic fields and molecules occurred in the terahertz spectroscopies have also been provided, and the analyses have shown that rotational motions of the DCMBI molecules play key roles in the terahertz wave generation.This paper presents a joint experimental and theoretical study of positron scattering from furan. Experimental data were measured using the low energy positron beamline located at the Australian National University and cover an energy range from 1 eV to 30 eV. Cross sections were measured for total scattering, total elastic and inelastic scattering, positronium formation, and differential elastic scattering. Two theoretical approaches are presented the Schwinger multichannel method and the independent atom method with screening corrected additivity rule. In addition, our data are compared to corresponding electron scattering results from the same target with a number of significant differences observed and discussed.We formulate a comprehensive theoretical description of excitation harvesting in molecular aggregates photoexcited by weak incoherent radiation. An efficient numerical scheme that respects the continuity equation for excitation fluxes is developed to compute the nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) arising from the interplay between excitation generation, excitation relaxation, dephasing, trapping at the load, and recombination. The NESS is most conveniently described in the so-called preferred basis in which the steady-state excitonic density matrix is diagonal. The NESS properties are examined by relating the preferred-basis description to the descriptions in the site or excitonic bases. Focusing on a model photosynthetic dimer, we find that the NESS in the limit of long trapping time is quite similar to the excited-state equilibrium in which the stationary coherences originate from the excitation-environment entanglement. For shorter trapping times, we demonstrate how the properties of the NESS can be extracted from the time-dependent description of an incoherently driven but unloaded dimer. This relation between stationary and time-dependent pictures is valid, provided that the trapping time is longer than the decay time of dynamic coherences accessible in femtosecond spectroscopy experiments.The experimental characterization of scattering resonances in low energy collisions has proven to be a stringent test for quantum chemistry calculations. Previous measurements on the NO-H2 system at energies down to 10 cm-1 challenged the most sophisticated calculations of potential energy surfaces available. In this report, we continue these investigations by measuring the scattering behavior of the NO-H2 system in the previously unexplored 0.4 cm-1-10 cm-1 region for the parity changing de-excitation channel of NO. We study state-specific inelastic collisions with both para- and ortho-H2 in a crossed molecular beam experiment involving Stark deceleration and velocity map imaging. link= DOTAP chloride cost We are able to resolve resonance features in the measured integral and differential cross sections. Results are compared to predictions from two previously available potential energy surfaces, and we are able to clearly discriminate between the two potentials. DOTAP chloride cost We furthermore identify the partial wave contributions to these resonances and investigate the nature of the differences between collisions with para- and ortho-H2. Additionally, we tune the energy spreads in the experiment to our advantage to probe scattering behavior at energies beyond our mean experimental limit.Coherent excitation of a molecular ensemble coupled to a common radiation mode can lead to the collective emission of radiation known as superradiance. This collective emission only occurs if there is an entanglement between the molecules in their ground and excited state and can, therefore, serve as a macroscopic measure of coherence in the ensemble. Reported here are wave packet propagations for various pyrazine models of increasing complexity and molecular ensembles thereof. We show that ensemble coherence upon photoexcitation can prevail up to relatively long time scales although the effect can diminish quickly with increasing ensemble size. Coherence can also build up over time and even reemerge after the molecules have passed through a conical intersection. The effect of the pump pulse characteristics on the collective response of the molecular ensemble is also studied. A broadband pulse imprints a large amount of initial coherence to the system, as compared to a longer pulse with a smaller spread in the frequency domain. However, the differential effects arising from a different pulse duration and coherent bandwidth become less prominent if the emission of light from the ensemble takes place after a non-adiabatic decay process.The systematic identification of temperature scales in supercooled liquids that are key to understanding those liquids' underlying glass properties, and their formation-history dependence, is a challenging task. Here, we study the statistics of particles' squared displacements δr2 between equilibrium liquid configurations at temperature T and their underlying inherent states, using computer simulations of 11 different computer glass formers. We show that the relative fluctuations of δr2 are nonmonotonic in T, exhibiting a maximum whose location defines the crossover temperature TX. Therefore, TX marks the point of maximal heterogeneity during the process of tumbling down the energy landscape, starting from an equilibrium liquid state at temperature T down to its underlying inherent state. We extract TX for the 11 employed computer glasses, ranging from tetrahedral glasses to packs of soft elastic spheres, and demonstrate its usefulness in putting the elastic properties of different glasses on the same footing. Interestingly, we further show that TX marks the crossover between two distinct regimes of the mean ⟨δr2⟩ a high temperature regime in which ⟨δr2⟩ scales approximately as T0.5 and a deeply supercooled regime in which ⟨δr2⟩ scales approximately as T1.3. Further research directions are discussed.For disordered catalysts such as atomically dispersed "single-atom" metals on amorphous silica, the active sites inherit different properties from their quenched-disordered local environments. The observed kinetics are site-averages, typically dominated by a small fraction of highly active sites. Standard sampling methods require expensive ab initio calculations at an intractable number of sites to converge on the site-averaged kinetics. We present a new method that efficiently estimates the site-averaged turnover frequency (TOF). The new estimator uses the same importance learning algorithm [Vandervelden et al., React. link2 Chem. link2 Eng. 5, 77 (2020)] that we previously used to compute the site-averaged activation energy. link3 We demonstrate the method by computing the site-averaged TOF for a simple disordered lattice model of an amorphous catalyst. The results show that with the importance learning algorithm, the site-averaged TOF and activation energy can now be obtained concurrently with orders of magnitude reduction in required ab initio calculations.Polymers are desirable optoelectronic materials, stemming from their solution processability, tunable electronic properties, and large absorption coefficients. An exciting development is the recent discovery that singlet fission (SF), the conversion of a singlet exciton to a pair of triplet states, can occur along the backbone of an individual conjugated polymer chain. Compared to other intramolecular SF compounds, the nature of the triplet pair state in SF polymers remains poorly understood, hampering the development of new materials with optimized excited state dynamics. DOTAP chloride cost Here, we investigate the effect of solvent polarity on the triplet pair dynamics in the SF polymer polybenzodithiophene-thiophene-1,1-dioxide. We use transient emission measurements to study isolated polymer chains in solution and use the change in the solvent polarity to investigate the role of charge transfer character in both the singlet exciton and the triplet pair multiexciton. We identify both singlet fluorescence and direct triplet pair emission, indicating significant symmetry breaking. Surprisingly, the singlet emission peak is relatively insensitive to solvent polarity despite its nominal "charge-transfer" nature. In contrast, the redshift of the triplet pair energy with increasing solvent polarity indicates significant charge transfer character. link3 While the energy separation between singlet and triplet pair states increases with solvent polarity, the overall SF rate constant depends on both the energetic driving force and additional environmental factors. The triplet pair lifetime is directly determined by the solvent effect on its overall energy. The dominant recombination channel is a concerted, radiationless decay process that scales as predicted by a simple energy gap law.We utilize first-principles theory to investigate photo-induced excited-state dynamics of functionalized perylene diimide. This class of materials is highly suitable for solar energy conversion because of the strong optical absorbance, efficient energy transfer, and chemical tunability. We couple time-dependent density functional theory to a recently developed time-resolved non-adiabatic dynamics approach based on a semi-empirical description. By studying the monomer and dimer, we focus on the role stacking plays on the time-scales associated with excited-state non-radiative relaxation from a high excitonic state to the lowest energy exciton. We predict that the time-scale for energy conversion in the dimer is significantly faster than that in the monomer when equivalent excited states are accounted for. Additionally, for the dimer, the decay from the second to the nearly degenerate lowest energy excited-state involves two time-scales a rapid decay on the order of ∼10 fs followed by a slower decay of ∼100 fs.
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