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Pathophysiology involving Brain Injury along with Neural End result in Severe Breathing Stress Syndrome: A Scoping Report on Preclinical to Scientific studies.
MiSeq sequencing technology was used to analyze the microbial community diversity of soil in alpine wetlands to understand the degradation processes and environmental factors in these areas. The results showed that the severity of soil degradation changed the species diversity of soil microorganisms at the level of OTUs, and grass patches contained more species than frozen-thawing patches. The soil fungi species of OTUs changed significantly. The diversity indexes of bacteria (between the frozen-thawing patches and the grass patches) were higher than that of fungi. The dominant microbial species were consistent among different degradation stages. The dominant species of bacteria and fungi were Proteobacteria and RB41, and Ascomycota and Mortierella, respectively. The abundance of dominant microorganisms was significantly between un-degraded and heavily degraded areas, except for RB41 (P less then 0.05). The dominant microorganisms in the grass patches were more sensitive than those in the frozen-thawing patches. It was found that the main factors affecting the microbial community structure of soil were water content, organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, microbial biomass nitrogen, and sedge coverage. Microbial diversity may decrease in heavily degraded alpine wetlands. Thus, the frozen-thawing patches and sedge species should be first protected, and the supplements of soil water content, soil organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, and nitrogen should be strengthened for alpine wetland restoration.To investigate the dominant plants in ecological restoration of tin mining areas, field investigations were conducted in a tin tailings area in Lailishan, Yunnan Provence, and 15 dominant plants and corresponding rhizosphere soils were collected. The plant root mycorrhizal infection rate; the copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and tin (Sn) contents; and the chemical properties of the rhizosphere tailings were determined. The transfer and enrichment coefficients of six heavy metals were calculated for each of the 15 plants to comprehensively evaluate the application potential of native plants. The rhizophere tailings had an average pH value of 3.13, which was acidic. The organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen, and available phosphorus content of the soils was 6.07 g ·kg-1, 5.74 g ·kg-1, 0.62 g ·kg-1, 8.66 g ·kg-1, 30.84 mg ·kg-1, and 2.08 mg ·kg-1 respectively, indicating relatively nutrient-poor soil. The average Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb, As, and Sn contents of the soils were 347.40, 1.02, 1.34, 168.47, 25.81, and 2299.02 mg ·kg-1, respectively. Among the heavy metals, the Cd content reached a third-level pollution warning value. The soil also contained a large amount of Cu and Pb which exhibited a different spatial distribution. This area appears to have a high risk of Cu, Pb, and Cd pollution. In addition, the roots of Olea europaea L. and Eurya japonica Thunb. buy Y-27632 had a high rate of mycorrhizal infection. Alnus cremastogyne Burk., Bambusa multiplex (Lour.) Raeusch. ex Schult. 'Alphonse-Kar' R. A. Young, Juncus effusus L., and Cyperus rotundus L. var. had a strong ability to absorb and transport heavy metals. The other plants were also adapted to the growth environment of the tin tailings, with the potential to restore the mining area.The remediation of metalliferous mine tailings remains a challenge in many regions of the world. A field experiment was conducted on representative Pb-Zn mine tailings with different species richness (1-, 4-, 8-, and 16-species) to evaluate the potential roles of species diversity in the phytoremediation of metalliferous mine tailings. The main results were ① high species diversity greatly enhanced vegetation cover and biomass. For example, the average vegetation cover and biomass were 33.4% and 66.7 g ·m-2 in 1-species plots and reached 78.4% and 183.8 g ·m-2 in 16-species plots, respectively. ② Plant species diversity had significant effects on nutrient accumulation. Total organic carbon (TOC), water organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) significantly increased with the species diversity (TOCr=0.30,P less then 0.001; SOCr=0.20,P less then 0.05; TNr=0.24,P less then 0.05; TPr=0.20,P less then 0.05). ③ Species diversity not only reduced the concentration of diethylenetriamine pentaacetate (DTPA)-extracted metals in the mine tailings, but also decreased heavy metal transfer and accumulation in the soil-plant system. With enhanced species diversity, DTPA-extracted Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn decreased significantly (DTPA-Cdr=0.20,P less then 0.05; DTPA-Cur=0.19, P less then 0.05; DTPA-Pbr=0.23, P less then 0.05; DTPA-Znr=0.23, P less then 0.05). With increasing species diversity, a slightly decreasing trend was observed for Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations in the aboveground parts of plants (Cdr=-0.16, P less then 0.01; Cur=-0.23, P less then 0.001; Pbr=-0.15, P less then 0.05; Znr=-0.18, P less then 0.001). In conclusion, plant diversity can play an important role in mine reclamation.Alternating dry and wet conditions affect the main processes of N2O production, such as nitrification and denitrification. Such conditions are very common in tropical rice-growing areas, such as Hainan. As a type of soil amendment, biochar is widely used to improve physical and chemical properties of soil and to reduce soil greenhouse gas emissions. However, there is a lack of existing in-depth research on the emission reductions of biochar when used in tropical soils that undergo frequently alternating dry and wet conditions. In this experiment, typical paddy soil from northern Hainan was used as the test soil, and corn stalk biochar, carbonized under anaerobic conditions at 400℃, was used as the test biochar. This experiment explored the effects of adding biochar on soil greenhouse gas emissions and microbial-related functional genes under different water management conditions. The experiment comprised a 30 d culture, kept in the dark at 25℃, and a total of six treatmentsalternating dry-wet conditions withoZ gene abundance. However, it decreases the ratio of (nirK+nirS)/nosZ, inhibits the nitrification process, and promotes the reduction of N2O in the denitrification process. Thereby, the addition of corn stalk biochar can reduce N2O emissions. These results show that alternating dry-wet conditions, combined with the addition of corn stalk biochar, are beneficial for reducing N2O emissions in paddy soil, which may have further application in the reduction of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in northern Hainan.Based on the rice-vegetable crop rotation model, in-situ measurements of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions were conducted in double-cropping rice fields in Hainan to determine the impact of coconut chaff biochar on greenhouse gas emissions. The experiment involved four treatmentsconventional farming fertilization (CON), nitrogen fertilizer combined with 20 t ·hm-2 biochar (B1), nitrogen fertilizer combined with 40 t ·hm-2 biochar (B2), and no nitrogen fertilizer, as the control (CK). The N2O and CH4 emissions were measured using static chamber-gas chromatography during the two paddy seasons, and the global warming potential (GWP) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) were also estimated. The results show that N2O emission dynamics during the early rice season are closely related to the mineral nitrogen content of the soil. The N2O is emitted at the rice seedling and tillering stages after fertilization. The cumulative N2O emission during the early rice season was 0.18-0.76 kg ·hm-2. Compared with %. The cumulative CH4 emission in late rice season was 53.1-146.3 kg ·hm-2, and the emission dynamics were significantly positively correlated with NH4+-N content. CK and B1 treatments increased CH4 emissions by 52% and 99%, respectively compared with CON, and the B2 treatment significantly increased CH4 emissions by 176%. Compared with CON, the B1 and B2 treatments increased the yield by 12.0% and 14.3% when applied in the early rice season and by 7.6% and 0.4% when applied in the late rice season, respectively. Due to the increased methane emissions in the late rice season, biochar amendment increased the GWP of the double-cropping rice field, in which the high amount of biochar reached a significant level; different amounts of biochar had no significant effect on the GHGI of the double-cropping rice field. Thus, the application of coconut chaff biochar for the reduction of greenhouse gas emission, from rice fields in hot areas, requires further research.Using the free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) platform, an in-situ field experiment was conducted to explore the impacts of elevated CO2 mole fraction (x[CO2]) on N2O emissions from strongly and weakly responsive rice cultivars. Under elevated x[CO2], grain yield of the strongly responsive rice cultivars increased significantly, by more than 30%, whereas the weakly responsive cultivars showed a growth rate of 10%-15%. The four treatments comprised A-W (normal x[CO2]+weakly responsive cultivar), F-W (elevated x[CO2]+weakly responsive cultivar), A-S (normal x[CO2]+strongly responsive cultivar), and F-S (elevated x[CO2]+strongly responsive cultivar). Compared to the normal x[CO2] treatments (A-S and A-W), when the strongly and weakly responsive cultivars were exposed to elevated x[CO2](F-S and F-W), N2O emissions decreased by 52.54% (P0.05), and N2O emission intensity decreased by 61.68% (P less then 0.05) and 45.13% (P less then 0.05), respectively. Moreover, N2O emissions of all treatments were significantly positively correlated with NH4+-N content (P less then 0.05), whereas not correlated with NO2--N content. Soil temperature is an important factor affecting the N2O emissions of the strongly responsive cultivar in rice fields under elevated x[CO2] conditions. Through comprehensive consideration of climate conditions, in the future, priority should be given to planting the strongly responsive cultivar, ensuring high rice yield and significant reduction in N2O emissions.In China, high heavy metal concentrations in cultivated soil are mainly distributed in carbonate-covered areas. The migration and transformation of heavy metals in such soils are influenced by interactions between natural processes and human activities. This study examined the profiles of nine paddy soils, derived from carbonate rocks in Guangxi. The Cd, As, Zn, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, and Pb contents we determined, and soil properties such as pH, Corg content, and fractions of Cd, As, Zn, and Cr were tested. Based on the above data, we assessed the vertical distribution of heavy metal fractions, as well as the ecological risks and factors affecting the migration ability of heavy metals, under the influence of human activities and natural soil formation. The results show that compared with the carbonate rocks in Guangxi, the soil profile of the study area is significantly enriched with all eight heavy metals. Among them, Cd, As, Zn, and Cr exceeded China's agricultural land (paddy field) pollution risk screening valuoil development degree, but organic matter has an obviously enhanced effect in the tillage layer. The main controlling factor of Zn and Cr migration in soil is pH, and the effects are more intense under the disturbance of human activities.
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