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The particular iMPROVE Review; Design and style, Nutritional Styles, as well as Development of a Lifestyle Index throughout Obese as well as Overweight Greek Grown ups.
The risk of vertical and perinatal transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19), the most appropriate management, and the neonate's risk of developing COVID-19 during the perinatal period are unknown. Therefore, we aimed to elucidate best practices regarding infection control in mother-newborn dyads, and identify potential risk factors associated with transmission.

In this observational cohort study, we identified all neonates born between March 22 and May 17, 2020, at three New York Presbyterian Hospitals in New York City (NY, USA) to mothers positive for SARS-CoV-2 at delivery. Mothers could practice skin-to-skin care and breastfeed in the delivery room, but had to wear a surgical mask when near their neonate and practice proper hand hygiene before skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, and routine care. Unless medically required, neonates were kept in a closed Giraffe isolette in the same room as their mothers, and were held by mothers for feeding af Our data suggest that perinatal transmission of COVID-19 is unlikely to occur if correct hygiene precautions are undertaken, and that allowing neonates to room in with their mothers and direct breastfeeding are safe procedures when paired with effective parental education of infant protective strategies.

None.Country-led control measures to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, have been diverse. Originating in Wuhan, China, in December, 2019, the COVID-19 outbreak was declared a pandemic by WHO on March 11, 2020. In recognition of the severity of the outbreak, and having the longest shared border with China, the Government of Mongolia activated the State Emergency Committee in January, 2020, on the basis of the 2017 Disaster Protection Law. As a result, various public health measures have been taken that led to delaying the first confirmed case of COVID-19 until March 10, 2020, and with no intensive care admissions or deaths until July 6, 2020. These measures included promoting universal personal protection and preventions, such as the use of face masks and handwashing, restricting international travel, suspending all training and educational activities from kindergartens to universities, and banning major public gatherings such as the celebration of the national New Year holiday. These measures have been accompanied by active infection surveillance and self-isolation recommendations. The Mongolian case shows that with robust preventive systems, an effective response to a pandemic can be mounted in a low-income or middle-income country. We hereby examine the emergency preparedness experience, effectiveness, and challenges of the early outbreak policies on COVID-19 prevention in Mongolia, as well as any unintended consequences.
There are a large number of studies in the literature on burnout and its negative consequences for health and psychological wellbeing. Use of the burnout index in the academic context has increased to the point of identifying even the adolescent population. Nevertheless, at the present time there is no validated instrument for evaluating this syndrome in Spanish high school students. In view of this, our study attempted to evaluate the factor structure and reliability of the Spanish version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS) in a sample of high school adolescents.

The sample included 1,209 students in the autonomous region of Andalusia (Spain), of whom 47.1% were boys and 52.9% girls, with a mean age of M=15.07, SD=1.174).

The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported a model with 12 items showing good fit, distributed across three factors emotional exhaustion, cynicism and academic efficacy.

These results demonstrate that the proposed instrument has an excellent factor structure and internal consistency, and is useful for evaluating academic burnout in the adolescent Spanish high school population.
These results demonstrate that the proposed instrument has an excellent factor structure and internal consistency, and is useful for evaluating academic burnout in the adolescent Spanish high school population.
Different studies have highlighted the importance of subjective outcomes in negotiations. The Subjective Value Inventory (SVI) is the only existing instrument for measuring this aspect. The aim of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties and gender factorial invariance of the SVI in a Spanish sample.

A double back-translation of the original tool was carried out and it was then applied to a diverse sample of 345 university students and professionals of both genders. Analysis of factorial validity, reliability, and factorial invariance of the model across gender were carried out.

A model of sixteen items grouped into four factors, equivalent to the original, was confirmed. All the factors of the model, except the Self, demonstrated adequate psychometric indices. The configural invariance across gender is acceptable.

The Spanish version of the SVI matches the original scale. read more However, this study proposes using the scale without the Self factor. Lastly, the scale shows configural invariance across gender.
The Spanish version of the SVI matches the original scale. However, this study proposes using the scale without the Self factor. Lastly, the scale shows configural invariance across gender.
Sexual fantasies are described as thoughts or mental images with sexual content. link2 The Hurlbert Index of Sexual Fantasy (HISF) evaluates the positive attitude towards sexual fantasies. The objective of this study was to provide validity evidence of the Spanish version of the HISF and to present its standard scores.

The sample was composed of 3,458 adults from the general Spanish population (1,641 men; 1,817 women), distributed across age groups (18-34, 35-49, and over 50 years old).

The unifactorial structure of the Spanish version of the HISF showed strict measurement invariance across sex, age range, and education level. Positive attitudes towards sexual fantasies significantly correlated with erotophilia, sexual assertiveness, sexual desire, and sexual functioning. Also, the scale was useful for differentiating between individuals with sexual functioning difficulties and individuals with no difficulties. Finally, the standard scores were obtained based on sex and age range.

The Spanish version of the HISF is a reliable, valid, and invariant scale for assessing a positive attitude towards sexual fantasies in people with different sociodemographic characteristics.
The Spanish version of the HISF is a reliable, valid, and invariant scale for assessing a positive attitude towards sexual fantasies in people with different sociodemographic characteristics.
The Personal Outcomes Scale (POS) is used to assess quality of life (QoL) in people with intellectual disability (ID) but the results are influenced by the severity of the disability. To address this issue, we present the standardization of the Spanish adaptation of the POS. One of the limitations of the Classical Test Theory is the differential effect in some items due to the effect of an external variable. For this reason, we propose the use of multiple linear regressions.

We used a sample of 529 people with ID, along with 522 professionals and 462 parents who were administered the POS in order to carry out an in-depth psychometric study. For the analysis, we used the correction strategy by multiple linear regressions to generate centiles corrected for the severity effect of ID.

Following this technique, the results show the centiles from the raw POS score corrected for the effect of the severity of ID.

This standardization technique is a feasible option to provide a QoL scale without biased results due to the severity of ID.
This standardization technique is a feasible option to provide a QoL scale without biased results due to the severity of ID.
Although average-based effect size (ES) and percentage of individual changes (PIC) are quite different, they are not independent larger ESs lead to higher PICs. However, this association has not been sufficiently explored.

We analyzed this association based on data simulated in the context of a pre-post design, with and without control groups. We simulated various distributions, sample sizes, degrees of test-retest reliability, effect sizes, and different variances in pre- and post-test.

The PIC is closely associated with the ES across a wide variety of empirically frequent scenarios. In the "single group pre-post designs", the linear regression model shows R2 values above 0.90. In the "control group pre-post designs", the linear regression model shows R2 values above 0.80. These results were found even when the post-test variability differed from that of the pre-test, replicating, extending and generalizing the findings in previous studies.

(1) In the absence of information about the PIC, the ES may be used to estimate this percentage. (2) The PIC is useful in interpreting the meaning of ES measures.
(1) In the absence of information about the PIC, the ES may be used to estimate this percentage. (2) The PIC is useful in interpreting the meaning of ES measures.
This study analyzes the effectiveness of different information criteria for the selection of covariance structures, extending it to different missing data mechanisms, the maintenance and adjustment of the mean structures, and matrices.

The Monte Carlo method was used with 1,000 simulations, SAS 9.4 statistical software and a partially repeated measures design (p=2; q=5). link3 The following variables were manipulated a) the complexity of the model; b) sample size; c) matching of covariance matrices and sample size; d) dispersion matrices; e) the type of distribution of the variable; f) the non-response mechanism.

The results show that all information criteria worked well in Scenario 1 for normal and non-normal distributions with heterogeneity of variance. However, in Scenarios 2 and 3, all were accurate with the ARH matrix, whereas AIC, AICCR and HQICR worked better with TOEP and UN. When the distribution was not normal, AIC and AICCR were only accurate in Scenario 3, more heterogeneous and unstructured matrices, with complete cases, MAR and MCAR.

In order to correctly select the matrix it is advisible to analyze the heterogeneity, sample size and distribution of the data.
In order to correctly select the matrix it is advisible to analyze the heterogeneity, sample size and distribution of the data.
To improve the quality of test translation and adaptation, and hence the comparability of scores across cultures, the International Test Commission (ITC) proposed a number of guidelines for the adaptation process. Although these guidelines are well-known, they are not implemented as often as they should be. One possible reason for this is the broad scope of the guidelines, which makes them difficult to apply in practice. The goal of this study was therefore to draw up an evaluative criterion checklist that would help test adapters to implement the ITC recommendations and which would serve as a model for assessing the quality of test adaptations.

Each ITC guideline was operationalized through a number of criteria. For each criterion, acceptable and excellent levels of accomplishment were proposed. The initial checklist was then reviewed by a panel of 12 experts in testing and test adaptation. The resulting checklist was applied to two different tests by two pairs of independent reviewers.

The final evaluative checklist consisted of 29 criteria covering all phases of test adaptation planning, development, confirmation, administration, score interpretation, and documentation.
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