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Variables linked to the lowered risk of intraventricular haemorrhage in a significant trial involving neonates using the respiratory system hardship malady.
Local optimization of adsorption systems inherently involves different scales within the substrate, within the molecule, and between the molecule and the substrate. In this work, we show how the explicit modeling of different characteristics of the bonds in these systems improves the performance of machine learning methods for optimization. We introduce an anisotropic kernel in the Gaussian process regression framework that guides the search for the local minimum, and we show its overall good performance across different types of atomic systems. The method shows a speed-up of up to a factor of two compared with the fastest standard optimization methods on adsorption systems. Additionally, we show that a limited memory approach is not only beneficial in terms of overall computational resources but can also result in a further reduction of energy and force calculations.The structure of nanoconfined fluids is particularly non-uniform owing to the wall interaction, resulting in the distinctive characteristic of thermal transport compared to bulk fluids. We present the molecular simulations on the thermal transport of water confined in nanochannels with a major investigation of its spatial distribution under the effects of wall interaction. The results show that the thermal conductivity of nanoconfined water is inhomogeneous and its layered distribution is very similar to the density profile. The layered thermal conductivity is the coupling result of inhomogeneous density and energy distributions that are generally diametrical, and their contributions to the thermal conductivity compensate with each other. However, the accumulative effect of water molecules is really dominating, resulting in a high thermal conductivity in the high-density layers with the low-energy molecules, and vice versa. AM1241 cost Moreover, it is found that the adsorptive and repulsive interactions from solid walls have different roles in the hierarchical thermal transport in nanoconfined water. The adsorptive interaction is only responsible for the layered distribution of thermal conductivity, while the repulsive interaction is responsible for the overall thermal conductivity; accordingly, the thermal conductivity is independent of the strength of water-solid interactions. The identified hierarchical thermal transport in nanoconfined water and its underlying mechanisms have a great significance for the understanding of nanoscale thermal transport and even the mass and energy transport of nanoconfined fluids.Heterogeneous relaxation dynamics often characterizes deep eutectic solvents. Extensive and molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out in the temperature range, 303 ≤ T/K ≤ 370, for studying the anion and temperature dependencies of heterogeneous dynamics of three different ionic acetamide deep eutectics acetamide + LiX, X being bromide (Br-), nitrate (NO3-), and perchlorate (ClO4-). These systems are chosen because the fractional viscosity dependence of average relaxation rates reported by various measurements has been attributed to the heterogeneous dynamics of these systems. Simulations performed here attempt to characterize the heterogeneous relaxation dynamics in terms of correlated time and length scales and understand the solution inhomogeneity in microscopic terms. Additionally, simulation studies for pure molten acetamide have been performed to understand the impact of ions on motional features of acetamide in these ionic deep eutectic systems. The computed radial distribution functions suges with an estimated length of ∼1 nm, suggesting formation of clusters at the local level as the origin for the micro-heterogeneous nature of these ionic deep eutectics.The Ewald method has been the cornerstone in molecular simulations for modeling electrostatic interactions of charge-stabilized many-body systems. In the late 1990s, Wolf and collaborators developed an alternative route to describe the long-range nature of electrostatic interactions; from a computational perspective, this method provides a more efficient and straightforward way to implement long-range electrostatic interactions than the Ewald method. Despite these advantages, the validity of the Wolf potential to account for the electrostatic contribution in charged fluids remains controversial. To alleviate this situation, in this contribution, we implement the Wolf summation method to both electrolyte solutions and charged colloids with moderate size and charge asymmetries in order to assess the accuracy and validity of the method. To this end, we verify that the proper selection of parameters within the Wolf method leads to results that are in good agreement with those obtained through the standard Ewald method and the theory of integral equations of simple liquids within the so-called hypernetted chain approximation. Furthermore, we show that the results obtained with the original Wolf method do satisfy the moment conditions described by the Stillinger-Lovett sum rules, which are directly related to the local electroneutrality condition and the electrostatic screening in the Debye-Hückel regime. Hence, the fact that the solution provided by the Wolf method satisfies the first and second moments of Stillinger-Lovett proves, for the first time, the reliability of the method to correctly incorporate the electrostatic contribution in charge-stabilized fluids. This makes the Wolf method a powerful alternative compared to more demanding computational approaches.A full configuration interaction calculation (FCI) ultimately defines the innate molecular orbital description of a molecule. link2 Its density matrix and the natural orbitals obtained from it quantify the difference between having N-dominantly occupied orbitals in a reference determinant for a wavefunction to describe N-correlated electrons and how many of those N-electrons are left to the remaining virtual orbitals. The latter provides a measure of the multi-determinantal character (MDC) required to be in a wavefunction. MDC is further split into a weak correlation part and a part that indicates stronger correlation often called multi-reference character (MRC). If several virtual orbitals have high occupation numbers, then one might argue that these additional orbitals should be allowed to have a larger role in the calculation, as in MR methods, such as MCSCF, MR-CI, or MR-coupled-cluster (MR-CC), to provide adequate approximations toward the FCI. However, there are problems with any of these MR methods that complicate the calculations compared to the uniformity and ease of application of single-reference CC calculations (SR-CC) and their operationally single-reference equation-of-motion (EOM-CC) extensions. link3 As SR-CC theory is used in most of today's "predictive" calculations, an assessment of the accuracy of SR-CC at some truncation of the cluster operator would help to quantify how large an issue MRC actually is in a calculation, and how it might be alleviated while retaining the convenient SR computational character of CC/EOM-CC. This paper defines indices that identify MRC situations and help assess how reliable a given calculation is.We discuss Floquet engineering of dissipative molecular systems through periodic driving of an infrared-active vibrational transition, either directly or via a cavity mode. Following a polaron quantum Langevin equation approach, we derive correlation functions and stationary quantities showing strongly modified optical response of the infrared-dressed molecule. The coherent excitation of molecular vibrational modes in combination with the modulation of electronic degrees of freedom due to vibronic coupling can lead to both enhanced vibronic coherence and control over vibrational sideband amplitudes. The additional coupling to an infrared cavity allows for the controlled suppression of undesired sidebands, an effect stemming from the Purcell enhancement of vibrational relaxation rates.Newly synthesized nanocars have shown great potential to transport molecular payloads. Since wheels of nanocars dominate their motion, the study of the wheels helps us to design a suitable surface for them. We investigated C60 thermal diffusion on the hexagonal boron-nitride (h-BN) monolayer as the wheel of nanocars. We calculated C60 potential energy variation during the translational and rotational motions at different points on the substrate. The study of the energy barriers and diffusion coefficients of the molecule at different temperatures indicated three noticeable changes in the C60 motion regime. C60 starts to slide on the surface at 30 K-40 K, slides freely on the boron-nitride monolayer at 100 K-150 K, and shows rolling motions at temperatures higher than 500 K. The anomaly parameter of the motion reveals that C60 has a diffusive motion on the boron-nitride substrate at low temperatures and experiences superdiffusion with Levy flight motions at higher temperatures. A comparison of the fullerene motion on the boron-nitride and graphene surfaces demonstrated that the analogous structure of the graphene and hexagonal boron-nitride led to similar characteristics such as anomaly parameters and the temperatures at which the motion regime changes. The results of this study empower us to predict that fullerene prefers to move on boron-nitride sections on a hybrid substrate composed of graphene and boron-nitride. This property can be utilized to design pathways or regions on a surface to steer or trap the C60 or other molecular machines, which is a step toward directional transportation at the molecular scale.The modeling of coupled electron-ion dynamics including a quantum description of the nuclear degrees of freedom has remained a costly and technically difficult practice. The kinetic model for electron-phonon interaction provides an efficient approach to this problem, for systems evolving with low amplitude fluctuations, in a quasi-stationary state. In this work, we propose an extension of the kinetic model to include the effect of coherences, which are absent in the original approach. The new scheme, referred to as Liouville-von Neumann + Kinetic Equation (or LvN + KE), is implemented here in the context of a tight-binding Hamiltonian and employed to model the broadening, caused by the nuclear vibrations, of the electronic absorption bands of an atomic wire. The results, which show close agreement with the predictions given by Fermi's golden rule (FGR), serve as a validation of the methodology. Thereafter, the method is applied to the electron-phonon interaction in transport simulations, adopting to this end the driven Liouville-von Neumann equation to model open quantum boundaries. In this case, the LvN + KE model qualitatively captures the Joule heating effect and Ohm's law. It, however, exhibits numerical discrepancies with respect to the results based on FGR, attributable to the fact that the quasi-stationary state is defined taking into consideration the eigenstates of the closed system rather than those of the open boundary system. The simplicity and numerical efficiency of this approach and its ability to capture the essential physics of the electron-phonon coupling make it an attractive route to first-principles electron-ion dynamics.
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