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Non-HLA Antibodies and Epitope Mismatches in Kidney Hair transplant Individuals With Histological Antibody-Mediated Negativity.
nd limitations) of intestinal organoids derived from a spontaneous animal disease model of IBD (i.e., the dog), and how it can heighten understanding of the interplay between dietary interventions, the gut microbiota and intestinal inflammation. We will also review how intestinal organoids could be used to streamline the preclinical development of therapeutic drug candidates for IBD patients and their best four-legged friends.In recent years, an apparent decline in human sperm quality has been observed worldwide. One in every 5.5 couples suffers from infertility, with male reproductive problems contributing to nearly 40% of all infertility cases. Although the reasons for the increasing number of infertility cases are largely unknown, both genetic and environmental factors can be contributing factors. In particular, exposure to chemical substances during mammalian male germ cell development has been linked to an increased risk of infertility in later life owing to defective sperm production, reproductive tract obstruction, inflammation, and sexual disorders. Prenatal exposure to nanomaterials (NMs) is no exception. In animal experiments, maternal exposure to NMs has been reported to affect the reproductive health of male offspring. Male germ cells require multiple epigenetic reprogramming events during their lifespan to acquire reproductive capacity. Given that spermatozoa deliver the paternal genome to oocytes upon fertilization, ts of sperm-derived epigenomic changes in the F1 generation is presented, in that such maternal exposure could affect early embryonic development followed by deficits in neurodevelopment and male reproduction in the F2 generation.Paraquat (PQ) is a putative risk factor for the development of sporadic Parkinson's disease. To model a possible genetic basis for individual differences in susceptibility to exposure to PQ, we recently examined the effects of paraquat on tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-containing neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) of six members of the BXD family of mice (n = 2-6 per strain). We injected males with 5 mg/kg paraquat weekly three times. The density of TH+ neurons counted by immunocytochemistry at 200x in eight or more sections through the SNc is reduced in five of the six strains relative to control (N = 4 ± 2 mice per strain). TH+ loss ranged from 0 to 20% with an SEM of 1%. The heritability was estimated using standard ANOVA and jackknife resampling and is 0.37 ± 0.05 in untreated animals and 0.47 ± 0.04 in treated animals. These results demonstrate genetic modulation and GxE variation in susceptibility to PQ exposure and the loss of TH staining in the substantia nigra.In cases where chemical-specific toxicity data are absent or limited, the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) offers an alternative to assess human exposure below which "there would be no appreciable risk to human health." The application of TTC to non-cancer systemic endpoints has been pursued for decades using a chemical classification and Point of Departure (POD). This study presents a new POD dataset of oral subacute/subchronic toxicity studies in rats for 656 industrial chemicals retrieved from the Hazard Evaluation Support System (HESS) Integrated Platform, which contains hundreds of reliable repeated-dose toxicity test data of industrial chemicals under the Chemical Substances of Control Law in Japan. The HESS TTC dataset was found to have less duplication with substances in other reported TTC datasets. Each chemical was classified into a Cramer Class, with 68, 3, and 29% of these 656 chemicals distributed in Classes III, II, and I, respectively. For each Cramer Class, a provisional Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) was derived from the 5th percentile of the lognormal distribution of PODs. The TDIs were 1.9 and 30 μg/kg bw/day for Classes III and I, respectively. The TDI for Cramer Class II could not be determined due to insufficient sample size. This work complements previous studies of the TTC approach and increases the confidence of the thresholds for non-cancer endpoints by including unique chemical structures. This new TTC dataset is publicly available and can be merged with existing databases to improve the TTC approach.Most cell culture models are static, but the cellular microenvironment in the body is dynamic. Here, we established a microfluidic-based in vitro model of human bronchial epithelial cells in which cells are stationary, but nutrient supply is dynamic, and we used this system to evaluate cellular uptake of nanoparticles. The cells were maintained in fetal calf serum-free and bovine pituitary extract-free cell culture medium. BEAS-2B, an immortalized, non-tumorigenic human cell line, was used as a model and the cells were grown in a chip within a microfluidic device and were briefly infused with amorphous silica (SiO2) nanoparticles or polystyrene (PS) nanoparticles of similar primary sizes but with different densities. For comparison, tests were also performed using static, multi-well cultures. PF-04957325 purchase Cellular uptake of the fluorescently labeled particles was investigated by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Exposure under dynamic culture conditions resulted in higher cellular uptake of the PS nanoparticles when compared to static conditions, while uptake of SiO2 nanoparticles was similar in both settings. The present study has shown that it is feasible to grow human lung cells under completely animal-free conditions using a microfluidic-based device, and we have also found that cellular uptake of PS nanoparticles aka nanoplastics is highly dependent on culture conditions. Hence, traditional cell cultures may not accurately reflect the uptake of low-density particles, potentially leading to an underestimation of their cellular impact.The embryonic stage is the most vulnerable period for congenital abnormalities. Due to its prolonged developmental course, the central nervous system (CNS) is susceptible to numerous genetic, epigenetic, and environmental influences. During embryo implantation, the CNS is more vulnerable to external influences such as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), increasing the risk for delayed fetal growth, sudden infant death syndrome, and immune system abnormalities. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of in utero exposure to ETS on neuroinflammation in the offspring of pregnant mice challenged or not with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). After the confirmation of mating by the presence of the vaginal plug until offspring birth, pregnant C57BL/6 mice were exposed to either 3R4F cigarettes smoke (Kentucky University) or compressed air, twice a day (1h each), for 21 days. Enhanced glial cell and mixed cell cultures were prepared from 3-day-old mouse pups. After cell maturation, both cells were stimulated with LPS or saline. To inhibit microglia activation, minocycline was added to the mixed cell culture media 24 h before LPS challenge. To verify the influence of in utero exposure to ETS on the development of neuroinflammatory events in adulthood, a different set of 8-week-old animals was submitted to the Autoimmune Experimental Encephalomyelitis (EAE) model. The results indicate that cells from LPS-challenged pups exposed to ETS in utero presented high levels of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and decreased cell viability. Such a proinflammatory environment could modulate fetal programming by an increase in microglia and astrocytes miRNA155. This scenario may lead to the more severe EAE observed in pups exposed to ETS in utero.The identification of developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) is a critical component of toxicological evaluations of chemical safety. Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) provide a framework to describe biological processes leading to a toxic effect and can provide insights in understanding the mechanisms underlying toxicological endpoints and aid the development of new approach methods (NAMs). Integrated approaches to testing and assessment (IATA) can be developed based on AOP knowledge and can serve as pragmatic approaches to chemical hazard characterization using NAMs. However, DART effects remain difficult to predict given the diversity of biological mechanisms operating during ontogenesis and consequently, the considerable number of potential molecular initiating events (MIEs) that might trigger a DART Adverse Outcome (DART AO). Consequently, two challenges that need to be overcome to create an AOP-based DART IATA are having sufficient knowledge of relevant biology and using this knowledge to determine how the HDG in combination with gene expression data can be used to select a panel of relevant cell lines (RD-1, OVCAR-3) for inclusion in an IATA and conclude that bioinformatic analyses can provide the necessary insights and serve as a resource for the development of a screening panel for a DART IATA.Endocrine disrupting chemicals mimic or disrupt action of the natural hormones, adversely impacting hormonal function as well as cardiovascular, reproductive, and metabolic health. Goldfish are seasonal breeders with an annual reproductive cycle regulated by neuroendocrine signaling which involves allocation of metabolic energy to sustain growth and reproduction. We hypothesize that seasonal changes in physiology alter overall vulnerability of goldfish to metabolic perturbation induced by environmental contaminants. In this study, we assess effects of endogenous hormones, individual contaminants and their mixture on metabolism of goldfish at different reproductive stages. Exposure effects were assessed using 1H-NMR metabolomics profiling of male goldfish midbrain, gonad and liver harvested during early recrudescence (October), mid-recrudescence (February) and late recrudescence (June). Compounds assessed include bisphenol A, nonylphenol, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, fucosterol and a tertiary mixture (DEHP + NP + FS). Metabolome-level responses induced by contaminant exposure across tissues and seasons were benchmarked against responses induced by 17β-estradiol, testosterone and thyroid hormone (T3). We observe a clear seasonal dependence to metabolome-level alteration induced by hormone or contaminant exposures, with February (mid-recrudescence) the stage at which male goldfish are most vulnerable to metabolic perturbation. Responses induced by contaminant exposures differed from those induced by the natural hormones in a season-specific manner. Exposure to the tertiary mixture induced a functional gain at the level of biochemical pathways modeling over responses induced by individual components in select tissues and seasons. We demonstrate the importance of seasonally driven changes in physiology altering overall vulnerability of goldfish to metabolic perturbation induced by environmental contaminants, the relevance of which likely extends to other seasonally-breeding species.Mitochondrial dysfunctions that were not discovered during preclinical and clinical testing have been responsible for at least restriction of use as far as withdrawal of many drugs. To solve mitochondrial machinery complexity, integrative methodologies combining different data, coupled or not to mathematic modelling into systems biology, could represent a strategic way but are still very hard to implement. These technologies should be accurate and precise to avoid accumulation of errors that can lead to misinterpretations, and then alter prediction efficiency. To address such issue, we have developed a versatile functional energy metabolism platform that can measure quantitatively, in parallel, with a very high precision and accuracy, a high number of biological parameters like substrates or enzyme cascade activities in essential metabolism units (glycolysis, respiratory chain ATP production, oxidative stress...) Its versatility (our platform works on either cell lines or small animals and human samples) allows cell metabolism pathways fine tuning comparison from preclinical to clinical studies.
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