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SNR of >5000 was achieved for concentrations of bovine serum albumin/yeastolate 1.2/10 g L-1 with TSFS|| . Optimization using genetic algorithm and interval partial least squares based variable selection enabled reduction of spectral resolution and number of excitation wavelengths required without degrading performance. This enables fast ( less then 3.5 min) online/at-line measurements, and the method had an LOD of 0.18 g L-1 and high accuracy with a predictive error of less then 9%.Interleukin 36 (IL-36) constitutes a group of cytokines that belong to the IL-1 superfamily. Emerging evidence has suggested a role of IL-36 in the pathogenesis of many inflammatory disorders. Intriguingly, in the gastrointestinal tract, IL-36 has a rather complex function. IL-36 receptor ligands are overexpressed in both animal colitis models and human IBD patients and may play both pathogenic and protective roles, depending on the context. IL-36 cytokines comprise three receptor agonists IL-36α, IL-36β and IL-36γ, and two receptor antagonists IL-36Ra and IL-38. All IL-36 receptor agonists bind to the IL-36R complex and exert pleiotropic effects during inflammatory settings. Here, we first briefly review the processing and secretion of IL-36 cytokines. We then focus on the current understanding of the immunology effects of IL-36 in gut immunity. In addition, we also discuss the ongoing trials that aim to blockage IL-36R signalling for treating chronic intestinal inflammation and present some unexplored questions regarding IL-36 research.Human dental pulp stem cell (DPSC) differentiation toward the osteoblastic phenotype is enhanced when culture media are supplemented with differentiating factors, i.e. ascorbic acid, β-glycerophosphate and dexamethasone. Liposomes, spherical vesicles formed by a phospholipid bilayer, are frequently used as carriers for drugs, growth factors and hydrophobic molecules. The aim of this work was to speed up DPSC commitment to the osteogenic lineage by embedding differentiating factors within liposomes. Firstly, liposomes were prepared by rehydrating a phospholipidic thin film and characterised in terms of dimensions. Secondly, liposome-exposed DPSCs were characterised by their immunophenotypic profile. Levels of CD90 were significantly decreased in the presence of liposomes filled with ascorbic acid, β-glycerophosphate and dexamethasone (Lipo-Mix) with respect to normal differentiation medium (DM), while CD73 and CD29 expression were enhanced, suggesting osteogenic commitment. Additionally, an appreciable extracellular matrix deposition is detected. Thirdly, the Lipo-Mix formulation better increases alkaline phosphatase activity and levels of Collagen I secretion with respect to DM. In parallel, the new liposome formulation is capable of decreasing the release of H2O2 and of triggering a precocious antioxidant cell response, redressing the redox balance required upon mesenchymal stem cell commitment to osteogenesis. It can be therefore hypothesised that Lipo-Mix could represent a suitable tool for clinical regenerative purposes in the field of tissue engineering by speeding up DPSC osteogenic commitment, mineralised matrix deposition and remodelling.A new species of Trichogramma Westwood (Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae) is described Trichogramma foersteri sp. nov. Takahashi from eggs of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner, (Lepidoptera Erebidae) a major soybean defoliating pest. The parasitoid was collected in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná State, Brazil, and molecular and morphological characters were used to confirm the identity of the new species. Preliminary biological data are provided to demonstrate its high capacity of parasitism. The new species is a potential candidate as a biological control agent against some lepidopteran-pests.The first detection of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) in Brazil pointed to a gloomy future for South American agriculture in the 2012/2013 harvest, and insecticide sales increased exponentially during 2013 and 2014. However, after this outbreak, the population of this insect returned to manageable levels. This study documents data on H. armigera moth collection using light traps during the outbreak in two locations (a) western region of the state of Bahia, including population levels of H. armigera and main noctuid pests during the big outbreak (February and March 2013); (b) Federal District, including monthly data for five growing seasons (July 2012-June 2017). During the outbreak, an average of 527.3 moths were collected per trap (cotton crop, March) in the western region of Bahia each night, while the maximum average in the Federal District was 75.4 moths (January). The number of moths decreased in the following growing seasons, and in October 2016, the maximum number was 2.8 moths per trap. Aspects related to the variations of H. armigera and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) populations, including the study of phenology and relationship with climatic factors and Oceanic Niño Index, were analyzed and discussed. All aspects are approached to contribute to the management of lepidopteran pests, especially H. armigera, in the productive systems of the Brazilian Cerrado.The expansion of soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill in South America has provided an abundant host to the native arthropod fauna. Stink bugs (Heteroptera Pentatomidae) are severe pests on soybean crops due to their feeding activities. Several native species have been recorded on this crop, with the widespread Neotropical brow stink bug Euschistus heros (Fabricius) recognized as the key pest in most of its distribution. Here, we report for the first time Euschistus crenator (Fabricius) as a new invasive species on soybean fields in Northern Brazil. We collected the species at Pará state (2°38'32.2″S 54°55'56.1″W and 4°06'31.2″S 54°55'01.9″W) and Roraima state (2°39'41.3″N 60°46'58.9″W and 3°00'44.6″N 60°22'32.9″W). The latter represents a new state record, and the first represents new locality records, however, both representing the first soybean host record for the species. The distribution of E. crenator ranges from southern US (AZ, CA, FL, and TX) to north South America, mostly between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Despite overlap in distribution, we did not find E. crenator and E. heros simultaneously on soybean crops in the North region (Amazon Forest) of Brazil. Euschistus crenator was able to complete its life cycle and had viable offspring on soybean plants, with development parameters similar to E. heros.The fall armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) has become a global devastating pest because of its broad dispersal capacity and the high crop damages. At present, research on FAW infestations of crops in the DR Congo remains undocumented. Here, FAW infestations in two agro-ecological zones (Kabare and Ruzizi Plain) were compared in South-Kivu Province. Surveys were carried out during the early 2018 and late 2019 crop seasons to assess the impact of FAW on maize crops. In each agro-ecological zone, 50 fields were selected for investigation. A total of hundred (100) fields were assessed in the 2018 crop season. During the 2019 crop season, the same fields were investigated. The two zones had very different bioclimatic characteristics. FAW attacks were more pronounced under conditions of relatively high temperatures with high evapotranspiration, which occurred in the Ruzizi Plain and late 2019 season. Selisistat supplier In comparison, Kabare territory and the early 2018 season were characterized by heavy rainfall. The incidence, level of leaf damage, and density of FAW larvae varied significantly with season and agro-ecological zone. The Ruzizi Plain had the highest incidence (60 ± 30%), level of leaf damage and larval density (28.5 ± 19.3). The late 2019 season had the highest incidence (70 ± 20%) as well as the larval density (27.8 ± 19.2). Total annual number of FAW generations was 5.64 and 3.36 in the Ruzizi Plain and Kabare territory, respectively. In conclusion, FAW infestation represents a major problem for agricultural production due to the climatic conditions in the study region.In polymorphic ants, whose workers display continuous size distribution, each subcaste occupies a phenotypic space, usually with diffuse morphological boundaries. These morphological differences are closely associated to size by allometry although the environment also plays a key role that affects the fitness of the species. In Camponotus borellii Emery, the species selected as a study model, workers exhibit a continuous increase in size; geometric morphometric (GM) was used over four morphological traits head capsule, clypeus, pronotum, and mesosoma, in order to assess (1) changes in shape, among the worker caste; (2) the influence of allometry on such changes; and (3) pronotum shape in respect to the head so as to infer which factors may influence the polymorphic development of the worker caste. The results indicated that the pronotum is organized into two highly integrated functional modules (neck and shield), corresponding to one developmental module. GM shows a similar pattern to that obtained for linear morphometry, though the worker ratio was different along continuous size distribution due to shape changes in two traits, with are also useful for delimiting modular units (1) rounded shape of the posterior region of the head in minor workers; (2) shape of the pronotum, especially its anterior region, henceforth, neck, which widens as a consequence of the higher development of its central region, henceforth, shield, in major workers. The relevance of these results is discussed regarding functional morphology (pronotum in relation to the head), work division, and development of the worker caste.The optimal defense theory stipulates that a plant prioritizes the defense of young tissue against herbivory, which may affect the spatial distribution of the attacking insect and its impact on plant performance. In this study, we evaluated the feeding and oviposition site preferences of the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) (Hemiptera Pseudococcidae), when comparing different parts of the canopy of two coffee varieties as well as its fertility and life history parameters. We evaluated the feeding preference, oviposition site choice, and the distribution of different development stages of P. citri on different strata (apical, median, base, and trunk regions) of two coffee varieties, Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora, as well as the associated variations in life history parameters and fertility. The citrus mealybug preferred to feed and oviposit on young leaves despite the presence of high levels of defense compounds. On average, more than 38% of P. citri preferred the apical leaves of cv. Coffea arabica compared to the other parts of the plant. However, in cv. C. canephora, the proportion that preferred the apical leaves was greater than 55%. The net reproduction rate (R0) and the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of P. citri reared on C. canephora were significantly higher than those seen on C. arabica. The generation time (T) of P. citri reared on C. arabica was significantly longer than that observed on C. canephora. The estimated population growth rate of mealybugs on C. canephora varieties over 15 generations was more than twice that of the population on C. arabica. The dispersion ability and choice of the most nutritious plant strata by nymphs and adults on coffee plants are fundamental to the fitness of these mealybugs. Mealybugs showed a distinct preference for C. canephora.
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