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Two species are new to science Bisacculosuteri marcelae sp. nov., characterized by a highly branched central pharynx, prominent seminal vesicle, a penis papilla with stylet, paired strongly muscularized uterine sac and uterine vesicles; and Paraplanocera oligoglenoides sp. nov., with translucent body, light brown pigmentation and black dots distributed in the pharyngeal and reproductive regions, and an oval cirrus sac with intramuscular surrounding hollow spaces and armored with spines and conspicuous teeth. The third species is Euplanoida cf. pacificola that could not be determined as the nominal species, due to ambiguity in its description. The fourth species, Bivesiculoplana lamothei, was previously described from the region and now is recorded in new localities and hosts from Oaxaca.Collections of sponges by the late Dr. William C. Austin and the authors (N. McDaniel, R. Harbo and B. Ott) provided material for descriptions of new species from two genera of Poecilosclerida for shallow waters of Southern British Columbia, Canada and Northern Washington, USA Lissodendoryx and Myxilla. There have been no new species of these two genera described for the Northeast Pacific since Laubenfels' work in central California (Laubenfels 1930, 1932) and Lambe's reports in 1893 to 1895 for Geological Survey of Canada sponge collections from British Columbia, Canada to the Bering Sea. We describe three new species of Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) (Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida, Coelosphaeridae) and one new species of Myxilla (Myxilla) (Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida, Myxillidae) L. (L.) barkleyensis n. sp., L. (L.) littoralis n. sp., L. (L.) toxaraphida n. sp. and M. (M.) austini n. sp. Lissodendoryx (L.) barkleyensis n. sp. is cave-dwelling, has acanthostyles 112-260 µm, tornotes 107-177 µm, arcuate isochelas 8-28 µm and two sizes of sigmas 18-29, 26-55 µm. Lissodendoryx (L.) littoralis n. sp. fistulate habitus is adapted to muddy substrates similar to some Polymastia species also found commonly in the Northeast Pacific. It has subtylostyles 185-336 µm, tylotes 112-229 µm, arcuate isochelas 11-23 µm, and sigmas 30-75 µm. Lissodendoryx (L.) toxaraphida n. sp. is the only described Lissodendoryx species with raphides shaped like toxas. It has acanthostyles 140-286 µm, tornotes 143-195µm, arcuate isochelas 18-34 µm and toxiform raphides 65-156 µm. Myxilla (M.) austini n. sp. has a fistulate habitus and both tornote and tylote megascleres. It appears to be tolerant of low oxygen environments. Myxilla (M.) austini n. sp. has smooth to sparsely spined styles 193-353 µm, tylotes 153-221 µm, tornotes 174-260 µm, two sizes of anchorate isochelas 13-27, 42-81 µm, and two sizes of sigmas 13-47, 33-78 µm. All specimens were collected from shallow water (intertidal to 25 m).Over the course of my career I have described nine Branchiopod genera and one subgenus, either alone or with other researchers. From these, four genera and the subgenus belong to Anostraca. But I was remiss in designating type species for one of those taxa which caused the name to become unavailable. This short communication is to rectify this unfortunate error on my part.A new solifuge species in the genus Gaucha Mello-Leitão, 1924 and the ibirapemussu species-group is herein described based on males and females collected at Itacuruba, State of Pernambuco, and Jaicós, State of Piauí, both in Northeastern Brazil. Males of the new species can be readily recognized by having the movable finger MM and MSM teeth reduced and of similar size. The present finding raises to twelve the number of described species in the genus, five of which belong to the ibirapemussu species-group. Besides, a new locality record for the species Gaucha ibirapemussu (Carvalho et al., 2010) is here presented, along with an updated identification key for all Gaucha species.Neolycaena enkhnasani sp. n. is described from the Dzhungarian Gobi desert. The food plant is Halimodendron halodendron (Fabacea). The new species is distinguished from the related taxa known from East Kazakhstan by small size, dense gray suffusion on the hindwing underside, a delicate and partly reduced submarginal underside pattern as well as the characters of the genitalia the shape of the valva in males and the shape of the antrum in females. Important new data about the distribution and distinctions of N. zaisana (Zhdanko, 2013) and N. balchaschensis Zhdanko, 1998 are published together with photos of the genitalia of all the three taxa.Anachauliodes Kimmins, 1954 (Megaloptera Corydalidae Chauliodinae) is a fishfly genus endemic to the Oriental Region with only one recognized species, Anachauliodes laboissierei (Navás, 1913). Currently, the immature stages of this genus are completely unknown. Here we describe the larvae of A. laboissierei for the first time. The larval characters, especially the strongly developed respiratory tubes on the abdominal segment VIII, support a close relationship between Anachauliodes and the eastern Nearctic Chauliodes Latreille, 1796.The genus Hyalella is endemic to the North and South America. There are currently 14 species described in North America and the Caribbean. For a long time, it had been assumed that different populations of these animals represented a single species, Hyalella azteca (Saussure, 1858). However, molecular analyses have demonstrated H. azteca sensu lato to be a complex of multiple species, so some species that occur in the United States have been mistakenly identified. Our aim in this paper was to describe a new species of Hyalella, found in Oklahoma, USA. The new species can be differentiated from the others, mainly because it presents serrated setae in the maxilla 2, because it does not have flanges on the surface of the body, presents the palm of the gnathopod 2 of the same size as the distal-posterior margin of the propodus, by shape and number of setae on the uropod 3 and telson. The description of this new species of Hyalella increases to 15 the number of species of the genus for the USA. It is important to understand the diversity of Hyalella with consideration of their possible role as bioindicators of environmental quality, and further consideration of their conservation status, and especially for species known from a single spring.A key to, and distributional information about, is given concerning the 11 Anaphothrips species known from China, including the descriptions of three new species A. nonporous sp. n., A. oroqeni sp. n. and A. qinghaiensis sp. n. The male and micropterous female of A. beijing Mirab-balou, Chen & Tong and the male of A. populi Zhang Tong are described for the first time. The European species A. atroapterus Priesner is newly recorded from China.One new species of Rhinoxenus Kritsky, Boeger & Thatcher, 1988 from the nasal cavities and four new species of Mymarothecioides n. gen. from the gills are described in Hydrolycus armatus (Jardine & Schomburgk). They were collected in the Xingu River, Pará, Brazil. Rhinoxenus cachorra n. sp. is characterized by having a ventral anchor with inconspicuous roots, and point with fish-hook-like termination; copulatory complex comprising a spiraled male copulatory organ (MCO) with two counterclockwise coils, and an accessory piece with an expanded, bifurcated distal portion. Mymarothecioides n. gen. is proposed and characterized for species without eyes, with or without accessory chromatic granules; copulatory complex comprising articulated MCO, accessory piece; MCO a broad arcuate tube; an accessory piece with a hooked termination in the distal portion; a dextro or midventral non-sclerotized vagina; an anteromedial projection on the ventral bar. Mymarothecium whittingtoni Kritsky, Boeger & Jégu, 1996 is transferred to Mymarothecioides n. gen. as Mymarothecioides whittingtoni (Kritsky, Boeger & Jégu, 1996) n. selleck chemicals comb.Herein are erected several new taxa and taxonomic changes based on a study of the Old World genera of Peiratinae Sphodrembas gen. nov. is erected for a single new species, Sphodrembas fumipennis sp. nov. from Kenya and Tanzania. Ectomocoris caccabatus sp. nov. is newly described and represents the first record of the genus from the Korean Peninsula. Chaulioleistes gen. nov. is erected for Peirates singularis Stål, 1874, resulting in Chaulioleistes singularis (Stål, 1874) comb. nov. Isdegardes Distant, 1909, described in Acanthaspidinae (=Reduviinae), is considered a junior synonym of the peiratine genus Phalantus Stål, 1863 syn. nov., resulting in Phalantus melanocephalus (Distant, 1909) comb. nov. for the type species of Isdegardes. Lestomerus wroughtoni Bergroth, 1915 is transferred to Brachysandalus Stål, 1866, resulting in Brachysandalus wroughtoni (Bergroth, 1915) comb. nov. The previously proposed synonymy of Polychitonocoris formosus Miller, 1940 with Calistocoris caesareus Reuter, 1881 is corroborated. All of the above taxonomic acts are supplemented with a key to the species of Calistocoris, a key to the species of Pachysandalus, and a key to the peiratine genera of the Old World. Also reported are thirteen new country records for eleven other species Brachysandalus bicolor (Villiers, 1948) (Kenya, Tanzania); Ectomocoris bimaculatus Schouteden, 1909 (Ghana); Ectomocoris fenestratus (Klug, 1830) (Ghana); Ectomocoris maculicrus (Fairmaire, 1858) (Uganda, Zimbabwe); Lestomerus affinis (Audinet-Serville, 1831) (Malaysia); Lestomerus basilewskyi Villiers, 1962 (Kenya); Lestomerus bicolor (Villiers, 1948) (Kenya); Lestomerus dubius Villiers, 1948 (Cameroon); Pachysandalus schoutedeni Villiers, 1962 (Sudan); Peirates collarti Schouteden, 1931 (Cameroon); Peirates quadrinotatus (Fabricius, 1798) (Malaysia); and Phalantus africanus Stål, 1874 (Ghana).The paper covers 11 species of naticid gastropods occurring in the lower Serravallian (Upper Badenian) strata of western Ukraine (Central Paratethys). The studied material (over 1,700 naticids) represents six genera and 11 species, of which eight are new Cochlis odovychenorum, Cochlis ukrainensis, Tectonatica anistratenkorum, Tectonatica pseudoprietoi, Euspira sirenkoi, Payraudeautia ermesi, Payraudeautia sabrinae and Payraudeautia varovtsiana. Additionally, we have also identified Euspira protracta (Eichwald, 1830), Polinices staszici (Friedberg, 1923) and Sinum affinis (Eichwald, 1830). A lectotype of Sinum affinis is designated (ZISP 1/62208). Detailed descriptions of the protoconch and teleoconch morphology of the taxa involved, including SEM images, are presented.One species Paratachycines (Paratachycines) ussuriensis Storozhenko, 1990 from China is described and illustrated with photographs. Two other known species of Paratachycines reported by Zhang et al., (2009) from China are also mentioned. A key to four subgenera of Paratachycines and keys to species of two subgenera Paratachycines s. str., Hemitachycines Storozhenko, 1990 worldwide are all provided.An unusual species of Anabarhynchus Macquart is described and represents the first record of a stiletto fly from Fiji.The larva of Phaenandrogomphus tonkinicus (Fraser, 1926) is described for the first time based on several F-0 larvae collected in Chiang Mai and Nan provinces of Thailand. The larva of P. tonkinicus differs from that of P. asthenes Lieftinck, 1964 by having the 3rd antennomere mesal margin strongly convex, 4th antennomere vestigial and dome-like, postclypeus thick and shelf-like, S8 lacking a posterolateral spine, and cerci usually shorter than the epiproct. New Thailand province records of P. asthenes also are provided.
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