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Hostile Takeover: Precisely how Infections Alter Prokaryotic Metabolic process.
Third, adoptive transfer of the gastrointestinal Chlamydia-induced CD8+ T cells was sufficient for promoting hydrosalpinx in mice that were intravaginally inoculated with an attenuated Chlamydia. These observations have demonstrated that CD8+ T cells induced by gastrointestinal Chlamydia are both necessary and sufficient for promoting hydrosalpinx in the genital tract. The study has laid a foundation for further revealing the mechanisms by which Chlamydia-induced T lymphocyte responses (as a 2nd hit) promote hydrosalpinx in mice with genital Chlamydia-triggered tubal injury (as a 1st hit), a continuing effort in testing the two-hit hypothesis as a chlamydial pathogenic mechanism.Footrot is a polymicrobial infectious disease in sheep causing severe lameness, leading to one of the industry's biggest welfare problems. The complex aetiology of footrot makes in-situ or in-vitro investigations difficult. Computational methods offer a solution to understanding the bacteria involved, how they may interact with the host and ultimately providing a way to identify targets for future hypotheses driven investigative work. Here we present the first combined global analysis of the bacterial community transcripts together with the host immune response in healthy and diseased ovine feet during a natural polymicrobial infection state using metatranscriptomics. The intra tissue and surface bacterial populations and the most abundant bacterial transcriptome were analysed, demonstrating footrot affected skin has a reduced diversity and increased abundances of, not only the causative bacteria Dichelobacter nodosus, but other species such as Mycoplasma fermentans and Porphyromonas asaccharolytica. Host tra and polymicrobial nature of infection mean new efficacious, affordable and scalable control measures are not receiving much attention. Here we examine the surface and intracellular bacterial populations and propose potential interactions with the host. Identification of these key bacterial species involved in the initiation and progression of disease and the host immune mechanisms could help form the basis of new therapies.Technological advances in genome sequencing have improved our ability to catalog genomic variation and led to an expansion of the scope and scale of genetic studies. Yet, for agronomically important plant pathogens such as the downy-mildews the scale of genetic studies remains limited. This is, in part, due to the difficulties associated with maintaining obligate pathogens, and the logistical constraints involved in the genotyping of these species. To study the genetic variation of two Pseudoperonospora species (P. cubensis and P. humuli), we describe a targeted enrichment (TE) protocol able to genotype isolates using less than 50 ng of mixed pathogen and plant DNA for library preparation. We enriched 830 target genes across 128 samples and identified 2,514 high-quality SNP variants. We detected significant genetic differentiation (p=0.01) between P. cubensis subpopulations from Cucurbita moschata (clade I) and Cucumis sativus (clade II) in Michigan. No evidence of location-based differentiation was detected within the P. cubensis (clade II) subpopulation. A significant effect of location on the genetic variation of the P. humuli subpopulation was detected in the state (p=0.01). Mantel tests found evidence that the genetic distance among P. humuli samples was associated with the physical distance of the hop yards from which the samples were collected (p=0.005). The differences in the distribution of genetic variation of the P. humuli and P. Sulfatinib clinical trial cubensis subpopulations of Michigan suggest differences in the dispersal of these two species. Our TE protocol provides an additional tool for genotyping obligate pathogens and the execution of new genetic studies.Botryosphaeria dothidea causes white rot, which is among the most devastating diseases affecting apple crops globally. In this paper, we assessed B. dothidea resistance to carbendazim by collecting samples from warts on the infected branches of apple trees or from fruits exhibiting evidence of white rot. All samples were collected from different orchards of nine provinces of China in 2018 and 2019. In total 440 B. dothidea isolates were evaluated, of which 19 isolates from three provinces were found to exhibit carbendazim-resistance. We additionally explored the fitness and resistance stability of these isolates, revealing that they were no less fit than carbendazim-sensitive isolates in terms of pathogenicity, sporulation, and mycelial growth and that the observed carbendazim resistance was stable. Sequencing of the β-tubulin gene in carbendazim-resistant isolates showed the presence of a substitution at codon 198 (GAG to GCG) that result in an alanine substitution in place of glutamic acid (E198A) in all 19 resistant isolates. A LAMP method was then developed to rapidly and specifically identify this E198A mutation. This LAMP method offers value as a tool for rapidly detecting carbendazim-resistant isolates bearing this E198A mutation, and can thus be used for the widespread monitoring of apple crops to detect and control the development of such resistance.Violet passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) is an important tropical and subtropical perennial evergreen vine with large-scale cultivation in Guangxi, China. Between May and September 2020, anthracnose symptoms occurred on passion fruit (cultivar Tainong No. 1) in Xingye county (22°77'13″N, 110°07'80″E) in Guangxi province, China. The disease incidence varied from 25 to 60% in different orchards. Initial symptoms on young fruits appeared as multiple tiny water-soaked, oval to irregular pale greenish spots. As the disease progressed, the lesions became medium brown, with sunken cavities. Under humid conditions, acervuli containing masses of conidia and dark setae were found on the lesions. The affected fruits became shriveled. Tissue pieces (5 × 5 mm) were cut out from infected fruits, surface sterilized in 75% ethanol for 15 s and 0.1% HgCl2 for 2 min, washed three times with sterile water, placed onto potato dextrose agar (PDA), and incubated at 28 °C for three days. Of the 29 Colletotrichum isolates obtaieveloped brown spots with sunken cavities, resembling symptoms observed in the field, and controls remained symptomless. Fungal cultures with phenotypic features similar to C. brasiliense were re-isolated from the symptomatic fruits, verifying C. brasiliense as the causal agent of the disease based on Koch's postulates. C. boninense, C. gloeosporioides, C.queenslandicum, C. brevisporum, and C. karstii were reported as causal agents of anthracnose on passion fruit (Júnior et al.2010; Power et al. 2010; James et al.2014; Du et al.2017; Ran et al.2020). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of C. brasiliense causing anthracnose on passion fruit in China.Highbush (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) and rabbiteye (V. ashei R.) blueberry are the most important export small fruit crops in southern Brazil. Anthracnose has been considered one of the most destructive disease and exclusively associated with C. karstii in Brazil (Rios et al. 2014). In November 2019, severe anthracnose symptoms including leaf spots but particularly twig blights and fruit rots were observed on all blueberry plants (V. ashei) in one organic orchard in Santa Catarina state, Brazil (27º43'48.96"S, 49º0'57.79"W). Four isolates were obtained from necrotic lesions and monosporic cultures were grown on potato dextrose agar at 25°C and with a 12 h photoperiod under near ultra violet light. After 15 days, colonies showed upper surface color varying from grayish-white to pale-orange and the reverse side pale-orange. Conidia were hyaline, cylindrical with rounded ends, and their length and width ranged from 9.5 to 15.5 µm (x ̅=11.8) and 6.5 to 3.5 µm (x ̅=4.9), respectively. The isolates were identified bye is crucial to improve the disease control strategies and resistance breeding.Grapevine Kizil Sapak virus (GKSV) is a novel member of the family Betaflexiviridae classified into the proposed genus Fivivirus within the subfamily Trivirinae. It was first discovered in USA from a grapevine originating from Turkmenistan (Al Rwahnih et al. 2019) and later in France from a grapevine accession from Iran (Marais et al. 2020). In October 2019, an asymptomatic grapevine cv. 'Crimson Seedless' (native to USA) was collected from Xinjiang province in China and analyzed by high-throughput sequencing (HTS). Ribosome-depleted RNA preparations were used for library synthesis followed by HTS on an Illumina HiSeq X-ten platform. A total of 29,141,024 cleaned reads were obtained, and 7,878 contigs were generated using CLC Genomics Workbench 9.5 (QIAGEN). One long contig (7,328 bp) showed 88.2% nucleotide (nt) identity with the sequence of GKSV-127 (MN172165) via Blastx, with an average coverage of 284-X. Bioinformatic analysis of the remaining contigs showed the presence of Grapevine leafroll-associated vgh the pathogenicity of GKSV is yet to be determined, it has been found in several countries such as USA (Al Rwahnih et al. 2019), France (Marais et al. 2020) and China (this study). Both positive samples in this study were collected from Nanjiang region in Xinjiang province, indicating the sporadic occurrence of GKSV in this area.Interactions between vibrio bacteria and the planktonic community impact marine ecology and human health. Many coastal Vibrio spp. can infect humans, representing a growing threat linked to increasing seawater temperatures. Interactions with eukaryotic organisms may provide attachment substrate and critical nutrients that facilitate the persistence, diversification, and spread of pathogenic Vibrio spp. However, vibrio interactions with planktonic organisms in an environmental context are poorly understood. We quantified the pathogenic Vibrio species V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus monthly for 1 year at five sites and observed high abundances, particularly during summer months, with species-specific temperature and salinity distributions. Using metabarcoding, we established a detailed profile of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic coastal microbial communities. We found that pathogenic Vibrio species were frequently associated with distinct eukaryotic amplicon sequence variants (ASVs), includinobes, revealing genus and amplicon sequence variant (ASV)-specific relationships with potential functional implications. For example, pathogenic species were frequently associated with chitin-producing eukaryotes, such as diatoms in the genus Thalassiosira and copepods. These associations between high concentrations of pathogenic vibrios and potential environmental reservoirs should be considered when predicting infection risk and developing ecologically relevant model systems.Natural microbial communities consist of closely related taxa that may exhibit phenotypic differences and inhabit distinct niches. However, connecting genetic diversity to ecological properties remains a challenge in microbial ecology due to the lack of pure cultures across the microbial tree of life. "Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis" (Accumulibacter) is a polyphosphate-accumulating organism that contributes to the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) biotechnological process for removing excess phosphorus from wastewater and preventing eutrophication from downstream receiving waters. Distinct Accumulibacter clades often coexist in full-scale wastewater treatment plants and laboratory-scale enrichment bioreactors and have been hypothesized to inhabit distinct ecological niches. However, since individual strains of the Accumulibacter lineage have not been isolated in pure culture to date, these predictions have been made solely on genome-based comparisons and enrichments with varying strain compositions.
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