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A new Valsa mali Effector Health proteins 1 Targets Apple mackintosh (Malus domestica) Pathogenesis-Related 10 Necessary protein to Promote Virulence.
The theory of angular momentum connects physical rotations and quantum spins together at a fundamental level. Physical rotation of a quantum system will therefore affect fundamental quantum operations, such as spin rotations in projective Hilbert space, but these effects are subtle and experimentally challenging to observe due to the fragility of quantum coherence. We report on a measurement of a single-electron-spin phase shift arising directly from physical rotation, without transduction through magnetic fields or ancillary spins. This phase shift is observed by measuring the phase difference between a microwave driving field and a rotating two-level electron spin system, and it can accumulate nonlinearly in time. We detect the nonlinear phase using spin-echo interferometry of a single nitrogen-vacancy qubit in a diamond rotating at 200 000 rpm. Our measurements demonstrate the fundamental connections between spin, physical rotation, and quantum phase, and they will be applicable in schemes where the rotational degree of freedom of a quantum system is not fixed, such as spin-based rotation sensors and trapped nanoparticles containing spins.Bell inequalities constitute a key tool in quantum information theory they not only allow one to reveal nonlocality in composite quantum systems, but, more importantly, they can be used to certify relevant properties thereof. We provide a general construction of Bell inequalities that are maximally violated by the multiqubit graph states and can be used for their robust self-testing. Apart from their theoretical relevance, our inequalities offer two main advantages from an experimental viewpoint (i) they present a significant reduction of the experimental effort needed to violate them, as the number of correlations they contain scales only linearly with the number of observers; (ii) numerical results indicate that the self-testing statements for graph states derived from our inequalities tolerate noise levels that are met by present experimental data. We also discuss possible generalizations of our approach to entangled states whose stabilizers are not tensor products of Pauli matrices. Our work introduces a promising approach for the certification of complex many-body quantum states.As a two-dimensional entity, FeSe has been widely explored to harbor high transition temperature (high-T_c) superconductivity in diverse physical settings; yet to date, the underlying superconducting mechanisms are still under active debate. Here we use first-principles approaches to identify a chemically different yet structurally identical counterpart of FeSe, namely, monolayered CoSb, which is shown to be an attractive candidate to harbor high-T_c superconductivity as well. We first show that a freestanding CoSb monolayer can adopt the FeSe-like layered structure, even though its known bulk phase has no resemblance to layering. Next, we demonstrate that such a CoSb monolayer possesses superconducting properties comparable with or superior to FeSe, a striking finding that can be attributed to the isovalency nature of the two systems. More importantly, the layered CoSb structure can be stabilized on SrTiO_3(001), offering appealing alternative platforms for realizing high-T_c superconductivity beyond the well-established Cu- and Fe-based superconducting families. NaPB CoSb/SrTiO_3(001) also exhibits distinctly different magnetic properties from FeSe/SrTiO_3(001), which should provide a crucial new angle to elucidate the microscopic mechanisms of superconductivity in these and related systems.The spatial, temporal, and spectral information in optical imaging play a crucial role in exploring the unknown world and unencrypting natural mysteries. However, the existing optical imaging techniques can only acquire the spatiotemporal or spatiospectral information of the object with the single-shot method. Here, we develop a hyperspectrally compressed ultrafast photography (HCUP) that can simultaneously record the spatial, temporal, and spectral information of the object. In our HCUP, the spatial resolution is 1.26  lp/mm in the horizontal direction and 1.41  lp/mm in the vertical direction, the temporal frame interval is 2 ps, and the spectral frame interval is 1.72 nm. Moreover, HCUP operates with receive-only and single-shot modes, and therefore it overcomes the technical limitation of active illumination and can measure the nonrepetitive or irreversible transient events. Using our HCUP, we successfully measure the spatiotemporal-spatiospectral intensity evolution of the chirped picosecond laser pulse and the photoluminescence dynamics. This Letter extends the optical imaging from three- to four-dimensional information, which has an important scientific significance in both fundamental research and applied science.In the QCD axion dark matter scenario with postinflationary Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking, the number density of axions, and hence the dark matter density, depends on the length of string per unit volume at cosmic time t, by convention written ζ/t^2. The expectation has been that the dimensionless parameter ζ tends to a constant ζ_0, a feature of a string network known as scaling. It has recently been claimed that in larger numerical simulations ζ shows a logarithmic increase with time, while theoretical modeling suggests an inverse logarithmic correction. Either case would result in a large enhancement of the string density at the QCD transition, and a substantial revision to the axion mass required for the axion to constitute all of the dark matter. With a set of new simulations of global strings, we compare the standard scaling (constant-ζ) model to the logarithmic growth and inverse-logarithmic correction models. In the standard scaling model, by fitting to linear growth in the mean string separation ξ=t/sqrt[ζ], we find ζ_0=1.19±0.20. We conclude that the apparent corrections to ζ are artifacts of the initial conditions, rather than a property of the scaling network. The residuals from the constant-ζ (linear ξ) fit also show no evidence for logarithmic growth, restoring confidence that numerical simulations can be simply extrapolated from the Peccei-Quinn symmetry-breaking scale to the QCD scale. Reanalysis of previous work on the axion number density suggests that recent estimates of the axion dark matter mass in the postinflationary symmetry-breaking scenario we study should be increased by about 50%.The temperature dependencies of the lower critical field H_c1(T) of several filled-skutterudite superconductors were investigated by local magnetization measurements. While LaOs_4As_12 and PrRu_4As_12 exhibit the H_c1(T) dependencies consistent with the single-band BCS prediction, for LaRu_4As_12 (the superconducting temperature T_c=10.4  K) with a similar three-dimensional Fermi surface, we observe a sudden increase in H_c1(T) deep in a superconducting state below about 0.32T_c. Remarkably, a rapid rise of H_c1(T) at approximately the same reduced temperature 0.27T_c is also found for the heavy-fermion compound PrOs_4Sb_12 (T_c≃1.78  K), in fair accord with the earlier macroscopic study. We attribute the unusual H_c1(T) dependencies of LaRu_4As_12 and PrOs_4Sb_12 to a kink structure in their superfluid densities due to different contributions from two nearly decoupled bands. Whereas LaRu_4As_12 is established as a two-band isotropic s-wave superconductor, nonsaturating behavior of H_c1(T) is observed for PrOs_4Sb_12, indicative of an anisotropic structure of a smaller gap. link2 For this superconductor with broken time-reversal symmetry, our findings suggest a superconducting state with multiple symmetries of the order parameters.Quantum error correction is expected to be essential in large-scale quantum technologies. However, the substantial overhead of qubits it requires is thought to greatly limit its utility in smaller, near-term devices. Here we introduce a new family of special-purpose quantum error-correcting codes that offer an exponential reduction in overhead compared to the usual repetition code. They are tailored for a common and important source of decoherence in current experiments, whereby a register of qubits is subject to phase noise through coupling to a common fluctuator, such as a resonator or a spin defect. The smallest instance encodes one logical qubit into two physical qubits, and corrects decoherence to leading-order using a constant number of one- and two-qubit operations. More generally, while the repetition code on n qubits corrects errors to order t^O(n), with t the time between recoveries, our codes correct to order t^O(2^n). Moreover, they are robust to model imperfections in small- and intermediate-scale devices, where they already provide substantial gains in error suppression. As a result, these hardware-efficient codes open a potential avenue for useful quantum error correction in near-term, pre-fault tolerant devices.Nanoscale silica-silica contacts were recently found to exhibit logarithmic aging for times ranging from 0.1 to 100 s, consistent with the macroscopic rate and state friction laws and several other aging processes. Nanoscale aging in this system is attributed to progressive formation of interfacial siloxane bonds between surface silanol groups. However, understanding or even data for contact behavior for aging times less then 0.1  s, before the onset of logarithmic aging, is limited. link3 Using a combination of atomic force microscopy experiments and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, we find that aging is nearly linear with aging time at short timescales between ∼ 5 and 90 ms. We demonstrate that aging at these timescales requires the existence of a particular range of reaction energy barriers for interfacial bonding. Specifically, linear aging behavior consistent with experiments requires a narrow peak close to the upper bound of this range of barriers. These new insights into the reaction kinetics of interfacial bonding in nanoscale aging advance the development of physically based rate and state friction laws for nanoscale contacts.The ^7H system was populated in the ^2H(^8He,^3He)^7H reaction with a 26 AMeV ^8He beam. The ^7H missing mass energy spectrum, the ^3H energy and angular distributions in the ^7H decay frame were reconstructed. The ^7H missing mass spectrum shows a peak, which can be interpreted either as unresolved 5/2^+ and 3/2^+ doublet or one of these states at 6.5(5) MeV. The data also provide indications of the 1/2^+ ground state of ^7H located at 1.8(5) MeV with quite a low population cross section of ∼25  μb/sr within angular range θ_c.m.≃(17°-27°).We present the first catalog of gamma-ray sources emitting above 56 and 100 TeV with data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory, a wide field-of-view observatory capable of detecting gamma rays up to a few hundred TeV. Nine sources are observed above 56 TeV, all of which are likely galactic in origin. Three sources continue emitting past 100 TeV, making this the highest-energy gamma-ray source catalog to date. We report the integral flux of each of these objects. We also report spectra for three highest-energy sources and discuss the possibility that they are PeVatrons.
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