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Gossamer Syrius Nox

Hair Color: Black with one white streak on the left side

Eye Color: Light blue that fades into a soft grey

Height: 5'3

Weight: 116

Personality: Lax, creative, laughs extremely easily, very nice,

Why: Gossamer is very lax because her parent are very up tight, she loves to cook, draw, and play the piano because she doesn't have many friends, she is self taught. She loves to laugh. Her worst enemies are her parents, she ABSOLUTELY hates them. If they try to touch harm her, Gossamer will shove them away. Once, she was put in a juvenile detention center for the weekend because she stabbed her father with a fork when he tried to put her kitten outside for the night in the winter. Her parents try to avoid her as much as possible. They stay in the hotel that they on and only come home when they ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO. Although she is very cruel to her parents, Gossamer is very sweet to all other people and animals, thus causing her to be a vegetarian. She also has a younger sister named Roslyn, who she, unlike her parents, loves very much. This is because even though she's the older sister, Roslyn stood up for her when her parents were around.

Favorite Outfits:
Coat: Blueish-grey faux fur coat, very soft. Very long
Summer: Dark Blue high-waist shorts and a black art club t-shirt, covered in paint stains
Fall: Black leggings, combat boots, and a grey hoodie
Spring: Cherry blossom dress and boat shoes
*She's always mistaken as emo or goth

Pets: One cat named Peaches, has orange tinted fur, midget cat. One dog named Aaron, big greyhound. Blue-grey fur, very protective of Gossamer. 3 fish, one gold, one silver, one copper colored
Best Friend: Victoria Leonor Chavez
Enemies: Parents
Friends: All animals
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Regards; Team

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