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NLRC5: Any Goal for Nerves inside the body Disorders.
nus node tachycardia (1) bisoprolol (5 mg bid) and ivabradine (5 mg bid) proved to be equally effective and safe; (2) the heart rate reducing effect of the two drugs - given in the same dosage - did not differ considerably; (3) the pharmacological therapy significantly decreased not only the sinus frequency, but also reduced the symptoms of the patients. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(46) 1953-1958.
Based on our clinical results, it can be pointed out that in the drug therapy of patients with inappropriate sinus node tachycardia (1) bisoprolol (5 mg bid) and ivabradine (5 mg bid) proved to be equally effective and safe; (2) the heart rate reducing effect of the two drugs - given in the same dosage - did not differ considerably; (3) the pharmacological therapy significantly decreased not only the sinus frequency, but also reduced the symptoms of the patients. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(46) 1953-1958.Összefoglaló. Halláspanasszal számos beteg fordul orvoshoz. A rutinszerűen elvégzett súgottbeszéd-, hangvilla- és tisztahangküszöb-audiometriai vizsgálat alapján vezetéses, sensorineuralis, illetve a kettő együttes fennállása esetén kevert típusú halláscsökkenést különböztetünk meg. Vezetéses halláscsökkenés létrejöhet mind a külső, mind a közép- vagy a belső fül veleszületett vagy szerzett rendellenességei esetén. Amennyiben a stapediusreflex kiváltható, ugyanakkor a betegnél nincs jelen a külső fület, valamint a középfület érintő kórfolyamat, felmerül a harmadikablak-szindróma lehetősége. A kórkép okaként egy, a belső fül csontos tokján "harmadik ablakként" funkcionáló laesio van jelen, amely az ovális ablakon keresztül beérkező hangenergia egy részét elvezeti, mielőtt az a kerek ablakon át kivezetődik a középfülbe. A diagnózis felállítása gyakran nehéz feladat elé állítja a klinikust, melyhez a megfelelő audiológiai, illetve képalkotó vizsgálatok elvégzése elengedhetetlen. Tekintettel arra, hogy a panaszok Without the appropriate audiological and imaging tests, the diagnosis of the condition is challenging in clinical setting. Several surgical techniques have been described to treat the condition. The authors give a comprehensive review of the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of the disease presenting their initial experiences with 2 cases. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(46) 1944-1952.Összefoglaló. Bevezetés A COVID-19-járvány világszerte hónapokra átalakította a járóbeteg-ellátás működését is. Magyarországon a 2020. március 11-től 2020. június 17-ig fennálló egészségügyi veszélyhelyzeti rendelkezések szabták meg az új kereteket. Célkitűzés Az első veszélyhelyzeti periódus második felében, 2020. április 22. és 2020. május 5. között mértük fel az epilepsziaellátásban részt vevő orvosok véleményét, hogy milyen mértékben változott a betegek ellátása, és hogyan élték meg a változásokat személyesen. Módszer Internetes kérdőíves véleményfelmérés történt, a Magyar Epilepszia Liga 2020. április 16-17-re tervezett, de a COVID-19-járvány miatt elhalasztott XV. kongresszusára regisztrált neurológusok között. Kilenc egyszeres vagy többszörös feleletválasztós kérdés és 'szabad kommentár' mezők álltak rendelkezésre. Eredmények A megkeresett 116 neurológus közül 33-an válaszoltak (28%), összesen 30 kommentár került rögzítésre. 73%-uk szerint a változások komoly nehézséget okoztak, 15%-uk gondolta, hogy ec has mostly affected the issuance of new expert opinions, but care tasks have not always been adequately addressed. check details The damage was significantly mitigated by the flexibility of the care staff. Telephone visits, if necessary, can replace personal doctor-patient encounters in epileptology. The technical development of remote visit applications and their documentation issues are important. During the pandemic period, great care must be taken to protect staff in order to avoid infection and increase the sense of safety of doctors. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(46) 1939-1943.Understanding heterogeneity in brain aging trajectories is important to estimate the extent to which aging outcomes can be optimized. Although brain changes in late life are well-characterized, brain changes in middle age are not well understood. In this study, we investigated hippocampal change in a generally healthy community-living population of middle (n = 421, mean age 47.2 years) and older age (n = 411, mean age 63.0 years) individuals, over a follow-up of up to 12 years. Manually traced hippocampal volumes were analyzed using multilevel models and latent class analysis to investigate longitudinal aging trajectories and laterality and sex effects, and to identify subgroups that follow different aging trajectories. Hippocampal volumes decreased on average by 0.18%/year in middle age and 0.3%/year in older age. Men tended to experience steeper declines than women in middle age only. Three subgroups of individuals following different trajectories were identified in middle age and 2 in older age. Contrary to expectations, the subgroup containing two-thirds of older age participants maintained stable hippocampal volumes across the follow-up.Post-retrieval monitoring is associated with engagement of anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Recent fMRI studies reported age-invariant monitoring effects in these regions and an age-invariant correlation between these effects and memory performance. The present study examined monitoring effects during associative recognition (difference in activity elicited by 'rearranged' and 'intact' test pairs) under single and dual (tone detection) task conditions in young and older adults (Ns = 28 per group). It was predicted that, for the older adults only, dual tasking would attenuate memory performance and monitoring effects and weaken their correlation. Consistent with this prediction, in the older group imposition of the secondary task led to lower memory performance and elimination of the relationship between monitoring effects and performance. However, the size of the effects did not differ between single and dual task conditions. The findings suggest that the decline in older adults' memory performance in the dual task condition resulted not from impaired monitoring, but from a different cause that also weakened the dependence of performance on monitoring.
Cancer diagnosis is a potentially traumatic experience, which could generate significant long-lasting emotional distress, but also positive changes linked to post-traumatic growth (PTG). This study aimed to analyze the role of resilience, coping, and personality in determining PTG or post-traumatic symptoms, and to test a moderated mediation model and a single mediation model in a sample of individuals diagnosed with cancer.

A sample of 154 individuals diagnosed with cancer (M
=51.4, SD=11.25) completed the Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory, Impact of Event Scale, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, Ten Item Personality Inventory, and Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced after providing written informed consent.

Results showed that the impact of resilience in PTG is partially mediated by positive attitude, with a significant and negative moderating effect of openness on the relationship between resilience and positive attitude. Furthermore, resilience negatively predicted the impact of trauma, with antribute toward tailoring interventions for improving the mental health of cancer patients.
Evidence suggests a bidirectional association between migraine and depression in individuals and in twins. However, whether a bidirectional association between migraine and depression also occurs among siblings (probands and unaffected nontwin siblings) remains unknown.

Using the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database, we examined the data of 1504 probands with migraine, 1595 unaffected siblings, and 6380 nonmigrainous controls born before 2000 to identify new-onset depression for the period between 1996 and 2011. Conversely, 31824 probands with depression, 34325 unaffected siblings, and 137300 nondepressive controls were examined for the identification of new-onset migraine.

Logistic regression analyses demonstrated that compared with the controls, patients with migraine (odds ratio [OR] 4.09; 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.75-4.46) and unaffected siblings (OR 1.40; 95% CI 1.24-1.58) were more likely to develop depression during the follow-up period. Moreover, patients with depression and unaffected siblings had a 4.13-fold (95% CI 3.18-5.36) and 1.45-fold (95% CI 1.03-2.05) increased risk of migraine.

The bidirectional association between migraine and depression among probands and unaffected siblings suggests a familial coaggregation of these two conditions. Additional studies are required to investigate the genetic and environmental etiologies for this coaggregation.
The bidirectional association between migraine and depression among probands and unaffected siblings suggests a familial coaggregation of these two conditions. Additional studies are required to investigate the genetic and environmental etiologies for this coaggregation.
Internet addiction(IA) is now very common. However, few studies have explored the sex differences in risk factors for IA, especially among Chinese college students. This study aimed to investigate the sex differences in prevalence, risk factors and clinical correlates of IA among Chinese college students.

A total of 8098 college students from Hunan province were recruited using a cross-sectional design and a convenience sampling method. Each student filled out the survey online anonymously, which collected their information on their socio-demographics, internet addiction(Revised Chinese internet addiction scale;CIAS-R), ADHD(Wender Utah Rating Scale and World Health Organization (WHO) Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale v 1.1 Symptom Checklist), depression(Self-reporting Depression Scale;SDS), insomnia(Athens Insomnia Scale;AIS), anxiety(Self-Rating Anxiety Scale;SAS) and suicidal behaviors through WeChat.

Overall, the prevalence of IA in males and females was 7.21%(259/3592) and 8.17%(368/4506), respectively.shows IA is common among both sexes. IA is significantly associated with ADHD, insomnia and suicidal behaviors in both male and female students, indicating the importance of screening IA and addressing ADHD, insomnia and suicidal behaviors to improve the mental health of college students and better prevent suicide in both sexes.
Alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are highly prevalent in bipolar disorder, however the developmental etiology of this comorbidity remains unknown. Structural differences in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) have been linked to problematic drinking in bipolar disorder and typically developing youth, with evidence implicating variations in OFC in differential subjective response to alcohol in typical development.

Subjective response to alcohol, recent alcohol use, impulsivity, and variation in OFC gray matter volume were investigated in 48 emerging adults (24 with bipolar disorder, 24 typically developing). On average 1.5 years later, drinking patterns were reassessed and relations between subjective response and changes in alcohol use were explored.

Groups did not differ in baseline alcohol use or subjective response. At baseline, decreased subjective response to alcohol was associated with increased alcohol use in both groups. Lower gray matter volume in medial OFC in bipolar disorder was associated with increased subjective response to alcohol, whereas lower gray matter volume in OFC in typically developing participants was associated with decreased subjective response to alcohol.
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