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Looking at the Quality of Life Following Mind Injury-Overall Range (QOLIBRI-OS) and Satisfaction with Life Size (SWLS) because Outcome Steps for Upsetting Injury to the brain Research.
We propose that this approach shall be complemented with a top-down, ambient artificial skyglow immission limits strategy, whereby clear limits are established to the admissible deterioration of the night sky above the observatories. We describe the general form of the indicators that can be employed to this end, and develop linear models relating their values to the artificial emissions across the territory. This approach can be easily applied to other protection needs, like e.g. to protect nocturnal ecosystems, and it is expected to be useful for making informed decisions on public lighting, in the context of wider spatial planning projects.Arsenic contamination in groundwater is a supreme environmental problem, and levels of this toxic metalloid must be strictly monitored by a portable, sensitive and selective analytical device. Herein, a new system of smartphone-integrated paper sensors with Cu nanoclusters was established for the effective detection of As(III) in groundwater. For the integration system, the fluorescence emissive peak of Cu nanoclusters at 600 nm decreased gradually with increasing As(III) addition. Meanwhile, the fluorescence colour also changed from orange to colourless, and the detection limit was determined as 2.93 nM (0.22 ppb) in a wide detection range. The interfering ions also cannot influence the detection selectivity of As(III). Furthermore, the portable paper sensors based on Cu nanoclusters were fabricated for visual detection of As(III) in groundwater. The quantitative determination of As(III) in natural groundwater has also been accomplished with the aid of a common smartphone. Our work has provided a portable and on-site detection technique toward As(III) in groundwater with high sensitivity and selectivity.Improvements in the design of pedestrian facilities have reduced the frequency of crowd accidents, and safety is now generally ensured in well-planned crowd events. However, congestion and inefficient use of infrastructures still remain an issue. To guarantee comfort and reduce close contacts between people, there are circumstances when crowd density may have to be reduced well below safety limits. Although research has given a lot of attention to extreme scenarios, methods to improve non-critical conditions have been little explored. In addition, crowd sensing technology is still mostly used for data collection and direct use on crowd management is rare. In this work, we present a system aimed at computing optimal egress time for groups of people leaving a complex facility. We show that, if egress starting time is accurately computed for each group based on actual crowd conditions, density can be greatly reduced without having a large effect on the total egress time of the whole crowd. To show the efficacy of such a system, a small-scale experiment is conducted where all components are tested in a simple scenario. As a result, an increase in total egress time by only 5% allowed to reduce maximum density by 35%.Countless uncertainties remain regarding the effects of global warming on biodiversity, including the ability of organisms to adapt and how that will affect obligate symbiotic relationships. The present study aimed to determine the consequences of temperature increase in the adaptation of plant endosymbionts (endophytes) that grow better at low temperatures (psychrophilic). We isolated fungal endophytes from a high-elevation (paramo) endemic plant, Chusquea subtessellata. Initial growth curves were constructed at different temperatures (4-25°C). Next, experiments were carried out in which only the psychrophilic isolates were subjected to repeated increments in temperature. After the experiments, the final growth curves showed significantly slower growth than the initial curves, and some isolates even ceased to grow. While most studies suggest that the distribution of microorganisms will expand as temperatures increase because most of these organisms grow better at 25°C, the results from our experiments demonstrate that psychrophilic fungi were negatively affected by temperature increases. These outcomes raise questions concerning the potential adaptation of beneficial endosymbiotic fungi in the already threatened high-elevation ecosystems. Assessing the consequences of global warming at all trophic levels is urgent because many species on Earth depend on their microbial symbionts for survival.Raw data on the number of deaths at a country level generally indicate a spatially variable distribution of COVID-19 incidence. An important issue is whether this pattern is a consequence of environmental heterogeneities, such as the climatic conditions, during the course of the outbreak. Another fundamental issue is to understand the spatial spreading of COVID-19. To address these questions, we consider four candidate epidemiological models with varying complexity in terms of initial conditions, contact rates and non-local transmissions, and we fit them to French mortality data with a mixed probabilistic-ODE approach. Using statistical criteria, we select the model with non-local transmission corresponding to a diffusion on the graph of counties that depends on the geographic proximity, with time-dependent contact rate and spatially constant parameters. This suggests that in a geographically middle size centralized country such as France, once the epidemic is established, the effect of global processes such as restriction policies and sanitary measures overwhelms the effect of local factors. Additionally, this approach reveals the latent epidemiological dynamics including the local level of immunity, and allows us to evaluate the role of non-local interactions on the future spread of the disease.Living brittle stars (Echinodermata Ophiuroidea) employ a very different locomotion strategy to that of any other metazoan five or more arms coordinate powerful strides for rapid movement across the ocean floor. This mode of locomotion is reliant on the unique morphology and arrangement of multifaceted skeletal elements and associated muscles and other soft tissues. The skeleton of many Palaeozoic ophiuroids differs markedly from that in living forms, making it difficult to infer their mode of locomotion and, therefore, to resolve the evolutionary history of locomotion in the group. Here, we present three-dimensional digital renderings of specimens of six ophiuroid taxa from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate four displaying the arm structure typical of Palaeozoic taxa (Encrinaster roemeri, Euzonosoma tischbeinianum, Loriolaster mirabilis, Cheiropteraster giganteus) and two (Furcaster palaeozoicus, Ophiurina lymani) with morphologies more similar to those in living forms. The use of three-dimensional digital visualization allows the structure of the arms of specimens of these taxa to be visualized in situ in the round, to our knowledge for the first time. The lack of joint interfaces necessary for musculoskeletally-driven locomotion supports the interpretation that taxa with offset ambulacrals would not be able to conduct this form of locomotion, and probably used podial walking. This approach promises new insights into the phylogeny, functional morphology and ecological role of Palaeozoic brittle stars.By 2040, roughly two-thirds of humanity are expected to live in urban areas. As cities expand, humans irreversibly transform natural ecosystems, creating both opportunities and challenges for wildlife. Here, we investigate how the Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) is adjusting to urban environments. We measured a variety of behavioural and ecological parameters in three urban and four rural study sites. City life appeared related to all parameters we measured. Urban female goshawks were overall 21.7 (CI95% 5.13-130) times more likely to defend their nestlings from humans than rural females. Urban goshawks were 3.64 (CI95% 2.05-6.66) times more likely to feed on pigeons and had diets exhibiting lower overall species richness and diversity. Urban females laid eggs 12.5 (CI95% 7.12-17.4) days earlier than rural individuals and were 2.22 (CI95% 0.984-4.73) times more likely to produce a brood of more than three nestlings. Nonetheless, urban goshawks suffered more from infections with the parasite Trichomonas gallinae, which was the second most common cause of mortality (14.6%), after collisions with windows (33.1%). In conclusion, although city life is associated with significant risks, goshawks appear to thrive in some urban environments, most likely as a result of high local availability of profitable pigeon prey. We conclude that the Northern Goshawk can be classified as an urban exploiter in parts of its distribution.Southern Hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) inhabit a wide variety of ecosystems including both low- and high-latitude areas. Understanding the habitat selection of humpback whale populations is key for humpback whale stock management and general ecosystem management. In the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (ASSO), the investigation of baleen whale distribution by sighting surveys is temporally restricted to the austral summer. The implementation of autonomous passive acoustic monitoring, in turn, allows the study of vocal baleen whales year-round. This study describes the results of analysing passive acoustic data spanning 12 recording positions throughout the ASSO applying a combination of automatic and manual analysis methods to register humpback whale acoustic activity. Humpback whales were present at nine recording positions with higher acoustic activities towards lower latitudes and the eastern and western edges of the ASSO. During all months, except December (the month with the fewest recordings), humpback whale acoustic activity was registered in the ASSO. The acoustic presence of humpback whales at various locations in the ASSO confirms previous observations that part of the population remains in high-latitude waters beyond austral summer, presumably to feed. The spatial and temporal extent of humpback whale presence in the ASSO suggests that this area may be used by multiple humpback whale breeding populations as a feeding ground.Nonlinear vocal phenomena (NLPs) are commonly reported in animal calls and, increasingly, in human vocalizations. These perceptually harsh and chaotic voice features function to attract attention and convey urgency, but they may also signal aversive states. To test whether NLPs enhance the perception of negative affect or only signal high arousal, we added subharmonics, sidebands or deterministic chaos to 48 synthetic human nonverbal vocalizations of ambiguous valence gasps of fright/surprise, moans of pain/pleasure, roars of frustration/achievement and screams of fear/delight. In playback experiments (N = 900 listeners), we compared their perceived valence and emotion intensity in positive or negative contexts or in the absence of any contextual cues. Primarily, NLPs increased the perceived aversiveness of vocalizations regardless of context. read more To a smaller extent, they also increased the perceived emotion intensity, particularly when the context was negative or absent. However, NLPs also enhanced the perceived intensity of roars of achievement, indicating that their effects can generalize to positive emotions. In sum, a harsh voice with NLPs strongly tips the balance towards negative emotions when a vocalization is ambiguous, but with sufficiently informative contextual cues, NLPs may be re-evaluated as expressions of intense positive affect, underlining the importance of context in nonverbal communication.
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