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Electromechanical impedance based self-diagnosis of piezoelectric sensible structure employing principal element investigation and also LibSVM.
Above 400 M graded-index soluble fiber Raman laser beam along with settings enhancement.
Funders are increasingly making strategic investments across multiple grantees, aiming for their portfolio to improve targeted outcomes in a specific issue area. To this end, funders might use multi-site evaluation (MSE) approaches to examine the impact of their collective investments. However, it is important to recognize that each program-and its own program evaluation-must be tailored to its setting, population, and local context to best meet the needs of its target population. Therefore, multi-site evaluations need to account for this complexity. This paper describes the Sí Texas project, a large initiative of eight grantees implementing different integrated behavioral health models to improve physical and mental health outcomes along the Texas-Mexico border. With over 4,200 MSE study participants, the evaluation for Sí Texas used a partnership-centered approach to both enhance the evidence base and build local organizational capacity. This paper describes this approach, the process of tailoring evaluation practices to the grantees' context, and the challenge of balancing consistency at the grantee-level for the portfolio multi-site evaluation. Successes, challenges, and lessons learned related to study design, data collection, grantee partnership, and capacity building are discussed.Anthropogenic salinisation is becoming an increasing global issue for freshwater ecosystems, leading to serious biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation. While the effect of anthropogenic salinisation on freshwater ecosystems has been intensively studied in recent years, most studies focus on salinisation effects on the individual or single groups of organisms without considering the effect on the ecosystem levels, such as diversity and trophic links. Therefore, we conducted a long-term field survey from May 2009 to August 2016 at 405 sites in northeast China to investigate the effect of a gradient of salinisation on community diversity, functional diversity and trophic links in mountain streams. Samples of water chemistry, periphyton, macroinvertebrates and fish were collected. Our results showed that as anthropogenic salinisation increased, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3- and SO42- exhibited significant increases (p less then 0.05). These increased ions caused decreases in taxonomic evenness and biotic integrity, but an increase in the beta diversity for periphyton and macroinvertebrates, and a slight increase in the evenness of fish. The increased salinisation resulted in the extirpation of salt-sensitive taxa and declines in macroinvertebrate functional richness and functional redundancy, which consequently led to simplified trophic links. Our results implied that if salt-tolerant taxa in high salinisation sites were not functionally redundant with less tolerant taxa, alterations of their functional composition probably decrease the stability of ecosystem functions. Overall, our study suggests that the ongoing anthropogenic salinisation is posing serious threats to biodiversity and trophic links in river ecosystems, and should be considered in future river restoration and biodiversity conservation.The capability of different strains derived from soil, activated sludge, farm sludge, and worms' excreta were investigated for biodegradation of high-density polyethylene, polystyrene foam, polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate in unstimulated and stimulated conditions. Biodegradation using naturally occurring microbial strains examined in mixed (270 days) and individual (100 days) systems, while H2O2 stimulated strains were tested only in the mixed system (30 days). Penicillium raperi, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium glaucoroseum and Pseudomonas sp. were isolated as the most plastic degrading microbes. read more Maximum weight loss was seen by incubation of polyethylene with Aspergillus flavus (5.5%) in unstimulated mix condition. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) revealed formation of new functional groups as hydroxyl, carbonyl, alkene and alkoxy in the treated plastics. Visualisation of plastics by optical, atomic force (AFM) and electron microscopy (SEM) were also illustrated biodegradation. The derived by-products from microbial degradation was tested, and found no inhibition on microbial growth and performance.CaCr2O4 (Cr (III)), mainly generated through the decomposition of CaCrO4 (Cr (VI)), is a significant intermediate for toxic Cr (VI) formation during solid fuel combustion. In this study, the formation, oxidation and sulfation kinetics of CaCr2O4 were analyzed to forecast the potential of CaCr2O4 oxidation during co-firing of coal and solid waste in a circulating fluidized bed boiler. The results indicated that the formation and oxidation of CaCr2O4 were fitted to a single step nucleation and growth model while CaCr2O4 sulfation was fitted to a shrinking core model. CaCr2O4 formation through CaCrO4 decomposition was favored in oxygen-lean atmosphere and considerably suppressed in the presence of oxygen. In contrast, CaCr2O4 oxidation was mainly determined by the contacts between CaCr2O4 and CaSO4/CaO, which influenced not only oxidation rates but also the product species. Moreover, the oxidation reactivity of CaCr2O4 was higher in the presence of CaO than that of CaSO4. On the other hand, CaCr2O4 sulfation can occur more easily than CaCr2O4 oxidation, the reaction rate of which was deeply affected by sulfate product layer. Findings in this study suggested that spraying calcium in furnace for desulphurization may increase the risk of CaCr2O4 oxidation. Measures including the adjustment of Ca/S ratio in blended fuel (with added limestone) and operating conditions (such as temperature and local atmosphere) in co-firing system could be taken to control CaCr2O4 formation and oxidation.Plastic particles are thought to accumulate in aquatic organisms and cause potential physiological effects. The uneven sizes of plastic particles may affect the ingestion by marine filter feeding bivalves and may lead to differential further physiological effects. To tackle this scientific question, we investigated the size dependent ingestion and dynamic accumulation of nano/micro plastic particles with different diameters (0.07, 0.5, 5, 10 and 100 μm) in the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus. The accumulation of particles in gill, digestive tract and mantle of mussels was measured after 3, 15, 87 h exposure and following 87 h depuration. The results showed that particle ingestion was negatively size dependant and positively related to time in digestive tract. In mantle, particles accumulated over the depuration time with a delay, indicating the translocation of particles. Moreover, our results showed that gill was not a target tissue for steady particle accumulation but the digestive tract was. read more This study showed size dependent and dynamic ingestion of nano/micro particles in mussels which are one of the main marine organisms for accumulating microplastics.
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