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Ready-to-drink protein refreshments: Connection between take advantage of necessary protein attention and kind on flavoring.
Significant regional inequalities call for investments in Digital Health.
Significant regional inequalities call for investments in Digital Health.
To evaluate the National Immunization Program Immunization Surveillance System, based on its Vaccination Record module, for Brazil in 2017.

This was a descriptive study using the Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/Atlanta/GA/United States) to evaluate the attributes of simplicity, flexibility, data quality, sensitivity, timeliness and usefulness of the system for six vaccines on the child immunization schedule.

The Immunization Surveillance System was considered complex in its description; flexible to changes in the immunization schedule; of poor data quality for the DTP and rotavirus vaccines; regular acceptability; high sensitivity for the BCG vaccine; untimely for the hepatitis B vaccine and useful for the purposes of the National Immunization Program.

The data quality, acceptability and timeliness results were not satisfactory, so that actions are needed to enhance the information system.
The data quality, acceptability and timeliness results were not satisfactory, so that actions are needed to enhance the information system.
To analyze the process of creating the HIV Testing and Counselling Center in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu, in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

qualitative research, with a historical approach. The direct sources consisted of written documents and 11 oral testimonies.

in order to create this Testing and Counselling Center, investment was made in the implementation of a Municipal Management Unit for the STD/AIDS Program; in the elaboration of the Project for the Creation of the Testing and Counselling Center; in the process of attracting, selecting and training human resources; and choosing the right place for its operation.

the nurse who coordinated this investment had the support of the authorities of that municipality and had an authorized speech on HIV/AIDS in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu; planned each stage of this service and used effective strategies to create the Testing and Counselling Center.
the nurse who coordinated this investment had the support of the authorities of that municipality and had an authorized speech on HIV/AIDS in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu; planned each stage of this service and used effective strategies to create the Testing and Counselling Center.
to understand how the therapeutic itineraries of people affected by leprosy are processed.

this is a descriptive, qualitative study, conducted in April 2018 in Barão de Grajaú in Maranhão, with interviews in the form of narratives of seven patients who had a late leprosy diagnosis.

the search for diagnosis is a major difficulty in accessing health services, resulting in a late diagnosis and, consequently, with the presence of visible deformities. It was noticed that the health units do not have a flow, nor protocols for comprehensive treatment, and these people are referred to a referral unit in another state to perform sputum smear microscopy.

leprosy control actions need reformulations that seek the relationship between operational activities, epidemiological indicators and risk factors, in accordance with the real needs of each region, thus highlighting the gaps evidenced in the therapeutic itineraries.
leprosy control actions need reformulations that seek the relationship between operational activities, epidemiological indicators and risk factors, in accordance with the real needs of each region, thus highlighting the gaps evidenced in the therapeutic itineraries.
to identify feelings, experiences, and expectations of kidney transplant patients, generated from the diagnosis of chronic renal disease until the post-transplant period, highlighting the challenges for nurses to incorporate individualized care to cope throughout the disease process.

qualitative, descriptive research, carried with seven kidney transplant patients, in the city of Manaus, State of Amazonas. The data analysis followed the methodological referential of Bardin's content analysis.

the diagnosis of the disease was experienced negatively, and hemodialysis was described as an imprisonment and health decline. The transplant meant an improvement in quality of life. The main difficulties were lack of a specialized hospital and low immunity.

the nurses' approach of chronic renal patient and with the renal transplantation favored the discovery of solutions facing the demands of the disease and allowed greater capacity to implement individualized care, surrounding a relationship of trust and respect.
the nurses' approach of chronic renal patient and with the renal transplantation favored the discovery of solutions facing the demands of the disease and allowed greater capacity to implement individualized care, surrounding a relationship of trust and respect.
to analyze the life and career of Anayde Corrêa de Carvalho and her contributions to nursing in Bahia.

oral history of her life and documentary research, with thematic content analysis.

three categories were found Personal Trajectory of Anayde Corrêa de Carvalho; The School of Nursing of Bahia; and School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo and Brazilian Nursing Association.

this study made it possible to analyze the life of an ethical and committed nurse, who dedicated herself to nursing education and research and contributed significantly to the construction of the image and development of nursing as a profession in Bahia.
this study made it possible to analyze the life of an ethical and committed nurse, who dedicated herself to nursing education and research and contributed significantly to the construction of the image and development of nursing as a profession in Bahia.
to build and validate three clinical simulation scenarios and report the application with candidates for the specialist's degree in stomatherapy.

methodological study, building three scenarios and evaluation checklists; content validation with judges, using content validity index and Modified Kappa Coefficient; pre-test and application.

scenarios built based on nursing care for 1. insufficiency and venous ulcer; 2. demarcation of intestinal stomia; and 3. Clean intermittent catheterization. In the content validation of the 24 items appreciated, 83%, 80%, and 92% were validated without change. In the pre-test, the objectives and checklists were adjusted. In the application, to standardize the evaluation, actors and evaluators were trained previously, and each candidate passed the three stations.

scenarios built and with validated content, based on evidence and covering the three areas of stomatherapy. find more The pre-test allowed for adjustments in the scenarios, and the candidates achieved the expected objectives.
scenarios built and with validated content, based on evidence and covering the three areas of stomatherapy. link2 The pre-test allowed for adjustments in the scenarios, and the candidates achieved the expected objectives.
to discuss specific laws and public policies for workplace violence in the health sector, highlighting possibilities for the collective confrontation of this phenomenon in Brazil.

this is a reflective and argumentative study that refers to some previous experiences regarding the implementation of legal aspects to curb workplace violence directed at health professionals.

there are experiences regarding the existence of legislation or public policies to specifically contain workplace violence in the health sector, but these are still restricted to some places or countries. The literature provides resources for developing specific strategies for managing this phenomenon, highlighting prevention programs and conducts for case management.

implementation of legal aspects or public policies at the municipal, regional, state and/or national level is a strategy with potential to confront workplace violence in health services in a collective and sustainable way.
implementation of legal aspects or public policies at the municipal, regional, state and/or national level is a strategy with potential to confront workplace violence in health services in a collective and sustainable way.
to reflect on the daily life of family members dependent on psychoactive substances and the role of health professionals in Primary Care.

a descriptive investigation outlined in Maffesoli's phenomenological approach, carried out at a Basic Health Unit in Minas Gerais with eight family members dependent on psychoactive substances. Sociodemographic characterization data and in-depth interviews were collected and analyzed with support of NVivo Pro11® software. link3 All ethical and legal aspects were met.

physicians were the professionals most mentioned in participants' statements, who took on a dubious role with other health professionals welcoming (positive perceptions about care received) and neglect (negative perceptions).

dependence on psychoactive substances imposes a burden on persons, their family members and health professionals. The role of establishing good relationships in the triad professionals-users-family members of primary care is inseparable in favor of treatment and preservation of their mental health.
dependence on psychoactive substances imposes a burden on persons, their family members and health professionals. The role of establishing good relationships in the triad professionals-users-family members of primary care is inseparable in favor of treatment and preservation of their mental health.
to analyze the insertion of environmental issues in the postgraduate stricto sensu in nursing in Brazil.

quali-quantitative research, of exploratory approach, with documental research in the Sucupira Platform and in sites of the 112 courses stricto sensu in Nursing in Brazil, in 2018. We analyzed the curricular matrixes; course menus; teaching profile; dissertations and thesis (2004-2016); and bibliographic productions of the four-year evaluation 2013-2016. The analysis of quantitative data was performed by statistical methods; and qualitative data, by the Content Analysis Technique, outlined by Bardin.

the results demonstrate incipiency in the treatment of environmental issues. Regarding the theme, we highlight those that refer to socio-historical-cultural aspects in relation to the more direct environmental approach and facilitator of environmental conservation and consequent promotion of health.

The analysis allows identifying the fragility of the environmental approach in the analyzed programs, being necessary to improve the cross-sectionality of environmental issues.
The analysis allows identifying the fragility of the environmental approach in the analyzed programs, being necessary to improve the cross-sectionality of environmental issues.
to evaluate hospitalization costs of patients with and without Healthcare-Associated Infections an Intensive Care Unit.

a retrospective case-control study. Data collection was retrieved from the medical records of Intensive Care Unit of a medium-sized public hospital in Goiás-Brazil. For each case, two controls were selected. Data on socioeconomic, clinical, and hospital costs were collected. To verify associations between variables, Odds Ratio and linear regression were calculated.

a total of 21 patients diagnosed with Healthcare-Associated Infections and 42 controls were evaluated. The hospitalization cost for patients with infection was four times higher than for non-infection patients (p-value<0.001). There was an association between infection and higher mortality (p-value <0.001), longer hospital-stay (p-value =0.021), and higher hospital costs (p-value =0.007).

hospitalization costs of diagnosed Healthcare-Associated Infections patients are high compared to those who do not have this diagnosis.
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