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Throughout vitro induction and identification involving polyploid Neolamarckia cadamba plant life simply by colchicine treatment method.
Coping strategies adopted included problem-focused coping (seeking alternatives, self- and other-preservation), seeking social support, avoidance, and positive appraisal of the situation. CONCLUSION Amid the range of psychosocial responses seen in past infectious disease outbreaks, practical considerations for the current COVID-19 pandemic need to focus on the individual in the context of the larger social environment, with an emphasis on raising awareness of the range of possible psychosocial responses, access to psychological help, self- care, empowering self-support groups and sustained engagement with updated, reliable information about the outbreak.INTRODUCTION Perinatal transmission remains one of the important causes of the transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Over the years, with better knowledge and awareness of HIV, the perinatal transmission rate has been significantly reduced. We previously reported on the pregnancy outcomes of HIV-positive mothers from 1997 to 2007 in our institution. This paper aims to review standards of care of HIV-positive pregnant women since then. METHODS A retrospective study reviewed 84 HIV-positive women who delivered in a tertiary centre from January 2008 to December 2015. Patient demographics and antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal and immediate neonatal data were analysed. RESULTS There were a total of 97 deliveries with 98 neonates. 12 women delivered more than once and there was one set of twins. Mean maternal age at diagnosis of HIV was 27.8 years. Of the study population, 63.1% of women were non-Singaporeans. 56 women were known to have HIV on presentation and 90.7% were on antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy. 88.7% of the women received intrapartum intravenous zidovudine, and 93.1% of women with detectable and 58.7% with undetectable viral load underwent Caesarean sections. All neonates were HIV-negative. CONCLUSION Having high standards of care for HIV-positive women has successfully reduced our perinatal transmission rate to zero.INTRODUCTION Bariatric surgery is considered an effective treatment for weight loss and improving the metabolic profile of obese patients. Obesity-related comorbidities such as hyperlipidaemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) are significant cardiovascular risk factors. Additionally, statins have increased the onset of DM in prospective clinical trials, and many obese patients are on statins. We retrospectively examined the effect of bariatric surgery on lipid profile, DM control and weight loss at five years’ follow-up. METHODS A total of 104 patients (n = 104) undergoing bariatric surgery in 2008–2012 were retrospectively studied. 36 patients were on preoperative statins. Their lipid profile, DM control and weight loss were examined at the one-year and five-year follow-up. RESULTS Both high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and triglyceride levels showed significant improvement at the one-year and five-year follow-up (p = 0.01). Total cholesterol showed significant improvement at the one-year follow-up (−0.30 mmol/dL, p = 0.0338); however, better control was not sustained at the five-year follow-up (−0.15 mmol/dL, p = 0.133). Low-density lipoprotein did not show any considerable improvement at the one- and five-year follow-up (−0.27 mmol/dL, p = 0.150; −0.24 mmol/dL, p = 0.138, respectively). There was a statistically significant improvement in DM control in these patients and in those on preoperative statins. Weight loss was sustained at one and five years. CONCLUSION Bariatric surgery does not confer a uniform improvement in lipid profile in the long term. It does, however, induce efficient weight loss and improvement in diabetic profile, even in those on preoperative statins.INTRODUCTION Stroke patients with underlying chronic kidney disease (CKD) and those on haemodialysis have complex rehabilitation needs. The survival and functional outcomes of these patients are limited. This study aimed to review post-stroke survival and functional outcomes following rehabilitation in patients with CKD and those on haemodialysis. METHODS The study involved a retrospective analysis of consecutive stroke patients with underlying CKD (stages G3b, G4 and G5; n = 30) and those on dialysis at the time of stroke (n = 7), who underwent in-patient rehabilitation between June 2008 and May 2017. The mean duration of follow-up was 56 months. Demographic details, associated comorbidities and laboratory parameters were reviewed. Baseline and follow-up scores of the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and Functional Independence Measure (FIM), and demise dates were analysed. RESULTS Of the 37 consecutive stroke patients (mean age 64.7 years), 34 had ischaemic stroke and three had haemorrhagic transformation. Significant improvements in NIHSS and FIM scores were observed from the time of admission to post discharge. Older age, longer duration of hospital stay, lower estimated glomerular filtration rate and low haemoglobin levels were all significantly related to mortality. CONCLUSION Despite significant functional and neurological improvements following rehabilitation, stroke patients with underlying CKD had higher average duration of hospital stay, more recurrent hospitalisations and poorer survival outcomes than those without underlying CKD. This could be attributed to the complications associated with CKD rather than stroke. Multidisciplinary community rehabilitation may be an alternative to reduce recurrent hospitalisations and morbidity in this group of patients.A 53-year-old man presented with high fever and a non-productive cough but had no recent travel history. He deteriorated clinically very rapidly and was intubated. The endotracheal tube microbiological culture isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae. On chest computed tomography, the presence of mixed ground-glass airspace opacities, patchy consolidation and a ‘crazy paving’ appearance was atypical for Klebsiella infection. As there was also a lack of cavitating nodules, lymphadenopathy and pleural effusion, atypical pneumonia due to COVID-19 was diagnosed. Selleck URMC-099 The patient tested positive for COVID-19. He was isolated and subsequently English, Spanish El futbol americano es considerado uno de los deportes con el mayor número de lesiones y participantes a nivel institucional, tanto en universidades públicas y mayormente en privadas, además de ser un deporte en el cual los jugadores se encuentran expuestos a mayor contacto y demanda física. Ante esta situación, es importante que tanto los equipos deportivos como los deportistas integren y trabajen en conjunto con un fisioterapeuta para recibir una mejor atención, tratamiento y prevención de lesiones deportivas, esto con la finalidad de obtener un mejor beneficio a lo largo de su trayectoria deportiva, mejorar su rendimiento deportivo, calidad de vida y reducir el riesgo de incidencia de lesiones. En México, el futbol americano tiene varios años generando un impacto mediático y social cada vez mayor en diferentes universidades; sin embargo, existe una falta de conocimiento documentado sobre los niveles de capacidad física y las características de los jugadores mexicanos que compiten al máximo nivel, lo cual pudiera dar la pauta a entrenadores y directivos para la toma de decisiones en el plano deportivo o administrativo. Considerando la escasa información que existe en la literatura sobre las lesiones de futbol americano en población de enseñanza media superior en nuestro país, se realizó el presente trabajo con el objetivo de determinar la proporción, el tipo de lesiones y las secuelas que han presentado los jugadores de futbol americano de la Universidad del Valle de México, Campus Cuernavaca.In this paper, we aimed to provide professional guidance to practising gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopists for the safe conduct of GI endoscopy procedures during the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and future outbreaks of similar severe respiratory tract infections in Singapore. It draws on the lessons learnt during the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic and available published data concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. It addresses measures before, during and after endoscopy that must be considered for both non- infected and infected patients, and provides recommendations for practical English, Spanish Introducción la tuberculosis (TB) es una enfermedad infectocontagiosa y curable que es producida por el complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis; afecta tanto a hombres como a mujeres de cualquier edad. Objetivo caracterizar casos de TB presentados en la Delegación Michoacán del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), en el periodo 2015 2018. Material y métodos estudio transversal, observacional y analítico. Se incluyeron casos con expediente clínico con información completa, registrados en el Sistema de Información de Vigilancia Epidemiológica, del 2015 al 2018, en la Delegación Michoacán. Se obtuvo estadística descriptiva, medidas de frecuencia y asociación utilizando XMH y chi cuadrada. Resultados se encontraron 328 casos de TB, 56% eran hombres; el grupo más afectado fue el de 65 años o más con 20%; 28% fueron amas de casa; 32% tenía la primaria; 30% eran de la jurisdicción Lázaro Cárdenas; 70% tuvo TB pulmonar; 88% se curó; 25% estaban asociados a diabetes; la asociación a TB pulmonar con algunos factores de riesgo fue 1.24 veces mayor en jubilados XMH = 2.02, RM = 2.74, chi cuadrada p = 0.03 (IC 95% 1.03 7.30); 1.15 veces mayor en hombres XMH = 1.97, RM = 1.61 chi cuadrada p = 0.04 (IC 95% 1.00-2.60), y 1.21 veces mayor en el grupo de 65 años o más XMH = 2.34, RM = 2.21, chi cuadrada p = 0.01 (IC 95% 1.12-4.35). Conclusiones los resultados de este trabajo son un punto de partida para prevenir, diagnosticar, controlar y dar seguimiento a los casos de TB a nivel delegacional en el English, Spanish Introducción la sepsis es una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad en neonatos. Objetivo identificar los factores de riesgo para sepsis neonatal en una unidad de neonatología durante los meses de marzo a octubre del año 2016. Métodos estudio de casos y controles. Los factores analizados fueron a) factores neonatales como tipo de parto, sexo, peso al nacimiento, edad gestacional, criterios de síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, tipo de sepsis (temprana o tardía) y resultado de hemocultivo; b) métodos invasivos como cateterismo central, nutrición parenteral total, cateterismo umbilical y ventilación mecánica y; c) factores maternos como número de controles prenatales, infección durante el embarazo, ruptura prematura de membranas, edad materna y fiebre materna. Se utilizó razón de momios (RM) para determinar asociación. Resultados para el desarrollo de sepsis temprana, los factores de riesgo significativos fueron el desequilibrio termodinámico, la taquicardia y la fiebre materna. Respecto a la sepsis tardía se encontraron asociaciones significativas para el desequilibrio termodinámico, el uso de cateterismo umbilical, la ventilación mecánica y los controles prenatales insuficientes. Conclusión el desequilibrio termodinámico, la taquicardia, la ventilación mecánica, el cateterismo umbilical, la fiebre materna y los controles prenatales insuficientes fueron los probables factores de riesgo significativos asociados a sepsis neonatal.
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