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Simultaneous radio-ulnar cannulation: shifting gears through 'feasibility' for you to 'applicability'.
We extend the theory of parametric noise amplification to the case of transmission systems employing multiple optical phase conjugators, demonstrating that the excess noise due to this process may be reduced in direct proportion to the number of phase conjugation devices employed. We further identify that the optimum noise suppression is achieved for an odd number of phase conjugators, and that the noise may be further suppressed by up to 3dB by partial digital back propagation (or fractional spans at the ends of the links).Thin-film resonant absorbers for the far-IR spectral range were fabricated, characterized, and modeled. The 3-μm-thick structure comprises a periodic surface array of metal squares, a dielectric spacer and a metallic ground plane. Up to 95% absorption for the fundamental band at ~53.5μm wavelength (5.6 THz) is achieved experimentally. Absorption bands are independent of the structure period and only weakly dependent on polarization and incident angle. The results are well explained in terms of standing-wave resonances within individual metal-dielectric-metal cavities. The structure has application as a wavelength selective coating for far-IR bolometers.Extraordinary transmission (ET) through a periodic array of subwavelength apertures on a perfect metallic screen has been studied extensively in recent years, and has largely been attributed to diffraction effects, for which the periodicity of the apertures, rather than their dimensions, dominates the response. The transmission properties of the apertures at resonance, on the other hand, are not typically considered 'extraordinary' because they may be explained using more conventional aperture-theoretical mechanisms. This work describes a novel approach for achieving ET in which subwavelength apertures are made to resonate by lining them using thin, epsilon-negative and near-zero (ENNZ) metamaterials. The use of ENNZ metamaterials has recently proven successful in miniaturizing circular waveguides by strongly reducing their natural cutoff frequencies, and the theory is adapted here for the design of subwavelength apertures in a metallic screen. We present simulations and proof-of-concept measurements at microwave frequencies that demonstrate ET for apertures measuring one-quarter of a wavelength in diameter and suggest the potential for even more dramatic miniaturization simply by engineering the ENNZ metamaterial dispersion. The results exhibit a fano-like profile whose frequency varies with the properties of the metamaterial liner, but is independent of period. It is suggested that similar behaviour can be obtained at optical frequencies, where ENNZ metamaterials may be realized using appropriately arranged chains of plasmonic nanoparticles.An ultra-compact rotational symmetric lens with double freeform surfaces based on the edge-ray principle is designed in this paper. The lens redistributes light emitting from a Lambertian LED light source to achieve uniform illumination within the target area. The initial design is optimized for optics compactness under structural constraints and illumination requirement using the genetic algorithm. A design for the double-freeform-surface lens with a height of the optics system h = 12.56 mm for a circular LED source with a diameter D = 10 mm is demonstrated for uniform illumination within 45° and thus achieves optics compactness h/D = 1.256, which is half of that achieved by the single-freeform-surface lens. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate cost The Monte-Carlo ray-tracing result shows an illumination circular area with a clear cut-off at R = 1000 mm at the target plane in a distance H = 1000 mm. The uniformity within the target illumination area is greater than 0.9 and the light output efficiency is as high as 0.9865.We study light-extraction efficiency (LEE) of AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (DUV-LEDs) using flip-chip (FC) devices with varied thickness in remaining sapphire substrate by experimental output power measurement and computational methods using 3-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (3D-FDTD) and Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations. link2 Light-output power of DUV-FCLEDs compared at a current of 20 mA increases with thicker sapphire, showing higher LEE for an LED with 250-μm-thick sapphire by ~39% than that with 100-μm-thick sapphire. In contrast, LEEs of visible FCLEDs show only marginal improvement with increasing sapphire thickness, that is, ~6% improvement for an LED with 250-μm-thick sapphire. 3D-FDTD simulation reveals a mechanism of enhanced light extraction with various sidewall roughness and thickness in sapphire substrates. Ray tracing simulation examines the light propagation behavior of DUV-FCLED structures. The enhanced output power and higher LEE strongly depends on the sidewall roughness of the sapphire substrate rather than thickness itself. The thickness starts playing a role only when the sapphire sidewalls become rough. The roughened surface of sapphire sidewall during chip-separation process is critical for TM-polarized photons from AlGaN quantum wells to escape in lateral directions before they are absorbed by p-GaN and Au-metal. Furthermore, the ray tracing results show a reasonably good agreement with the experimental result of the LEE.The temporal evolution of in situ second-harmonic generation was employed to study domain dynamics during periodic poling in Rb-doped KTP. With this method we investigated the influence of various poling parameters, including electric-field pulse shape, pulse magnitude, and number of pulses, on the quality of the QPM structure. It was found that the grating formation can be a sub-millisecond process and the benefits of using symmetric triangular electric-field pulse shape over square pulse shape in the single-pulse poling regime were demonstrated. Multiple-pulse poling with triangular pulses was shown to have a detrimental effect on the QPM structure quality, while multiple square pulses can provide additional flexibility to the structuring process.Narrow-linewidth and low phase noise photonic microwave generation under sideband-injection locking are demonstrated using an 8-μm-radius AlGaInAs/InP microdisk laser subject to optical injection and optoelectronic feedback. link3 Microdisk laser subject to external optical injection at the period-one state provides the microwave subcarrier seed signal, and the optoelectronic feedback serves as direct current modulation to stabilize and lock the generated microwave signal without using the electrical filter. High-quality photonic microwave signals are realized with the 3-dB linewidth of less than 1 kHz and the frequency tunable range from 8.8 to 17 GHz. Single sideband phase noise of -101 dBc/Hz is obtained at a frequency offset of 10 kHz for the generated 14.7 GHz signal. Furthermore, the dependences of photonic microwave signal on the optical injection and optoelectronic feedback parameters are investigated.We report the sensing characteristic based on plasmon induced transparency in nanocavity-coupled metal-dielectric-metal waveguide analytically and numerically. A simple model for the sensing nature is first presented by the coupled mode theory. We show that the coupling strength and the resonance detuning play important roles in optimizing the sensing performance and the detection limit of sensor, and an interesting double-peak sensing is also obtained in such plasmonic sensor. In addition, the specific refractive index width of the dielectric environment is discovered in slow-light sensing and the relevant sensitivity can be enhanced. The proposed model and findings provide guidance for fundamental research of the integrated plasmonic nanosensor applications and designs.This work explores and evaluates the effect of diffuse light reflection on the accuracy of indoor localization systems based on visible light communication (VLC) in a high reflectivity environment using a received signal strength indication (RSSI) technique. The effect of the essential receiver (Rx) and transmitter (Tx) parameters on the localization error with different transmitted LED power and wall reflectivity factors is investigated at the worst Rx coordinates for a directed/overall link. Since this work assumes harsh operating conditions (i.e., a multipath model, high reflectivity surfaces, worst Rx position), an error of ≥ 1.46 m is found. To achieve a localization error in the range of 30 cm under these conditions with moderate LED power (i.e., P = 0.45 W), low reflectivity walls (i.e., ρ = 0.1) should be used, which would enable a localization error of approximately 7 mm at the room's center.We report the monolithic integration of a 15-channel multiplexer on indium phosphide. It covers the 7.1-to-8.5 µm wavelength range suitable for combining the outputs of several individual lasers. The fabrication is compatible with the growth of active layers, therefore enabling a fully integrate broadband laser source in the mid-infrared spectral range. Channels are accurately spaced in wavelength (97 nm) in good agreement with design.A high-power optically-pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser (VECSEL) generating 10.5 W of cw output power at 615 nm is reported. The gain mirror incorporated 10 GaInNAs quantum wells and was designed to have an emission peak in the 1230 nm range. The fundamental emission was frequency doubled to the red spectral range by using an intra-cavity nonlinear LBO crystal. The maximum optical-to-optical conversion efficiency was 17.5%. The VECSEL was also operated in pulsed mode by directly modulating the pump laser to produce light pulses with duration of ~1.5 µs. The maximum peak power for pulsed operation (pump limited) was 13.8 W. This corresponded to an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 20.4%.Based on the Legendre polynomials expressions and its properties, this article proposes a new approach to reconstruct the distorted wavefront under test of a laser beam over square area from the phase difference data obtained by a RSI system. And the result of simulation and experimental results verifies the reliability of the method proposed in this paper. The formula of the error propagation coefficients is deduced when the phase difference data of overlapping area contain noise randomly. The matrix T which can be used to evaluate the impact of high-orders Legendre polynomial terms on the outcomes of the low-order terms due to mode aliasing is proposed, and the magnitude of impact can be estimated by calculating the F norm of the T. In addition, the relationship between ratio shear, sampling points, terms of polynomials and noise propagation coefficients, and the relationship between ratio shear, sampling points and norms of the T matrix are both analyzed, respectively. Those research results can provide an optimization design way for radial shearing interferometry system with the theoretical reference and instruction.A novel in-band OSNR monitor is proposed and experimentally demonstrated for WDM signal. By using a Lyot-Sagnac interferometer, the monitor realized OSNR measurement from 7.5~25 dB (within an accuracy of ± 0.5 dB) for 4-channel 40 Gbaud NRZ-QPSK signals, without requirement for prior knowledge of the noise-free coherence properties of signal. Further investigation proved that this OSNR monitor had high tolerance to chromatic dispersion (0~1152 ps/nm), first-order polarization mode dispersion (0~100 ps), and polarized noise. Moreover, the monitor worked very well even with input optical power as low as -8.24 dBm, and also worked in in C-band. Theoretical analysis and experimental results prove that it is capable of measuring OSNR for polarization-division-multiplexing signals.
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