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Erratum for you to worked out tomography-based opportunistic osteoporosis examination: analysis of two applications with regard to back vertebral volumetric navicular bone nutrient thickness sizes.
This study aimed to measure the contribution of each body segment to the production of total body kinetic energy (KE) during a 40-m sprint. Nine recreational sprinters performed two 40-m sprints wearing a MVN Biomech suit (Xsens). Data recorded were used to calculate total body KE, and the KE of each segment. The KE of each segment was then expressed as a percentage of the total body KE. We divided the sprint into three phases 1 - start to maximal power (Pmax), 2 - Pmax to maximal velocity (Vmax), and 3 - Vmax to the end of the 40 m. Total body KE increased from the start to the end of the 40-m sprint (from 331.3 ± 68.4 J in phase 1 to 2378.8 ± 233.0 J in phase 3; p ≤ 0.001). The contribution of the head-trunk increased (from 39.5 ± 2.4% to 46.3 ± 1.1%; p ≤ 0.05). Contribution of the upper and lower limbs decreased over the three phases (respectively from 15.7 ± 2.5% to 10.6 ± 0.6% and from 44.8 ± 2.1% to 43.1 ± 1.5%; p ≤ 0.05). This study revealed the important contribution of the trunk to forward propulsion throughout the entire acceleration phase.Impaired degradation of the transcriptional coactivator YAP1 and IL6ST (interleukin 6 cytokine family signal transducer), two proteins deregulated in liver cancer, has been shown to promote tumor growth. Here, we demonstrate that YAP1 and IL6ST are novel substrates of chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and hepatocyte cell lines. Knockdown of the lysosomal CMA receptor LAMP2A increases protein levels of YAP1 and IL6ST, without changes in mRNA expression. Additionally, both proteins show KFERQ-dependent binding to the CMA chaperone HSPA8 and accumulate into isolated lysosomes after stimulation of CMA by prolonged starvation. We further show that LAMP2A downregulation promotes the proliferation and migration in HCC cells and a human hepatocyte cell line, and that it does so in a YAP1- and IL6ST-dependent manner. Finally, LAMP2A expression is downregulated, and YAP1 and IL6ST expression is upregulated, in human HCC biopsies. Taken together, our work reveals a novel mechanism that controls the turnover of two cancer-relevant proteins and suggests a tumor suppressor function of CMA in the liver, advocating for the exploitation of CMA activity for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.Abbreviations ACTB actin beta; ATG5 autophagy related 5; ATG7 autophagy related 7; CMA chaperone-mediated autophagy; eMI endosomal microautophagy; HCC hepatocellular carcinoma; HSPA8 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8; IL6ST interleukin 6 cytokine family signal transducer; JAK Janus kinase; LAMP1 lysosomal associated membrane protein 1; LAMP2A lysosomal associated membrane protein 2A; MAPK8 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8; P6 pyridine 6; SQSTM1 sequestosome 1; TUBA tubulin alpha; VDAC1 voltage dependent anion channel 1; VP verteporfin; YAP1 Yes1 associated transcriptional regulator.
Equitable protocols to triage life-saving resources must be specified prior to shortages in order to promote transparency, trust and consistency. How well proposed utilitarian protocols perform to maximize lives saved is unknown. We aimed to estimate the survival rates that would be associated with implementation of the New York State 2015 guidelines for ventilator triage, and to compare them to a first-come-first-served triage method.

We constructed a simulation model based on a modified version of the New York State 2015 guidelines compared to a first-come-first-served method under various hypothetical ventilator shortages. We included patients with SARs-CoV-2 infection admitted with respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation to three acute care hospitals in New York from 3/01/2020 and 5/27/2020. We estimated (1) survival rates, (2) number of excess deaths, (3) number of patients extubated early or not allocated a ventilator due to capacity constraints, (4) survival rates among patients not allitarian goals these protocols are designed to fulfill. Quantifying these outcomes can inform a better balance among competing moral aims.
Large amounts of capital are currently being invested in genomics companies across the "bench to clinic pipeline" - companies which are now shaping the future of biomedicine globally. Understanding the perspectives of people who work in such companies can contribute to shaping this industry in service of just and equitable futures of medicine.

Using in-depth interviews as the primary method, this paper analyzes perspectives on ethical and social issues in private sector genomics expressed by members of the commercial genomics industry in the US.

Interviewees described a wide range of issues as pressing ethical concerns in commercial genomics. Key themes included concerns about diversity in genetic datasets, data governance and control, and pricing and profits in the industry. However, concern about diversity of datasets was not accompanied by expressions of concern about diversity in the industry workforce.

Most interviewees described concerns in the industry that are rather removed from their own worubsector may provide a means for the private sector genomics industry to become a leader in ethics in the biosciences and a model for equity in our current moment of late capitalism.Background Epidemiological research has indicated higher polysubstance use among individuals who misuse opioids in the United States. Polysubstance use is also associated with multiple emergency department (ED) engagements in intervention services. Less is known about polysubstance use among individuals who use opioids or were engaged in an ED setting as part of an opioid recovery intervention program. Examining emerging patterns of polysubstance use among individuals who use opioids may help shape policy and practice around developing drug markets and social norms. Merbarone clinical trial The objective of this study was to understand subpopulations who demonstrated distinct patterns of polysubstance use among participants in an ED Opioid Overdose Recovery Program (OORP) in New Jersey. Method This study investigated patterns of polysubstance use among participants in a New Jersey OORP using latent class analysis (LCA; N = 1690; 70.2% male; 84.7% White non-Hispanic; meanage = 35.72 ± 11.95). Multinomial logistic regression analyses examined latent class (LC) membership based on clinically relevant indicators. Results Five latent classes were identified (Model fit L2 = 33.76, BIC = 4482.69, AIC = 4245.01, and the bootstrap L2p-value =0.27; standard R2 value of 0.85). Multinomial logistic regression analyses showed that subgroups with the greatest odds of prior OORP engagement related to those participants in subgroups with heroin and polysubstance use. Conclusion It is critical to examine the heterogeneity among people engaging in prescription opioid use and polysubstance use in the United States. This study represents an important contribution in identifying polysubstance use LC membership groups and associations with clinically relevant indicators among those engaged in an opioid recovery program. Results can be valuable in understanding the nature of the larger epidemic and how it can be addressed.Background US local health departments (LHDs) have faced the COVID-19 pandemic and the opioid epidemic simultaneously. This article investigates the perceived impact of COVID-19 on the continuation of locally available services for addressing opioid use disorder (OUD). Methods A national survey of US LHDs was conducted from November to December 2020. The survey asked key personnel in LHDs about the availability of OUD services in their jurisdiction, and how COVID-19 impacted such availability (i.e., whether terminated or continued at a reduced, the same, or an increased level after the arrival of COVID-19). Proportions for each impact category were estimated for prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery services. Logistic regression tested for rural-urban and regional differences in perceived service impact. Results An 11.4% (214 out of 1873) response rate was attained. Of the returned surveys, 187 were used in the analysis. Reported terminations were generally low, especially for treatment services. School-based prevention initiatives had the highest termination rate (17.2%, 95% CI = 11.4-25.1%). Prevention services had the highest proportions for continuing at a reduced level, except for recovery mutual help programs (53.9%, 95% CI = 45.2-62.4%). LHDs reported continuing services at an increased level at a higher frequency than terminating. Notably, 72.2% (95% CI = 62.7-80.0%) continued telehealth/telemedicine options for OUD at an increased level, and 23.8% (95% CI = 17.8-31.1%) and 10.0% (95% CI = 5.7-16.7%) reported doing the same for naloxone distribution and medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), respectively. More harm reduction services were continued at the same versus at a reduced level. Service continuation differed little between rural-urban LHDs or by region. Conclusions The impacts of COVID-19 on OUD service availability in LHD jurisdictions may depend on the specific area of opioid response while the long-term consequences of these changes remain unknown.Background Patients report that familial support can facilitate initiation and maintenance of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). However, providing such support can create pressure and additional burdens for families of people with opioid use disorder (OUD) and HIV. We examined perspectives of people with HIV receiving treatment for OUD in Vietnam and their family members. Methods Between 2015 and 2018, we conducted face-to-face qualitative interviews with 44 patients and 30 of their family members in Hanoi, Vietnam. Participants were people living with HIV and OUD enrolled in the BRAVO study comparing HIV clinic-based buprenorphine with referral to methadone treatment at 4 HIV clinics and their immediate family members (spouses or parents). Interviews were professionally transcribed, coded in Vietnamese, and analyzed using a semantic, inductive approach to qualitative thematic analysis. Results Family members of people with OUD and HIV in Vietnam reported financially and emotionally supporting MOUD initiation and maintenance as well as actively participating in treatment. Family members described the burdens of supporting patients during opioid use, including financial costs and secondary stigma. Conclusions Describing the role of family support in the lives of people living with OUD and HIV in the context of Vietnam enriches our understanding of their experiences and will support future treatment efforts targeting the family unit.Safe and efficacious COVID-19 vaccines exist, but their success against the disease depends on public willingness to receive them. Vaccine hesitancy is one major obstacle to the achievement of herd immunity. On 25 June 2021, about 2000 supporters of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) (the third biggest political party in South Africa) marched to the offices of the national regulatory authority (NRA) supporting COVID-19 vaccination and demanding approval of two additional vaccines (Sputnik V and Sinovac) in South Africa. The march was led by EFF leader, Julius Malema. By then, only three COVID-19 vaccines had received emergency use authorization in the country-the Janssen, AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNtech vaccines. It is worth noting that NRAs should only approve a vaccine if they are satisfied that its benefits outweigh any potential risks and not through political pressure. Nevertheless, we believe that this march might have increased COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and uptake among EFF supporters. The endorsement of COVID-19 vaccines by Malema, an influential political figure in South Africa, probably convinced some vaccine hesitant South Africans that COVID-19 vaccination is important.
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