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What is a Duress Alarm?
Duress alarms are security devices designed to detect threats. Common places they are found include hospitals and medical facilities, police departments, business offices, convenience stores and schools.

Duress alarms can be invaluable tools in situations where calling 911 could escalate the threat or upset someone, such as when working alone in dangerous conditions or when travelling alone to places without reliable cell coverage. They're especially beneficial to lone workers.
They are used by the elderly

Duress alarms are personal safety devices designed to connect users quickly with help at the push of a button. Duress alarm These alarm systems come in various forms such as wall-mounted buttons, wearable pendants and mobile apps that are monitored by a central station that alerts other of an emergency and dispatch assistance accordingly. Some duress alarms even feature auto-dialing functionality allowing users to specify who they want contacted, then easily update this list.

Personal duress alarms are essential tools for workers in remote or dangerous environments, including health care professionals like doctors and nurses, social workers, psychologists, pathologists and aged care workers. Furthermore, security personnel might use them in dangerous situations or people working late at night or outside normal business hours.

Under duress situations, workers might use their duress alarm button to inform a manager or request help from emergency services like police or ambulance. Companies should create duress policies and procedures that ensure employees know what steps to take if something threatens their wellbeing; such policies should also be easily accessible as part of the induction process.

Not only can many systems feature duress alarms, but many also offer man down and no response alerts to notify headquarters if a worker becomes injured or incapacitated and activate the device from any location within a building; voice activation allows workers to make sure their emergency is heard and understood.
They are ideal for lone workers

Duress alarms provide peace of mind to lone workers by offering the assurance that help is only one click away. They're particularly beneficial to people working at night or outside business hours. Furthermore, these devices can also be utilized by those handling high-risk customers such as dealing drugs or caring for patients who are sick, incapacitated, or distressed - personal duress alarms enable these professionals to check-in prior to entering properties before calling for assistance if the situation becomes threatening.

These discreet yet mobile alarm devices can be worn discreetly on the body or pocket and provide access to a response centre, where trained personnel can identify potential threats and arrange assistance accordingly. In some instances, duress alarms even feature two-way systems so users can speak directly to those on the other end and vice versa.

As this device relies on mobile phone networks for operation, employees in remote areas may need to reposition themselves so that it can pick up a signal. Some also feature no response and man down alerts - something which may prove invaluable for lone workers in potentially hazardous environments until help arrives.

Worker in remote or dangerous environments should be trained on how to use a duress button and their supervisors should understand its usage and procedure for calling for assistance. Training should include role-playing a dangerous situation while practicing how to activate it.
They are silent

if you are in immediate physical danger, activating a duress alarm may help protect you. These silent alarms can be remotely activated to allow for maximum safety during a crisis situation; activating it also relieves stress by giving peace of mind knowing help will soon arrive.

Duress alarms can be useful tools for workers exposed to high levels of danger, including healthcare and social care workers, security officers and those working in hazardous environments such as construction sites or mining operations. Elderly people also frequently find them helpful; alarms allow them to better communicate with family and caregivers during emergencies.

When purchasing a duress alarm, make sure it is user-friendly. People in extreme stress tend to forget complicated procedures quickly; therefore, select an alarm with simple controls such as pressing a button or entering a number into a phone app for instantaneous activation. Furthermore, consider purchasing mobile alarm systems so users can bring it with them wherever they go.

An individual under threat should press their duress alarm when feeling they are being threatened in any way - whether that be from patients, family members or animals turning aggressive, medical care needs being provided urgently or theft occurring - duress alarms provide peace of mind that help is on its way and help users feel less stressed out during stressful moments.
They are easy to use

Duress alarms are straightforward devices that can be activated with just the push of a button, linked to a monitoring center that sends out a duress alert and notifies police of the situation. Some devices even allow people in distress to talk directly with a care consultant through their phone if necessary - this feature is especially helpful if someone feels threatened by violence. Alarms can be set either audibly or silently according to circumstances, with certain alarms providing a "man down feature" which alerts the police when no response from them within a specific period.

Remote and lone workers may benefit from having a duress alarm, particularly those working late at night or outside business hours. A back-to-base monitoring system ensures that help is sent immediately if they find themselves in an unsafe situation; they could also use panic buttons as emergency signalling devices that inform authorities as well as employees around them of an immediate crisis situation.

Resolution Education's comprehensive occupational violence training can assist organisations in reviewing policies and establishing efficient procedures, while role playing is an invaluable way of practicing potentially hazardous scenarios and determining who should be contacted upon the arrival of security staff or police officers.

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