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Microspio moorei (Gravier, 1911), described from Admiralty Bay, King George Island (Antarctic Peninsula), has not been recorded since the original description, based on a single specimen, the holotype. Thus, subsequent comments and observations about the species have been made based only on the original description and with no information on morphological variations of the species. A re-description of this species is presented based on new material collected from a bay near the type locality, with detailed descriptions and illustrations of morphological characters. A key to all species of Microspio Mesnil, 1896 is provided. This research was part of the Colombian Antarctic Program, in collaboration with the Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH).We describe two new species of Brazilian geckos of the genus Phyllopezus based on morphological and molecular data. selleck inhibitor The first species is currently known from a relictual Cerrado enclavecampos rupestres, in the mountains of the Serra do Espinhao in the state of Bahia. The second species is known from northeastern Atlantic Forest and transitional areas with Caatinga biome in the state of Alagoas. The two new species are sister taxa and together are the sister clade to the remaining species in the Phyllopezus pollicaris species complex. These new species can be morphologically distinguished from their congeners by meristic and morphometric characters, in addition to color pattern and genetic differentiation.A collection of 16,521 barcoded phorid flies from rea de Conservacin Guanacaste (ACG) in northwestern Costa Rica contains 1,498 recognized BINs (Barcode Index Numbers) in the BOLD database. These BINs were identified to genus, based on photographs, and the collection was found to be composed largely (893/1,498=60%) of specimens of the enormous genus Megaselia Rondani. The nine most common ACG Megaselia, represented by 100 or more specimens each, are briefly described, and diagnosed largely based on DNA barcodes. This study is a prelude and pilot to naming the many less-common species in a similar format.A new species of the New World genus Trivialia Malloch from Peru is described and illustrated, along with discussion of unusual head morphology in Lauxaniidae. This new species represents an odd case where only a single known species in an otherwise non-dimorphic genus displays extreme sexual dimorphism.In this study, three species of the genus Eteoryctis Kumata Kuroko, 1988 are recognized from Korea. Among them, E. minimus sp. nov. is described as new to science. Also, one species, E. picrasmae Kumata Kuroko, 1988 is reported for the first time from Korea. Adults and genitalia of all species are described and illustrated. Also, a key to the species of Eteoryctis in Korea is presented.Bronchocela hayeki (Mller, 1928) is one of the rarest species of the genus, known only from a handful of museum specimens from five locations in North Sumatra, and often confused with its similar congener, B. cristatella, which occurs widely throughout the Indonesian Archipelago and Peninsular Malaysia. Here, we examined the morphology of B. hayeki based on museum specimens, and redescribe the species based on a freshly collected series near the type locality, as the condition of its neotype is not in a good state. We studied the characters of B. hayeki with a morphometric comparison to its sympatric congener B. cristatella and allopatric congener, B. jubata from Sumatra Island, Indonesia. Based on the current distribution pattern and the apparent threats, we update the conservation status of B. hayeki using IUCN Red List Criteria and propose that it be considered as an Endangered (EN) species endemic of northern Sumatra including Aceh. We also provide a key to the recognized Bronchocela species, based on examined material and literature.The present article deals with the report of 7 suctorian epibiont species viz. Thecacineta calix, Actinocyathula homari, Loricophrya bosporica, L. cf. stresemanni, Acinetides gruberi, Trematosoma rotunda and Brachyosoma sp. on benthic meiofauna collected from the deep Arabian Sea (> 1000 m). The data on the distribution and host prevalence of found species are discussed. The finds of other deep-sea ciliate species are also mentioned.The study deals with new record of species bush-cricket Platycleis albopunctata (Goeze, 1778) from Kargil, Ladakh, India. The species is reported from fodder (alfalfa) and cereal (barley) crops of Kargil, Ladakh. Illustrations and morphometric ranges of reported species have been provided. All specimens have been deposited in the Zoology Department, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.Mystus irulu, new species, is described from the Netravathi River system from the Western Ghats of Karnataka. It differs all South Asian congeners in having a uniformly black colour pattern, a long-based adipose fin reaching the base of the last dorsal-fin ray anteriorly, dorsal fin with convex dorsoposterior margin, and the following combination of characters body depth at anus 19.922.3 % SL, dorsal-fin spine length 17.518.7 % SL, adipose-fin base 34.238.4 % SL, caudal peduncle depth 10.611.9 % SL and eye diameter 27.237.1 % HL.Body size is perhaps the most important trait for organism biologists, as it is associated with a myriad of ecological, evolutionary, behavioral, morphological, physiological and life-history aspects (e.g., rates of molecular evolution, metabolic rates, predation, reproduction), and with extinction risk. There are, however, several measures commonly used to quantify organism body size. Within ectothermic tetrapods, the most common measures include snout-vent length (SVL, mostly in lizards), and total length (TL, in most snakes). In endotherms, however, and especially in mammals, body mass is the most common measure of size.In the mate finding system of bush-crickets, acoustical signals play a central role. Here we review and describe the bioacoustics of Hetrodini, a morphologically uniform group of Tettigonioidea with a distribution centered in Africa. The male calling songs are produced by tegmino-tegminal stridulation. In all species, these fore wings are completely covered by the pronotum (invisible in intact specimens) and lack the glossy mirror cells which are well-known from many other singing Ensifera. Concerning spectral composition, the broad frequency peak and the parts with the most energy lie in the high audio or low ultrasonic range. In amplitude modulation, the songs are relatively simply structured and contain only one type of syllables each. These syllables consist of heavily dampened impulses (non-resonant song) and are arranged in long series of echemes (chirps) or trills. As far as it is known, syntopic species differ in syllable and/or echeme repetition rates. In contrast to the uniform morphology, the karyotypes are surprisingly diverse with chromosome numbers ranging from 2n = 29 to 17 and one of two sex determination systems X0 and neo-XY. In our opinion, taxonomically the group is at the moment at best considered as a tribe incertae sedis (without subfamily classification) within Tettigoniidae (not Tettigoniinae sensu OSF).Data on the caddisfly fauna of Algeria are incomplete and the available information concerns only some regions. In the present contribution, new distribution data on Trichoptera in El Harrach Wadi are given. Sampling campaigns were conducted during 20102013 at 10 sampling sites where eleven species were collected as follows Hydropsyche fezana Navs 1935, H. incognita Pitsch 1993, H. lobata McLachlan 1884, H. maroccana Navs 1936, H. obscura Navs 1928, H. resmineda Malicky 1977, Hydropsyche sp., Cheumatopsyche sp., Diplectrona sp., Oxyethira sp., and Rhyacophila munda McLachlan 1862. The record of H. incognita Pitsch 1993a is new for Algeria and the Maghreb.Four new species of lycosids from Iran are described Lycosa soboutii sp. n. (, Zanjan Province), Karakumosa golestanica sp. n. (, Golestan Province), K. sarvari sp. n. (, Razavi Khorasan Province), and K. yahaghii sp. n. (, South Khorasan Province). Karakumosa shmatkoi Logunov Ponomarev, 2020 (, Razavi Khorasan Province) is reported from Iran for the first time, and its male is redescribed.Several surveys were conducted between 2010 and 2012 in the Brazilian range Serra do Espinhao, a highly biodiverse region extending more than 1000 km in the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais. We report in this paper eight species of the genus Neoseiulus Hughes collected on natural, non-cultivated, vegetation. Two of these species are described, illustrated and proposed as new taxa, N. cipoensis sp. nov. and N. diamantinus sp. nov. New morphological information as well as host-plants and geographical distribution are provided for six additional species, N. benjamini (Schicha), N. californicus (McGregor), N. goiano Demite, Cavalcante Lofego, N. idaeus Denmark Muma, N. melinis Lofego Moraes, and N. tunus (De Leon).A new family, Qinococcidae Wu, fam. n., is established for the species Qinococcus podocarpus gen. n. and sp. n., collected from southern China under the bark of Podocarpus macrophyllus (Podocarpaceae). The adult female and male, egg, and all immature instars including the male pupa of Q. podocarpus sp. n. are described and illustrated. The new family is diagnosed mainly on the adult male possessing an inverted -like post-tergite and unusual venation of the fore wing, with a pterostigma, posterior cubital vein and bifurcate anterior flexing patch. A key to all the developmental stages is provided.The phyllophorids Phyllophorella robusta, Selenkiella siamense and Cladolella virgo, as well as the sclerodactylid Clarkiella discoveryi, are the type species of their respective genera, all described by Heding Panning (1954) and each known only from a single specimen, were revisited in order to reassess their morphology by means of optical and electron microscopy, and micro-computed tomography. Additionally, a new species of phyllophorid is described, the fourth of the genus Thorsonia.Ischnura elegans malikovae ssp. n. is described from the southern Far East of Russia (type locality Russia, Primorskiy Kray, Pozharskiy District, Luchegorsk Town, the Luchegorsk Reservoir). Reconsideration of literature suggested it to broadly range in East Asia including Korea, Japan (Hokkaido and northernmost Honshu), north and north-east China and to be hitherto mistaken for Ischnura elegans elegans (Vander Linden, 1820) in Japan. The main difference of the new subspecies from I. e. elegans is the male paraprocts that are about 1.5 times shorter and scarcely divaricating in dorsal view and directed obliquely upward in lateral view. Ischnura elegans ebneri Schmidt, 1938 is reconsidered as the presumably Anterior Asian subspecies characterised by scarcely or not diverging male paraprocts in dorsal view, versus strongly diverging in I. e. elegans. Based on scarce information in the literature, I. elegans marquardti Schmidt, 1938 is supposed to be a junior synonym of I. elegans ordosi Bartenev, 1912 stat. rev., which is suggested to be an eastern Central Asian subspecies characterised by an incised prothoracic process in males.The gigantea group is one of the six species groups of the genus Colocasiomyia Meijere, 1914 (Diptera, Drosophilidae). All the nine known species of this group breed on inflorescence/infructescence of host plants of the subfamily Monsteroideae (Araceae) and are geographically restricted to the Oriental region seven species found exclusively from Rhaphidophora spp. in southern China, and the remaining two from Sabah (host plant Scindapsus coriaceus) in Borneo or from West Java (host plant Epipremnum pinnatum). In the present paper, a new member of the gigantea group, C. daiae sp. nov., is described, with adult specimens and eggs collected from inflorescences of Scindapsus maclurei in Hainan, China and larvae and pupae reared from field-collected eggs in the laboratory.
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