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Reddit Users' Encounters regarding Thoughts of suicide In the COVID-19 Outbreak: A new Qualitative Investigation regarding r/Covid19_support Blogposts.
We give a prescriptive representation of all-multiplicity two-loop maximally-helicity-violating (MHV) amplitude integrands in fully-color-dressed (nonplanar) maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.We propose a mechanism called axiogenesis where the cosmological excess of baryons over antibaryons is generated from the rotation of the QCD axion. The Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry may be explicitly broken in the early Universe, inducing the rotation of a PQ charged scalar field. The rotation corresponds to the asymmetry of the PQ charge, which is converted into the baryon asymmetry via QCD and electroweak sphaleron transitions. In the concrete model we explore, interesting phenomenology arises due to the prediction of a small decay constant and the connections with new physics at the LHC and future colliders and with axion dark matter.Generation of quasiparticle-hole pairs in gapped graphene monolayers in the combined field of two counterpropagating light waves is studied. The process represents an analog of electron-positron pair production from the vacuum of quantum electrodynamics (QED) by the Breit-Wheeler effect. We show, however, that the two-dimensional structure of graphene causes some striking differences between both scenarios. In particular, contrary to the QED case, it allows for nonzero pair production rates at the energy threshold when the Breit-Wheeler reaction proceeds nonlinearly with absorption of three photons.We consider the paradigm of an overdamped Brownian particle in a potential well, which is modulated through an external protocol, in the presence of stochastic resetting. Thus, in addition to the short range diffusive motion, the particle also experiences intermittent long jumps that reset the particle back at a preferred location. Due to the modulation of the trap, work is done on the system and we investigate the statistical properties of the work fluctuations. We find that the distribution function of the work typically, in asymptotic times, converges to a universal Gaussian form for any protocol as long as that is also renewed after each resetting event. When observed for a finite time, we show that the system does not generically obey the Jarzynski equality that connects the finite time work fluctuations to the difference in free energy. Nonetheless, we identify herein a restricted set of protocols which embraces the relation. In stark contrast, the Jarzynski equality is always fulfilled when the protocols continue to evolve without being reset. We present a set of exactly solvable models, demonstrate the validation of our theory and carry out numerical simulations to illustrate these findings. Finally, we have pointed out possible realistic implementations for resetting in experiments using the so-called engineered swift equilibration.We study a method to simulate quantum many-body dynamics of spin ensembles using measurement-based feedback. By performing a weak collective measurement on a large ensemble of two-level quantum systems and applying global rotations conditioned on the measurement outcome, one can simulate the dynamics of a mean-field quantum kicked top, a standard paradigm of quantum chaos. We analytically show that there exists a regime in which individual quantum trajectories adequately recover the classical limit, and show the transition between noisy quantum dynamics to full deterministic chaos described by classical Lyapunov exponents. We also analyze the effects of decoherence, and show that the proposed scheme represents a robust method to explore the emergence of chaos from complex quantum dynamics in a realistic experimental platform based on an atom-light interface.In this Letter we discuss new soft theorems for the Goldstone-boson amplitudes with nonvanishing soft limits. The standard argument is that the nonlinearly realized shift symmetry leads to the vanishing of scattering amplitudes in the soft limit, known as the Adler zero. This statement involves certain assumptions of the absence of cubic vertices and the absence of linear terms in the transformations of fields. For theories which fail to satisfy these conditions, we derive a new soft theorem which involves certain linear combinations of lower point amplitudes, generalizing the Adler zero statement. We provide an explicit example of the SU(N)/SU(N-1) sigma model which was also recently studied in the context of U(1) fibrated models. The soft theorem can be then used as an input into the modified soft recursion relations for the reconstruction of all tree-level amplitudes.We report constraints on the dark photon effective kinetic mixing parameter (κ) with data taken from two p-type point-contact germanium detectors of the CDEX-10 experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory. The 90% confidence level upper limits on κ of solar dark photon from 205.4 kg-day exposure are derived, probing new parameter space with masses (m_V) from 10 to 300  eV/c^2 in direct detection experiments. Considering dark photon as the cosmological dark matter, limits at 90% confidence level with m_V from 0.1 to 4.0  keV/c^2 are set from 449.6 kg-day data, with a minimum of κ=1.3×10^-15 at m_V=200  eV/c^2.The fine interplay between the simultaneous stretching and confinement of amyloid fibrils is probed by combining a microcapillary setup with atomic force microscopy. Single-molecule statistics reveal how the stretching of fibrils changed from force to confinement dominated at different length scales. System order, however, is solely ruled by confinement. Coarse-grained simulations support the results and display the potential to tailor system properties by tuning the two effects. These findings may further help shed light on in vivo amyloid fibril growth and transport in highly confined environments such as blood vessels.The 2D Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor hopping on the square lattice and an average of one electron per site is known to undergo an extended crossover from metallic to insulating behavior driven by proliferating antiferromagnetic correlations. We study signatures of this crossover in spin and charge correlation functions and present results obtained with controlled accuracy using the diagrammatic Monte Carlo approach in the range of parameters amenable to experimental verification with ultracold atoms in optical lattices. The qualitative changes in charge and spin correlations associated with the crossover are observed at well-separated temperature scales, which encase the intermediary regime of non-Fermi-liquid character, where local magnetic moments are formed and nonlocal fluctuations in both channels are essential.It has recently been indicated that the hexagonal manganites exhibit Higgs- and Goldstone-like phonon modes that modulate the amplitude and phase of their primary order parameter. Here, we describe a mechanism by which a silent Goldstone-like phonon mode can be coherently excited, which is based on nonlinear coupling to an infrared-active Higgs-like phonon mode. Using a combination of first-principles calculations and phenomenological modeling, we describe the coupled Higgs-Goldstone dynamics in response to the excitation with a terahertz pulse. Besides theoretically demonstrating coherent control of crystallographic Higgs and Goldstone excitations, we show that the previously inaccessible silent phonon modes can be excited coherently with this mechanism.The Rényi entanglement entropy in quantum many-body systems can be viewed as the difference in free energy between partition functions with different trace topologies. We introduce an external field λ that controls the partition function topology, allowing us to define a notion of nonequilibrium work as λ is varied smoothly. Nonequilibrium fluctuation theorems of the work provide us with statistically exact estimates of the Rényi entanglement entropy. This framework also naturally leads to the idea of using quench functions with spatially smooth profiles, providing us a way to average over lattice scale features of the entanglement entropy while preserving long distance universal information. We use these ideas to extract universal information from quantum Monte Carlo simulations of SU(N) spin models in one and two dimensions. The vast gain in efficiency of this method allows us to access unprecedented system sizes up to 192×96 spins for the square lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet.Surface acoustic waves (SAW) have been utilized to investigate the properties of a two-dimensional electron system subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field and monochromatic microwave radiation in the regime where the so-called microwave-induced zero-resistance states form. Contrary to conventional magnetotransport in Hall bar and van der Pauw geometries, the collimated SAW beam probes only the bulk of the electronic system exposed to this wave. Clear signatures appear in the SAW propagation velocity, corroborating that neither contacts nor sample edges are a root source for their emergence. By virtue of the directional nature of this probing method and with the assistance of theoretical modeling, we were able to demonstrate that the SAW response depends on the angle between its propagation vector and the orientation of domains that spontaneously form when zero-resistance is observed in transport. This confirms in unprecedented manner the formation of an inhomogeneous phase under these nonequilibrium conditions.A remarkable feature of quantum many-body systems is the orthogonality catastrophe that describes their extensively growing sensitivity to local perturbations and plays an important role in condensed matter physics. Here we show that the dynamics of the orthogonality catastrophe can be fully characterized by the quantum speed limit and, more specifically, that any quenched quantum many-body system, whose variance in ground state energy scales with the system size, exhibits the orthogonality catastrophe. Our rigorous findings are demonstrated by two paradigmatic classes of many-body systems-the trapped Fermi gas and the long-range interacting Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick spin model.Much of our knowledge about dynamics and functionality of molecular systems has been achieved with femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy. Despite extensive technical developments over the past decades, some classes of systems have eluded dynamical studies so far. Here, we demonstrate that superfluid helium nanodroplets, acting as a thermal bath of 0.4 K temperature to stabilize weakly bound or reactive systems, are well suited for time-resolved studies of single molecules solvated in the droplet interior. By observing vibrational wave packet motion of indium dimers (In_2) for tens of picoseconds, we demonstrate that the perturbation imposed by this quantum liquid can be lower by a factor of 10-100 compared to any other solvent, which uniquely allows us to study processes depending on long nuclear coherence in a dissipative environment. Furthermore, tailor-made microsolvation environments inside droplets will enable us to investigate the solvent influence on intramolecular dynamics in a wide tuning range from molecular isolation to strong molecule-solvent coupling.We examine how the magnetic susceptibility obtained by the quench experiment on isolated quantum systems is related to the isothermal and adiabatic susceptibilities defined in thermodynamics. Under the conditions similar to the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis, together with some additional natural ones, we prove that for translationally invariant systems the quench susceptibility as a function of wave vector k is discontinuous at k=0. Moreover, its values at k=0 and the k→0 limit coincide with the adiabatic and the isothermal susceptibilities, respectively. We give numerical predictions on how these particular behaviors can be observed in experiments on the XYZ spin chain with tunable parameters, and how they deviate when the conditions are not fully satisfied.
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